
Well Known Member
Is there a country-wide war game exercise going on or something? There are Danger zones lining both coasts, and what looks like hundreds of TRF and warning areas dotting the entire country. What is going on?
Foreflight update - it now shows hot R-space and MOAs. Nothing new, it’s just that now you can see what’s hot or about to go hot.
The Restricted Areas 3005A-E, southwest of Savannah, are almost always hot. When you do get to fly through them, there's all these things you've never seen before...
Here is the blurb on the new graphical enroute NOTAMs shown in ForeFlight. They are all toggled ON by default. They can be all toggled off with one toggle, or each of them can be toggled off. Watch the short embedded video.

Global Graphical NOTAMs
Previously limited to Europe, Graphical enroute NOTAMs are now supported globally with the new NOTAMs map layer. NOTAMs are color-coded red, yellow, or gray based on type, severity, and active times. Additionally, with the NOTAMs layer enabled, you can selectively filter which types are shown using the new menu in Map Settings > NOTAMs Settings, with toggles for Exercises, Controlled Airspaces, Obstacles, and Other.
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And before I had ADSB and Foreflight there were hardly any other planes in the air. Now with ADSB there are so many more people flying! :D