
Active Member
RV6A Lycoming O-360-A1A 180Hp fixed pitch. I currently have a prince p-tip and im thinking about changing.

My wants

  • Maximum Quiet and smoothness this is the most important for me, was thinking 3 blades for quiet and possibly wood for smoothness?
  • Weight: currently my propeller is around 12lbs and i need something that's heavier for CG issues
  • Looing for more of a cruise propeller but this is not super important
  • Must be fixed pitch

    I was originally looking at the Catto 3 blade but its so light. What are your thoughts?
Howdy Johnpaul,

If your highest priority is quiet and smooth, I think you were looking at the best option in the 3 blade composite Catto prop. To deal with the cg issue, you could contact Saber Manufacturing (817-326-6293) about a weighted crush plate (which you will need anyway). Most of the Catto props (speaking from memory here) use 7" aluminum crush plates but I believe that Saber can make you a heavier steel unit if you need the weight--give them a call.

I used to test props for Craig, have had MANY 3 blade tests units on my 180 hp RV9a and highly recommend them for simplicity, smoothness, performance, ---and they are BEAUTIFUL!!


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I have an RV7 with Catto 3-Blade and a 20 lb crush plate. Nice prop and performs well, with CG in a good range.
What’s wrong with the Prance? Do they not perform well? Have you tried balancing it? My Sensenich aluminum weighs 42 pounds and performs well..
RV6A Lycoming O-360-A1A 180Hp fixed pitch. I currently have a prince p-tip and im thinking about changing.

My wants

  • Maximum Quiet and smoothness this is the most important for me, was thinking 3 blades for quiet and possibly wood for smoothness?
  • Weight: currently my propeller is around 12lbs and i need something that's heavier for CG issues
  • Looing for more of a cruise propeller but this is not super important
  • Must be fixed pitch

    I was originally looking at the Catto 3 blade but its so light. What are your thoughts?
I’ve a hanger neighbor with a RV-6 & O-360 and prince prop. What’s not to like? Doesn’t run it in rain but otherwise keeps up fine with my -6A O360 C/S. He’s slower to climb and has trouble decending compared to my CS Hartzell but we have done formation flights together without issues.
For your CG issue, you can change to a steel crush plate to add weight. Call Sabre Mfg. They can make one to fit your need.
Smoothness, three blade is it, and has to be static and dynamic balanced.