
Well Known Member
I have the legacy G3X screens and don't like to have ancillary handheld tablets floating around the cockpit. I enjoy having all my information displayed on my GDU's.

I would like a single unit in/out solution. UAT is fine, include an anonymous function while you are at it (like the GDL 82 does).

I know that I can get a GDL 39 for the "IN" but it would be much more streamlined to have both functions contained within the same box.

Am I overlooking an already produced unit? I don't think so.

*In and out (UAT is fine) functionality
*Anonymous 1200 squawking
*Display on GDU 375 screen
*Use my GTN 650 as a position source
*Retail price under $1,000 (yeah... right)

Don't make me buy something else that won't play with my Garmin screens!

UGH! Decisions... decisions...

I don't want to be saddled with a compromise!

:( CJ
Except for the initial four seconds.

I didn't know that there was a four second window. I was planning on leaving that pin tied to an active low so that it goes anonymous on boot anyways...

Am I asking for too much?

:confused: CJ
I didn't know that there was a four second window. I was planning on leaving that pin tied to an active low so that it goes anonymous on boot anyways...

Apparently none of us knew it. It's obvious that some Garmin folks didn't know it. However, it's a fact. Squawking 1200, with pin 5 (anonymous mode switch) grounded, even coming out of transponder standby, the first packets transmitted are a telltale with your real ICAO and N-number.

We bought UAT units marketed to us as being anonymous, not "Switches to anonymous after a short period", or "Anonymous if no one is listening".

Anonymous was the manufacturer's representation. I prefer to believe the people involved adhere to a high standard, so I'll be looking for a software update, not a workaround.
I do realize that total anonymity from the feds is not in the cards. If they want to know who you are, they will find out with this new technology. It really isn?t a high priority for me, but if I can be marginally stealth, then why not?

The jist of my post is that I would like an all inclusive, one box, in/out solution that displays on my Garmin screen and it seems there isn?t one that offers all of my bullet items.

Sure, I could go with the GTX45R or the GDL84 but those don?t offer anonymous mode and are $4000!

Looks like I will have to figure something out this fall. Maybe the echo UAT and carry a tablet? The $3000 difference in price would buy lots of gas!

:cool: CJ