
Well Known Member
Yesterday the forums were inop due to major network troubles along the Eastern US. It made me ask myself what would life be like without the VAF website, fellowship, advice, and of course, living vicariously thru the persona of the 'rider of the pink scooter' and his openly described life?

What would it be like if the Reeves family had to re-enter the workforce and abandon VAF in order to raise a family and survive? As far as I know, the donations we give allow Doug to dedicate himself to all things RV.

Have we done our fair share to keep him and his family afloat? Or, have they become discouraged and started looking for alternatives?

What if VAF disappeared like other sites?
Don't want to think about it

If the site disappeared, I would have nothing to do at work all day!

I would cry out loud.

Because of the great people this site (and Doug) make available to me in all the places I lived have led me to finally achieve my dream last month. (new RV-6 owner)

I started the dream in Hong Kong, then San Francisco, and now finally in Houston. There would be no other way to connect with a great crowd like this any other way in such diverse places. Keep the dream alive!

We would have to start a commune in Oregon to have such a vast amount of RV knowledge without the internet and VAF.

I have donated what I can to keep fruit loops on the table and I will do it again next year.

Doug is the man!
We would have to read the instructions

and follow the prints from Aurora Oregon. :D
I would like to say, "I can't imagine that," but I can. I would just be lost. Perhaps it isn't even "right," but this is almost a second home to me. Friends, acquaintances, some whose faces I have never seen--VAF is something I look forward to every day. The only bad thing about Oshkosh is I miss VAF. Considering what I have learned, and the friends I have made, it is "right."

Thanks, Doug. If you ever decide to quit, sell the site for 'bout a million bucks. It's worth it.

Bob Kelly
Boy, did I pick a interesting time to start a small business or what!!!??? <g>.

FWIW, we're in the black and we keep our expenses manageable (small house, no pool, no TIVO or plasma TV, Miata and a used Honda instead of a BMW Z4 and a Mercedes, etc.)

Got me a scooter and an airplane, though :)

Seriously, my plan is to personally do this site for another 25 years at the very least....and I'm sure it'll continue after that with with somebody else at the helm (Audrey? Tate? Moondog? Tink?)

And thanks for the kind words....

I would like to say, "I can't imagine that," but I can. I would just be lost. Perhaps it isn't even "right," but this is almost a second home to me. Friends, acquaintances, some whose faces I have never seen--VAF is something I look forward to every day. The only bad thing about Oshkosh is I miss VAF. Considering what I have learned, and the friends I have made, it is "right."

Thanks, Doug. If you ever decide to quit, sell the site for 'bout a million bucks. It's worth it.

Bob Kelly
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VAN'S would not want this to happen also.......... their support phones would ring off the hook!!!!!!

Oh, and CHEVROLET........ it was almost to the bright light.
Support the Things You Love...

Even though I only discovered this site last year (and became a member this year) I've already become addicted and really enjoy and appreciate all of the information, people and stories that are unique to VAF. But as a business person I know too well that no "enterprise" is completely insulated from financial challenges that may ultimately force a closure. And the current economy is making this even more (not less) possible than usual.

A business like VAF is probably more susceptible to certain financial risks than most becasue of it's voluntary payment model. If too many customers don't honor the "honor system" to become members and support the site then the business can suffer even though the product it produces is a home run and widely consumed.

To ensure that VAF is able to fill it's customer's needs (addictions?) well into the future I strongly encourage all regular viewers that have not become members to do so. It's really cheap to join, and will help ensure that the special qualities associated with this community will be there for all to partake as long as Doug (or his successors) wish to keep it going. Bottom line: If you don't support the things you love they may go away :eek:!!
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Right on BILL!

It is so important to realize especially in the economy we are in how fast things can change. Just look at how many RV's have gone up for sale in the last 12 months. All of the hard work that have gone into these planes and these guys have to give it up. Its just inconcievable to imagine. I am not even done yet and I can't ever see me selling mine.

I just hope that everyone that visits on a regular basis pays the basic toll outlined in the Honor System. This is such a great tool as others have pointed out and that Doug guy riding that scooter and keeping this all going is not a bad guy either. Its pretty neat loggin in here each morning and starting out each day with what he and the fam did yesterday.

I am glad this thread got started because it just shows we are all thinking about What if..... and I for one don't want to go there.

Come on TEAM VAF.... lets make a year end push cause its only fair and we have to do it all again next year... and next... and next.... know the drill.

Thanks again Doug for this wonderful place we all call home.
It would most likely feel like...

"a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced":eek:

Sending my donation now Doug!
I've had a few people, say (8-10) in the last 4-6 months in conversation at the hangar regarding this same topic state this could really happen. Mixed feelings for sure... most are RV guys or gals, some are website guru's for other plane kits. I will not go into the detailed conversations here. This economy has put the brakes on for many builders and even flyers. I did assist with moderation for a period of time... seems like an ongoing battle.
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Have you considered sending us a reminder email on the anniversary of our donation? This thread prompted me to look back at my records and I realized I was over due. Please forgive me! These years fly by fast.
how many?

How many builders (current or past) post on the forums? Would be interested to know the percentage of RV builders that use/visit the forum. Bet it's pretty high, except maybe for some of the really old timers who had to chisel their Pilots Operating Handbooks onto stone tablets ;)
Easy Phil..

Stop knocking the old timers....Whippersnapper!!
The stone tablet POH keeps my 9A balanced side to side when solo.
As for who uses the site....Everyone!!
My buddy down the street is building a Lightning, and reads the VAF site every day!
That's a testimonial!

Is this a timely thread or what? I just dropped my check in the mail to Doug on Tuesday... it's like I knew this thread was coming, a premonition and all that.

Nah, just dumb luck.
Making a small correction to get us back on course...

As to the outage this week, I was totally cut off from the forums but not Doug's VAF site for over 24 hours, and I had withdrawal pains. It felt good to be able to plug back in to the forums and feel the pulse of the VAF nation.
A business like VAF is probably more susceptible to certain financial risks than most becasue of it's voluntary payment model. If too many customers don't honor the "honor system" to become members and support the site then the business can suffer even though the product it produces is a home run and widely consumed.

To ensure that VAF is able to fill it's customer's needs (addictions?) well into the future I strongly encourage all regular viewers that have not become members to do so. It's really cheap to join, and will help ensure that the special qualities associated with this community will be there for all to partake as long as Doug (or his successors) wish to keep it going. Bottom line: If you don't support the things you love they may go away :eek:!!

the only reason i want to share that i donated was it ended up not costing me anything. a couple months after i donated i got the monthly prize!

but then i spent more than $30 at avery's so i guess it did cost me something . dangit! :D