I'm looking over an installation manual for the Garmin G3X and it shows that it has 4 discrete inputs. Can anyone explain what a discrete input is and what it is used for?
Discrete Input

It is an on/off input such as a door/canopy switch. Discrete inputs are typically 2 wire switches, although there are 3 wire switches too (common, normal open contact, normal closed contact). All depends on the switch and application you are after (sky is the limit!).

Not knowing anything about the G3X I can assume that you can program those inputs as normally opened or closed depending on the switch and application.
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basically it is a switch input.

You can wire a switch in such a way that latching the canopy, for example, will close a switch and tie that pin to ground. Then the G3X will annunciate "canopy latched" if that's what you want.