
Well Known Member
I'm not Trent Palmer or YouTube star, for sure... But it was somewhat fun spending 14 hours on the computer yesterday editing this together.


The smoke system is new to me... Turns out I burn through it faster than I thought. I run out at the end.

The grass strip is Dad's place where I grew up and learned to fly. Still my favorite runway in the world.

And the underwing camera threaded into the tie down hole. The blue painters tape was just to prevent paint scratching. I've already had a few wise crack friends ask if it was structural...?

I hope you enjoy!
Nice technique

I'm not Trent Palmer or YouTube star, for sure... But it was somewhat fun spending 14 hours on the computer yesterday editing this together.


The smoke system is new to me... Turns out I burn through it faster than I thought. I run out at the end.

The grass strip is Dad's place where I grew up and learned to fly. Still my favorite runway in the world.

And the underwing camera threaded into the tie down hole. The blue painters tape was just to prevent paint scratching. I've already had a few wise crack friends ask if it was structural...?

I hope you enjoy!

Sweet video from another -4 driver and former Michagander.

Also sent you a PM.

Happy Landings,
Great video

Great video and grass strip! Curious about the use for the antenna in the cockpit behind your seat on the right.
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