
Here is what Phase I looks like on a Garmin G3X ... just in case anyone was wondering :D

Now if I can just figure out how to clear the tracks so I can see the map again :p

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Menu, Menu, Track Log, Menu, Clear Active Track.

Garmin changed it sometime ago. It keeps getting me too :mad:
I was expecting to see an airplane with the cowling and access plates removed and tools all over the wing, because what MY Phase I looked like! :D
Can?t see any oil leaks!

Bill, that?s too funny!!! Mine is looking similar but with different place names. Only 14 hours in, too. Darn weather...
Mine looks similar, kind of like a homework assignment from a Remedial Circle Coloring class. This is what 3090 NM, 224 gal of 100LL, 24 flights, 65 landings, 100 days and a 25 NM radius limit looks like.

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25nm radius, wow. I asked for and got a 50 x 75 nm chunk of airspace, but I'm also out here in west Texas and that chunk of airspace contained exactly 1 controlled field.
25nm radius, wow. I asked for and got a 50 x 75 nm chunk of airspace, but I'm also out here in west Texas and that chunk of airspace contained exactly 1 controlled field.

Canada's rules are simply a 25NM radius from the airport you're based in. I don't have any controlled fields in mine, my base has 24hr advisory services but isn't technically controlled. We also have a requirement for a flight plan (or itinerary) for any flight more than 25 NM from departure airport, so the radius on the test area makes it so we don't have to file any flight plans.
Looks like a good argument for a shorter test period of you are just turning circles to burn required time! If on the other hand you are actually performing flight test in those circles......
Looks like a good argument for a shorter test period of you are just turning circles to burn required time! If on the other hand you are actually performing flight test in those circles......

Definitely some time burning there. Some serious testing as well. Probably the biggest deliverable in the testing was the figuring out the throttle, prop and mixture settings for the various stages of flight and the resulting air speeds, climb and glide rates, fuel burn and CHTs. The time burning provided a great opportunity for that, and the auto pilot made for some nice patterns.
Not waisted time but I had about 15 hrs to fly off after I finished all my test cards and wished I could have gone someplace else just for some different runways to play with!

It is up to the DAR or FSDO agent. But you can ask. What we have done is pick out four airports 30-40 miles from the Base and ask for them to be our corners and permission to land at any airport in that box. Works
most of the time, if you put it in you written request form.

Just wat we have found, Yours, R.E.A. III # 80888