
Legacy Member
A discussion regarding a TW -10 on another thread got me thinking about what mods, changes, or new models people would be interested in seeing.

Here is my list:

1. High wing 2 or 4 place bush plane using the RV tail and a strut braced -9 wing. And yes, it would be a TW. (I can't help it, I like dirt/grass strips.)
2. Radial powered RV-6/7/9 (I just think it would look cool.)
Oh yea...

I have long dreamt of a quick disconnect (not jettisonable...an FAA no no) belly cargo pod shaped like a drop tank. It could be fabricated out of fiberglass or sheet metal and be available as a kit. The nose and tail cone should be hinged for access to things such as golf clubs or snow ski's.

Rick Galati RV-6A "Darla"
A completely pre-punched RV-4 kit

(like what you get with the current RV-7/7A kits) I will order the tail kit the day it's announced and build it light and simple.

Id love to see:
1.) the option to add additional OEM fuel tanks in each (RV9) wing.
2.) a heavy duty front strut (carbon composite?), larger wheels for grass strip use.
3.) standard non-Lycoming engine mounts for common automotive engines- esp Subi's and Mazda rotary.
4.) Better looking wing tips.
5.) an aluminum/fiberglass canopy, similiar to the RV-10s (I believe UV exposure is a major health hazard...)
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A completely pre-punched RV-4 kit

A completely pre-punched RV-4 kit
Same with the 3 kit. I would have built a 3 if it was pre-punched and "modernized". Also, I like the fact that the RV-12 will have removable wings. This is cool, and would be great to have on the other models, for those with hangar space issues.

How about a factory supported RV 82 like the one posted in the RV8 section. This would placate those wanting 4 seats, multi time, and be a major show pony anywhere it goes. CAW
1. Stiffer/ stronger nose gear leg like the RV10 has for 6A/ 7A/ 8A airframes.

2. More standard fuel in all RVs

3. Centerline thrust twin engined RV four seat, fixed gear ok. Need 220 knots cruise. Two 200 hp engines. Like to fly more in the mountains but I'm chicken with just one engine. Let's see, 400 hp, 1800-1900 lbs. empty- this would be fun! :)
convertible slider

Open cockpit convertible slider option, remove rear slider section (weather permitting) something that covers downward to keep the rear bulkhead from
tearing open, down towards the seatbacks (on the sidebysides) 2nd small windshield for the rear on the front to back, as a vans kit with leather helmets and gogles , scarfs, included.. :)

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I like that idea, especially with a 9 or 12 that fly particularly well slow.

I suspect that the wind blast at 200 mph is pretty nasty- its uncomfortable at 80 on a motorcycle for any period of time.

I ride my harley 80 with a windshield all the time not bad at all and its a shorter than stock windshield , now 130 to 140 things get more exciting :)

1) Factory pre-punched RV-4 kit (first & foremost)

2) DEFINITELY would love to see anyone bring the "RV-82" concept to fruition and offer it in kit form! :):):) Other than the original F-82, there's never been anything like it in the skies. Designing it as a straighforward all aluminum kit would allow the RV builder base to finally enjoy an extreme concept (previously relegated only to composite designs) using their established skill sets. Can't say enough about this one.

3) Radial power! As mentioned before, a radial engined RV design based around the very affordable and reliable Russian M-14P (325 - 450hp) would fill a huge niche in the homebuilt market. I absolutely love the design of the Radial Rocket, but unfortunatley it's a composite design. A radial powered RV resembling an oversized RV-8 would be the natural selection for every warbird fighter enthusiast who ever wanted to build a round-engined warbird but couldn't afford the price tag of an AT-6, Corsair, Thunderbolt, etc.
N941WR said:
1. High wing 2 or 4 place bush plane using the RV tail and a strut braced -9 wing. And yes, it would be a TW. (I can't help it, I like dirt/grass strips.)

Now your talking!!!

A taildragger ought to be a high wing!

Otherwise, if it's a low wing and doesn't have "retracts", then just put the wheel on the front! :)

L.Adamson -- RV6A
4-Place High-wing bush/float plane

A 4-Place High-wing bush/ski/float plane with Van's handling and reliability is what I'm hoping to see one day! The typical airport is full of Cessna 172, 180, 182 & 185's - mostly due simply to their all-round utility.

