
Well Known Member
Hey builders,

it's time to set the order for my wings so I don't feel an emptiness after finishing the empennage kit.
What should I add to my slow build wing kit order?
Tie down rings?
Acro fuel pick up tubes (don't know how they are called)?
Fuel Tank Sealant?
Some long parts from the fuselage to save some shipping dollars?
Which capacitive fuel level sensors do you use?

Thanks a lot!

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Definitely get tank sealant; last I checked Van's carries it about the same price as Spruce et al... but you get twice as much for your money. It's also a good time to get spare longerons if you want to get them.

Fuel pickup tubes (standard or aerobatic) are a good idea to order now. Won't hurt to get the tiedown rings either.
Hi Bob,
When do you need the spare longerons?
What do you have to fu** up to need them? :)
Which part numbers do they have?
Hi Bob,
When do you need the spare longerons?
What do you have to fu** up to need them? :)
Which part numbers do they have?

The spare longerons would be for the fuselage--your wing kit will ship with the two you need (they're in the box with the spars) but many people like to order a spare or two with the wings, in case they misdrill something or mess up the bending process, or accidentally cut them short or use them up making other parts. At least, that's what I read about here. I didn't order spares and haven't needed them.

As far as part numbers I don't know--just now realized this is the -14 forum and I have a -7. You'd have to look on your plans.
The spare longerons would be for the fuselage--your wing kit will ship with the two you need (they're in the box with the spars) but many people like to order a spare or two with the wings, in case they misdrill something or mess up the bending process, or accidentally cut them short or use them up making other parts. At least, that's what I read about here. I didn't order spares and haven't needed them.

As far as part numbers I don't know--just now realized this is the -14 forum and I have a -7. You'd have to look on your plans.

Hallo Malte!

I know this doesn't really help but please wait until somebody with RV14 plans chimes in... The -7 has the longerons that are always suggested to order backup in case they don't turn out well. They are longest part in the entire kit, therefore a pain to ship, especially to Germany. Ask me how I know.... But the -14 has the tail cone with the empennage kit thus the fuselage is a 2 piece anyway. I a not sure if there is a longeron that goes all the way back... so either check the plans or wait for a 14 builder to help out... either way the longerons are just a piece of al. angle!

As far as tank sealant. Not sure if you are aware but the VANS tank sealant is not called "pro seal" but something different. What ever the name I forgot but it is made by a company is now owned by BASF.... I would guess that rings a bell... might be cheaper to source that stuff over here rather than shipping it in circles...
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Also, that tank sealant has an expiration date, doesn't last very long unless you refrigerate it. Not sure what freezing does, sure somebody has tried it.
The longerons for the RV-14 don't run the full length of the fuselage as in other RV models, so they aren't shipped with the wing kit...the aft longerons come with the tail kit and fwd longerons with the fuselage kit.
Consider ordering (if not included):
Wiring harnesses
Pitot / static system
Position / strobe lights
Landing lights
Things to consider.

If you are going to install auto pilot - servo.

I would also consider getting the aileron trim kit.

If installing a pitot with AOA, you are able to fabricate support structure.

It’s much easier to install these with the bottom wing skins off.
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Are the fuel level sensors included in any kit? Or do I have to order them seperately?
Which capacitive fuel sensor do you recommend?

(I settled for the standard plus a fuel flow sensor, I reason that it is the fuel flow sensor that give me the accuracy and that the fuel tank sensors are just there to catch a leak)

Which fuel flow sensor do you have?
Red cube

Your -14 kit will include a red cube fuel flow sensor. Truly, the -14 kit gets a bit of a rap on this board about cost; however, you will be pleasently surprised how much is included.