ron sterba

Well Known Member
Help me understand what is a U A T used on a Garmin 327 transponder. There is a coralation with ADS-B but not sure how or why.

Ron in Oregon

UAT is nomenclature for the 978 Mhz frequency transmissions/hardware used for one of the two methods used for ADS-B. The other method (commonly called ES or Extended Squitter) uses 1090 Mhz which is same frequency as our current transponders. (Ref Garmin 330ES)
UAT is the only one that caries FIS-B (Flight information system) which is the weather data and other stuff that is the rage.
My opinion is ES may be better from a traffic reporting standpoint although UAT gets traffic too via alternate means.

A 327 can be used in concert with ADS-B transceivers. The connections are usually an RS 232 (for the ADS-B unit to obtain the squawk code) and a suppression line (to prevent ghost images and the related constant collision warnings). The ADS-B transceivers also needs info from your altitude encoder and a connection to whatever display device you choose to use.

Hope that helps.

Use the search. The are plenty of threads about it.

**Edit** The posts below reminded me about the GPS data requirements. I did not mention them because my UAT transceiver has an internal approved GPS so it is kind of a stand alone solution. Sorry for the oversight.
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RE: UAT and Garmin 327 xpndr

As a follow up to Auburntst's comments, just replacing the Garmin 327 transponder with a Garmin 330ES Mode S transponder isn't enough to complete the ADS-B out solution. An approved WAAS (TSO C145 or C146) GPS receiver connected to the 330ES transponder to provide GPS position is also required. Same thing applies to the UAT. It either needs to have a built in GPS receiver or be connected to a WAAS GPS receiver.

If you go the Mode S transponder route, a portable ADS-B receiver like a Stratus can be used to receive and display the ADS-B in TIS/FIS data on an Ipad running Foreflight or something similar.

The Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) can be wired to a panel mount EFIS (Dynon, GRT, or Garmin etc.) to display the ADS-B in traffic and weather etc. data. Some UAT transceivers have the capability to wireless transmit the ADS-B in data to an a Ipad or other tablet device.

The equipment you currently have installed really plays a big part in determining how you go about when implementing ADS-B out.
Things also get a little more complicated when manufacturers put their labels on items - I think :)

Dynon uses the term UAT for it's ADBS box - with the "T" in UAT implying a "Transceiver".

But the full title is "SV-ADSB-470 UAT Band Traffic and Weather Receiver" - which says it's a receiver only.

I guess the term UAT is not literal in all cases... in this case it refers to the non-transponder frequency (980) being used.
Well gentleman, I now know how the horse,cart and wheels are positioned thanks to your knowledge. My next question is,,,,,, is my horse,cart and wheels be allowed on the 2020 highway mandate? ......I mean that with my New Dynon,( still in the box with certification paper) is a Dynon 262 mode S transponder able to comply with the 2020 M with the UAT? On Dynons website states only the Dynon 261 mode S will meet 2020M but can 262 be coupled with a UAT , WAAS GPS, and a Skyview EFIS and comply with the 2020M? You see I have a certified WIFE that wants to know why there is a $2200 charge on the VISA, on the other hand I have buddy named FAA who could care less about certified WIFE only that it will halt both of us. I'm the owner of both 261 & 262 Dynon transponders now. My thought is one (262) now trash here in the US of A. I'm going to sell the 262 to somebody, they'll get a good deal but they will need to add the other equipment. If I sell it to somebody in Europe they will meet the ADS B compliance, only the USA has the more strict 2020M mandate. I'm all ears. I need to find a level of compliance with the Certified WIFE. They know where you are,that you are complying with their note even if you are in the clouds, How fast you are proceeding and estimated completion time. They can even read your mind, like yesterday, she said NO. Yes I have a wonderful wife with red hair. Lovely woman.

Ron in Oregon, RV9A just plugging in the EFIS.
Well, things I have learned lately. While flying yesterday in the 172.( Garmin 500, GTN750 & GTN650 equipped) I was in a holding pattern for 20 minutes outside a class Delta airspace waiting for my special VFR. While I was waiting it was cool to watch the incoming IFR TRAFFIC on the ADSB equipment on the three screens . I knew after that ifr traffic was off the runway I would be next "WRONG" I expanded the mileage rings only to see more IFR. Lined up. It sure takes away some of the anxious feelings of being left alone up there.More like standing in line for a ride at a amusement park. Or should I say that in reverse. What I'm going to talk about next is SO COOL YOU'LL WANT TO GET THE APP! I got this app to follow my buddies RV9A while on the ground. Can't believe ADSB targets on a map, Talk about enhancing Safety. OK here it comes. The app is " Flightradar24 or F
FLIGHTRADARFREE. It shows all the IFR traffic enroute( where ever) and ALL ADSB equipped aircraft VFR and IFR. Now for a guy who has his first ever earned dime I got the flightradarfree as its called. I was so amazed of what I saw I spent the 3.99 and got the expanded version which tells you when a flight started and enroute time. Tells the altitude,ground speed. Desending or level, flight number,and model of the aircraft and "N" in most cases.Here's what's really amaazing. Say it's cloudy out, at the top of the screen is a icon of binoculars. Touch it.hold the screen up in the air toward where the plane is. You should see the aircraft data on the screen. It so cool to wait for my buddies RV9A to get into the air and know I have only seconds before he lands from his home airport 25 miles away and tops out a 170 mph and then glides here. Hope you enjoy the feature, family members will love it. Oshkosk,,,,,well,,,,,that maybe a different story. But anybody flying over the mountains or large areas of nothing this app maybe valuable. Oh when you look at the planes (icons) there orange colored for IFR and yellow ones are ADSB. There are some glitches,maybe on purpose by the app company but in the text of model RV9A, the image of the aircraft is a High wing plane. Have fun. Hope it saves you a dime or two!

