
Well Known Member
I found this assembly the other day, and have no idea what it's for or even if it's an RV part. Can anyone identify what this is for me?

Check your drawings for securing the bottom of your cowl near (between) the exhaust outlets. That's what it looks like to me.
Attaches the center aft lower edge of the cowl to the firewall lower edge. Hangs between the two exhaust pipes.
I think this is for the old style nose gear. I dont use it for my 9A (ugly twin of 7A) with the new style nose gear
Ah that makes sense. I have the new style nose gear from the RV-10 that was updated for the 9A a few years ago. The kit I have (I took it over from a previous builder) had the original style solid front gear that I sold to another builder.
I'm looking at DWG 45 for RV-7 cowling installation. Nothing like it seen on that drawing...
it's in digital drawings on DWG 45 - "Exit air attach brackets" and to the right of it also "Detail K" (but yea, I am also not using it on my new style gear)