
Well Known Member
OK, so I'm 99% sure I know the answer to this question, but I'm looking for a sanity check. As I work on my ailerons, the pile of parts on my shelves keeps getting smaller. All the things left there are expected (FL-XXX parts), but I also have two little A-908 plates. I don't see these referenced on the plans, nor do I see them in the Excel spreadsheet of RV-7 parts. Looking the part number up on The List yields the positively unhelpful description of "re-inforcing plate."

These are clearly not the spar reinforcements, which I made from the supplied sheet stock. Thus I am left to believe that these are parts belonging to some other RV model, and they were mistakenly included in my wing kit order. But there's still that nagging feeling you get when you put something together and you have parts left over.

So can everybody just verify for me that these aren't some obscure aileron part I'm missing? Just for some peace of mind?


Edit: I dunno why I didn't think about this before, but I did a forum search for "A-908," and I see it referenced exactly one time, in an RV-9 discussion. So now I'm even more confident that it doesn't belong to my kit.
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Here's the part on a RV-9.

It's the plate on the aileron spar at the outer rib.



...and a thanks to Smitty for the pic theft...:)