Ron in Oregon
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According to the information in the Skyview System Installation Manual (Document 101320-021, Revision V) both of the Dynon transponders are compliant with the 2020 ADS-B OUT mandate.

Per Dynon, both the DSV-XPNDR-261/262 Mode S transponder models are DO-181D compliant Mode S level 2, els Datalink Transponders with support for ADS-B extended squitter but for the U.S. currently the FAA ADS-B requirements specify the higher power Class 1 transponder for ADS-B compliance on and after 2020, so you are correct in keeping the SV-XPNDR-261. If the transponder does NOT have software version SW02.06 it needs to be updated to have at least this software version to be compliant.

From you previous post, your aircraft is or will be equipped with Dynon avionics equipment integrated system, so for full compliance with the FAA 2020 ADS-B OUT Mandate, as a minimum you need to have the Dynon Avionics SV-GPS-2020, GPS receiver. It meets the specific performance requirements as defined in 91.227, has the same form factor and wiring as the Dynon SV-GPS-250. So assuming you already have the SV-GPS-250, upgrading to the SV-GPS-2020 would be a simple upgrade and make the most sense.

For ADS-B IN installing the Dynon SV-ADSB-470 UAT Band Traffic and Weather Receiver, that Gil referred to in one of the previous posts would give you a completely integrated Dynon ADS-B In/Out system using the SkyView's moving map to display traffic, weather and TFRs.

The FreeFlight ADS-B University video's have some good background info on ADS-B.
Is the SV-GPS-2020 Available ? Last I heard it was still in the design stage ?
Spot on James, both will work 262 & 261. Found that graph on Dynons website as you mentioned. Yep will sell that other transponder. Good for four more years if somebody wants a great deal on my shelved one. ( still in the box with paper work). Just called Dynon, NO NEWS NET ON THE 2020 GPS. (Dec 29th 2015 at 11:18 am PST).

Ron in Oregon
I got this app to follow my buddies RV9A while on the ground. Can't believe ADSB targets on a map, Talk about enhancing Safety. OK here it comes. The app is " Flightradar24 or F
FLIGHTRADARFREE. It shows all the IFR traffic enroute( where ever) and ALL ADSB equipped aircraft VFR and IFR. Now for a guy who has his first ever earned dime I got the flight radarfree as its called. I was so amazed of what I saw I spent the 3.99 and got the expanded version which tells you when when a flight started and enroute time. Tells the altitude,ground speed. Desending or level, flight number,and model of the aircraft and "N" in most cases.Here's what's really amaazing. Say it's cloudy out, at the top of the screen is a icon of binoculars. Touch it.hold the screen up in the air toward where the plane is. You should see the aircraft data on the screen. It so cool to wait for my buddies RV9A to get into the air and know I have only seconds before he lands from his home airport 25 miles away and tops out a 170 mph and then glides here. Hope you enjoy the feature, family members will love it. Oshkosk,,,,,well,,,,,that maybe a different story. But anybody flying over the mountains or large areas of nothing this app maybe valuable.

Assuming the particular area of inhospitable terrain you are overflying has good cell service as well as good ADS-B ground station reception, of course...
Assuming the particular area of inhospitable terrain you are overflying has good cell service as well as good ADS-B ground station reception, of course...

Your right Matt. I showed 3 guys at the airport the app live. Flightradar24 app and all 3 bought the went out and bought a iPhone just for the app. Pretty cool ADS B right In your hand.Great SAFETY feature! Anybody buy ? What's your thoughts?

Ron in Oregon
Well I received one of the first 200 Dynon GPS 2020. I got lucky as I was on the internet I received the Dynon email on the release of the first 2020GPSs. Got on line and ordered one which came last Week. Timing was perfect as I was downloading software 14 update access for wiring in the 2020 was easiest because the forward top panel wasn't installed yet. My tech counselor said 2weeks that's all you get to finish the wiring,ok,,,,ok,,,ok,,,, I said then he backed it up with,,,,, I want to see you fly this bird before I die,,, rather profound statement but I'll getter done.!,,, cuss I don't want him to pass, he's a cool guy,after all he's building a DH1, ,

Ron in Oregon rv9a

According to the information in the Skyview System Installation Manual (Document 101320-021, Revision V) both of the Dynon transponders are compliant with the 2020 ADS-B OUT mandate.

Not true. Per that document, on page 11-24, ONLY the 261 will be able to meet the 2020 mandate.

Per Dynon, both the DSV-XPNDR-261/262 Mode S transponder models are DO-181D compliant Mode S level 2, els Datalink Transponders with support for ADS-B extended squitter but for the U.S. currently the FAA ADS-B requirements specify the higher power Class 1 transponder for ADS-B compliance on and after 2020, so you are correct in keeping the SV-XPNDR-261.

True, and exactly the opposite of what you just said. ?

From you previous post, your aircraft is or will be equipped with Dynon avionics equipment integrated system, so for full compliance with the FAA 2020 ADS-B OUT Mandate, as a minimum you need to have the Dynon Avionics SV-GPS-2020, GPS receiver.

AND the higher-power 261 transponder.