
I'm New Here
Looking at DWG 28, on the aft side skin F-773, there is a rivet call-out that doesn't exactly match the rivet legend (triangle, but no center "dot") , and there is no pre-punched rivet hole in the highlighted location (F-702 bulkhead). I looked ahead in the written plans and don't see any reference. Does anybody know what this is, maybe a misprint? I'm pretty certain there is more to it, I'm just not seeing it. Thanks!


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I went back and looked at my plans (June 2009 vintage) and it shows the same thing. My pics of the build don't have enough detail to see the rivets in that area, and I don't remember any drama over that point so I'm afraid I can't help you much - except to say that if there is not a prepunched hole there, move on. That area just gets riveted to stiffeners and bulkheads, once you've got that covered there is not much more to do.
Thanks Greg. I didn't add a hole and just moved on, figured it will present itself when necessary. It is just an odd outlier, pressing on!
RV-9A Build


I don't know whether you live at the Airpark, but I do. I know your Dad and have built an RV-9A in the past, among several other RVs.

If you have any questions that I can help you with, don't hesitate in asking me, I'd be happy to give you some guidance.

Jake Thiessen
Tack rivet?

I built a -4, so I am not familiar with the -9, however it looks much like a tack rivet point for joining the frame/stringer assembly and would not be visible from the outside. I did a very similar rivet in my-4 at several locations, and this prevented me from drilling back through the underlying tack rivet. have you looked internally? I could see these being very important in the quick build facility.