DeltaRomeo said:
a Prepunched RV4 (like what you get with the current RV-7/7A kits) I will order the tail kit the day it's announced and build it light and simple.
Ditto!!! I have to agree
Bunker Hill said:
3) Radial power! As mentioned before, a radial engined RV design based around the very affordable and reliable Russian M-14P (325 - 450hp) would fill a huge niche in the homebuilt market. I absolutely love the design of the Radial Rocket, but unfortunatley it's a composite design. A radial powered RV resembling an oversized RV-8 would be the natural selection for every warbird fighter enthusiast who ever wanted to build a round-engined warbird but couldn't afford the price tag of an AT-6, Corsair, Thunderbolt, etc.

We'd need elliptical empennage and wing tips to really do this justice IMO.
cobra said:
Id love to see: 5.) an aluminum/fiberglass canopy, similiar to the RV-10s (I believe UV exposure is a major health hazard...)

I'm no optics expert, but I believe that a good deal of UV is blocked by plexiglass. Regular glass blocks most UVB (burning) and some UVA (tanning). I found this out from my vet who told me that my iguana would not benefit from sitting by a window unless the glass was open. The little fella needs UV to metabolize vitamin D.

Steve Zicree
RV4 Wiring (and wishing I had installed ELT while turtle deck was open)
Alex said:
We'd need elliptical empennage and wing tips to really do this justice IMO.

Already been done - It's called a Radial Rocket, and was front and center at Oshkosh this year.

Plexiglass does not block any UV wavelengths; glass does block some of the tanning UV, but not the dangerous wavelengths that cause melanoma. The real problem is flying high exposed, without as much of the atmosphere to block the rays we have down low on the runway. I've lost a father and grandfather already to skin cancer (melanoma), and they were not pilots.

I prefer the forward visibility of the tip-up style, but Im thinking the slider will be a lot easier to engineer a better roof with. :confused:

I would like,

A RV3, and a RV4, and a RV8,.,.,Punched like the RV 10.
I would like a 4 place high wing to replace the C 185 from Vans Aircraft.
The RV high wing I am wishing for will be cheeper than the old C 180, C185 and be Exp = better and easer to repair ect.
I would like all pilots to learn the tail wheel first. It is no big deal.
Our Government is in the way. Lossen up!
Finally,, the FAA needs to let the owners of EXP airplanes make money from these aircraft and we will finally be on our way. Training, charter, photo, air taxi, what ever,.,.,...
cobra said:
Plexiglass does not block any UV wavelengths; glass does block some of the tanning UV, but not the dangerous wavelengths that cause melanoma. The real problem is flying high exposed, without as much of the atmosphere to block the rays we have down low on the runway. I've lost a father and grandfather already to skin cancer (melanoma), and they were not pilots.

I stand corrected Cobra. Very sorry to hear about your losses. All this talk about UV and the fact that my radio faceplate melted the other day have got me thinking. I see that the spraylat folks make their product in opaque colors as well as the clear that we use to protect our canopies. It occurs to me that a person could simply mask off all but the overhead portion of their bubble and shoot, brush or roll the stuff on. It would peel right off if unwanted but would do a good job of keeping our heads safer and our cockpits cooler. I know they already make removable sunshades, but I think with a good mask job this could look a lot slicker. Anybody ever try this?

Steve Zicree
Better Instructions.

How about some build instructions like the RV-10's for the -7, -8 & -9.

We seem to be managing with the instructions for the 9, but the instructions for the 10 wingtip landing lights I'm fitting ( for conspicuity only as we are only allowed day VFR in the UK) are incredibly clear & detailed.

replica warbird

First, to add my voice to those who have called for a prepunched -3 or -4. I ordered the RV-3 preview plans 2 years before I ordered the -8 plans. Like Doug Reeves, I'd order an empennage (-3 for me) the day they announce it.

Additionally, I'd like to see a good quality, true to form, replica warbird with the expected Vans price and performance. Thunder Mustang tried it ($$$) and Supermarine Aircraft is trying it ($$$, Australia, Complex), Others exist of course, but none with Van's experience.

My choice? Spitfire.
BRS -> Like the Cirrus!

A Ballistic Recovery System would do two things:

1. Give us added safety
2. Give all those passengers that are apprehensive a reason to get in the plane!

I would love to see a BRS as a supported option from Van's.

- Peter

PS - BRS (The Company) is actually based at my home field of SGS. I'm sure they would love the chance to design something for Van's.
I think I recall seeing a side-by-side RV at OSH with a BRS Chute System installed.

