
Well Known Member
is the RV 7 made of exactly. My mother in-law works at a local steel shop and is going to get me scraps to start practicing rivets and such on...thx all
Mostly aluminum!

The skins are 2024-T3 aluminum.
The extrusions are 6061-T6.
That's pretty much it!
For practicing, almost any aluminum will work.

For introducing prospective builders to riveting I keep some strips of hardware store aluminum laying around so they can try their hand at match drilling, deburring, dimpling, and riveting.
Speaking or back rivetting.....

...How many of you guys back rivetted the turtle deck skins on your 6, 7, 9?
A friend of mine did, on his -7A and looks fantastic......much smoother than rivetting from the outside.

back riveting

...How many of you guys back rivetted the turtle deck skins on your 6, 7, 9?
A friend of mine did, on his -7A and looks fantastic......much smoother than rivetting from the outside.


I'm not there yet, but helped a friend back rivet the fuse top skin on his 9A and it turned out great.
Back riveting

After I got some Brilles extended sets for my gun off Ebay(I have about five different types including bent and offset) I have just about back riveted the entire plane. Well everything that was practical. Prefer it over standard riveting-it's so much easier. My buddy, Fearless, and I have worked out a very good system and are doing his 9A this way as well. We did his tailcone and cabin area in two sessions of about 5 hrs each. The brilles 8" bent with square foot makes all the diffence in the world.
Mike H 9A/8A
...How many of you guys back rivetted the turtle deck skins on your 6, 7, 9?
A friend of mine did, on his -7A and looks fantastic......much smoother than rivetting from the outside.

I back riveted one wing and top riveted the other. To tell you the truth, I couldn't tell the difference so we top riveted all the rest of the plane. Of course, using my tungsten bucking bars really helped.

When I build my next RV, I will buy a 2X gun to use on the lighter skins. The 3X worked fine if you need to buy only one gun but I can really see where it would be nice to have both a 2X and 3X.