
Well Known Member
We have ordered a new Thunderbolt engine that should be here in a couple months and once it is installed we will put our current engine up for sale. Can those of you who track such things give me an idea what our current engine would be worth?

It is an O-360A1A that Bob Axsom bought factory new. We purchased the airplane with engine at 1115 TTSNEW. As soon as we bought it we replaced the cylinders with 8.5:1 steel cylinders and added an Airflow Performance fuel injection system and matched flow injectors. TT now is 1750 which means the cylinders have about 635 hours on them. We will sell it with the fuel injection system, but we will keep our Electroair EI and standard mag. The engine has been a solid performer for us - 100% dispatch reliability. It likes running LOP. The oil inspection reports have all been excellent but we want to replace it with the Thunderbolt before we have to, while it still has some value beyond a core. We have the complete logs.

Any thoughts?
One opinion:

The core is probably worth about $8k. The first run crank is a good thing. And the remaining time before TBO has a value of ~$10/hr. Subtract the cost to replace the ignition and you're in the vicinity of $10, maybe a little less.

Obviously, different prospective buyers will have different needs and value it accordingly.

You might call someone like Barrett and see what they would pay for it as a core. That would be your absolute floor.