
I'm New Here
Hi y’all, first time post, so I hope this is the right place to ask this...

My -14 empennage kit arrives on Wednesday, so I’m working through the training kit. I believe its titled “Doc Class Training”. Here is the link to it on Vans: Training Project

Anywhoo, what is this part used for? It doesn’t seem to be used to build the training project? I’m probably missing something completely obvious...

Thanks in advance.

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If you're talking about the L bracket and two sheets, it's a baby practice project. Figure 1 show you the rivet callouts, etc.
If you're talking about the L bracket and two sheets, it's a baby practice project. Figure 1 show you the rivet callouts, etc.

So its just to practice laying out the rivets ?manually?? (and callouts)

Just wanted to make sure I wasn?t missing something. Thanks!
Yup, non pre punched "old school" ;-)

Welcome to VAF and enjoy your -14!
Mike, welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D

Congrats on the 14!!

Thank you gentlemen! Been lurking for a long time, and finally had the opportunity to pull the trigger. So many smart people on this board. I?m looking forward to diving in. My toolbox project somewhat resembled a toolbox, so I got that goin? for me :D

Fly safe y?all
