
Well Known Member
I was just wondering what empty weight some of the finished RV-10's were.
Please list some factors.

1. Engine used
2. prop used
3. equipment IFR-VFR ect.
4. Painted or unpainted.
5. Interior

I believe Vans s.n. 1 is about 1520 empty.

Thanks Jon
RV-6 flying
RV-10 building

I recently got into the business of weighing airplanes, and I weighed a guy's RV-10 earlier this week. It was 1600 lbs on the nose, IO-540, MT 3-blade composite, IFR, unpainted, leather interior.
I hate that list. Makes me look fat. Oh wait, I am :confused:

Thanks for the work on this Dan. Its quite a list now and growing.