
Well Known Member
Simple question that might be burried within the reams of RV-8 "battery location" threads:

That is the recognized (per print) Fuselage Station for the rear mount battery tray?

The big Gill battery finally died so I replaced it with the much lighter PC680 and need to update the W&B. I can measure, but I would like to cross check with the blueprint callout.

I thought of that, but as an average, the rear shelf position is a bit more broad of a range than I'm looking for for a small battery. I know that my company has exact locations for all the fixed LRU's/equipment on the drawings. I figured Van would be similar.

Well, if there is no accepted position, I'll just measure and document in the logbook. If nobody has jumped on this thread yet, its unlikely someone down the road is going to have a comment about my calculation (which was my primary concern).
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The Battery Tray is wider than the PC680 - so the Moment will depend on where you install the PC680 on the tray ;) i.e. it is not as precise as an LRU, certainly at the Vans stage,
Understood. However, the "location" of the tray should be its CG.

Does Van callout a location for the tray, or is it up to the builder?
The plans and matched holes mean there is a designed position - but of course the builder can choose to follow the plans (or not), use other parts or modify the Vans ones.

I would think your plan to measure is the best - as a homebuilt / experimental I would think that is where the responsibility lies rather than the plans? Certainly Vans does not provide CG Arms for most fixed items - just variable load.
OK, having never seen Vans plans, I just figured everything was marked per industry standards (F.S, W.L, B.L).

I'll measure and roll on.