
Well Known Member
For those with catto 3 blade props......what spinner and backplate did you use?

My kit came with the spinner and backplate for a CS prop. I ordered the s-605 backplate for a fixed pitch prop but found that it is too small for the spinner. So, it looks like I will have to get another spinner or use the CS spinner and backplate that I have.

I also notice that the prop extension, the standard black one from Vans, does not mate flush with the ring gear disk on the engine, there is about a .25 gap.

The holes in the backplates, both the fp and cs models, are two small to fit onto the prop extension.

Any advice from those who have gone before would be appreciated.
Get them from Craig

I got the backplate, the forward bulkhead and the spinner from Craig. He cuts them and marks a #1 on each for alignment. I also had the black 1/8 crush plate and the 4" extension already. I used the Saber extension and bolts.
Van's standard spinner parts.

I used all the standard parts from Van's. Everything worked great.