"I'm sure it will never happen but I would love to see a retractable gear RV."
Ed, Check out:

Lewis RV-4 with Retract Gear & 200hp. 89. 11. 94. Sport Aviation. Hoffman RV-4 - First in Mexico. 89. 10. 21. Sport Aviation. Lauritson '89 Grand Champ RV-4 ...

I remember an article or pic in either sport Avaiton or Kitplanes a few months back of an RV4 W/Retracts.
I remember reading about the "Lewis" retract system for the -4. As I remember, he bragged about weighing the "removed" gear and the "installed" gear and they weighed the same. Then later in the article he said that the support structure for the retract added 50#. This mod also moved the fuel tanks outboard making the fuel balance much more critical.
Mel said:
Then later in the article he said that the support structure for the retract added 50#. This mod also moved the fuel tanks outboard making the fuel balance much more critical.

Hmm. I hope he did his homework. Going from a design where the gear is on the fuselage to one where the gear is on the wing, and supposedly only adding 50 lbs of support structure, makes it sound like he just bolted the retract system on to the spar as is. (BTW how he can have a full 3 wheel retract system that weighs the same as the standard 4's fixed gear is a mystery too.) My gut tells me that the landing loads would necessitate more structure changes than that, even starting with a 6 G wing design. At any rate, it would still be interesting if someone could find out what his empty weight is, because that weight won't care what you classify as gear weight, or support structure weight, etc.
Retract RV4

iansrv6 said:
This link has pictures of a German RV4 with retracts

http://www.rvuk.co.uk/rvdetails/deskr.htm ...
I don't care about weight, I don't care about strength, all I know is this is the coolest RV on the planet. If I had the skills to do this on an RV8, I would. I really like this airplane, and I hope to see it someday. Klaus Roth knows the meaning of the word "experimental".
It's not so heavy that he can't haul passengers around. Might make for a real fun plane flown solo. :)

Someone should seriously consider refining Klaus' system into a marketable product.
retractable RV

There is at least one more retractable RV4 in the states. i don't have any good in-flight stills of it, but here is a little video snippet.


It belongs to Bob Gallagher (not the original builder) and has a gear sytem copied loosely from the Globe swift, with some later mods copied from a Yak-9, which shared a hangar with it for a while.

It is very cool, but basically limited to single seat operation. It has an angle-valve IO-360 with a lot of hot rodding, but still climbs and cruises slower than my stock RV8 with the same motor and prop.

The chicks do dig it though....

James Freeman
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80 lbs more?

I seem to remember an article about the German RV-4 RG and I think he said it was something like 80 lbs heavier than his RV-4 FG or something like that. The article talked about all the modification he had to make and the trouble he went through satifying the German version of the FAA.

What impressed me most was the trouble he went through to make the tail wheel retract. Most people would have stuck with the standard configuration.

The main gear and the gear doors remind me of a P-51. I sure wish I had the talent it took to design and build that thing!
Fuel for the RG Fire

Just to keep things rolling, check out these before and after Paint Shop photos of a very well known RV-8.



You can't deny the RG version would be sexier and more fighter-like!

I know, Van's motto is Keep it Simple, Keep it Light. But hey, this is way Cool!
A Google search turned up the July 2004 issue of Kit Planes for the article on the German RV-4 RG. Unfortunately I couldn't find any good write up about it, just forum talk like this.

If one of you has a copy of that issue, could you post some of the key numbers?

Any idea of how much faster it flys without wheels showing?

Just based on looks, I'd give it 20kts, but of course this is just fantasy (the 20kts and the above pics! JASC Photo Shop Pro 8 does wonders!)

But wouldn't it look sweet!
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Martorious said:
Just based on looks, I'd give it 20kts, but of course this is just fantasy (the 20kts and the above pics! JASC Photo Shop Pro 8 does wonders!)

But wouldn't it look sweet!
I seem to recall some article where they said in the end, there was not that much speed increase and that more could be achieved by cleanups of the basic config.

They do look slick though.

jclark said:
I seem to recall some article where they said in the end, there was not that much speed increase and that more could be achieved by cleanups of the basic config.

They do look slick though.


Yeah, I read online (can't remember where) that the German RV-4RG's performance numbers were similar to the standard variant. I think they attributed it to the extra weight of the gear/hyd fluid/pump setup.