
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
A: This guy. More very tired. ย Many, many thanks to so many people who will be recognized in short order.


Clayton McMartin photo​

Update 10/29/2015: Article of checkride here: .
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Congratulations Doug!

Nicely done. One of the best things pilots can do, even if you don't fly IFR very much.

Fantastic! I can already sense that the quality of the curation and administration of this fine forum has improved ;-) Nice job.


Anybody wanna bet this will be on tomorrows front page????;)
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Congrats Doug. When I got mine, it was more gratifying than getting the original PPL. Well done!
Super! It must feel great after all that hard work.

Now the trick is to use the rating quite a bit in the first year or two, to solidify all that info that is rattling around in your brain.
Well Done!

Great achievement to earn the rating, especially in an aircraft with the roll and pitch characteristics of the "6". Much more difficult than a Cherokee, Cessna, or even a "9".
As Kevin mentioned, now is the time to cement those skills, as they are perishable without practice. File every flight and if you've got a qualified safety pilot with you, put your head down and fly the approach. You've just increased the utility of your aircraft a great deal. Have fun, fly safe.
Terry, CFI
Congrats, Doug, it is like an "advanced degree" for a pilot. I had to learn to fly all over again, different cues, different procedures and things to observe, more precision throughout. It certainly made me a better pilot. I learned, like many, with VORs, NDB, and, fortunately, a DME. No autopilot. My first long X-try was MOB to Houston Hobby. 400 ft ceilings from panama city to mexico along the gulf coast. Right in the middle of a stationary winter front. You know those. The controller had fun with his first use of doppler radar. Icing above us, moderate turbulence below. Flying smoothly in the pipe.

Would love to hear about your fond memories while they are fresh.
Congratulations Doug! I'm in training, so fully aware of how much work and sacrifice was required for you to get there. Way to go!!!!
Congratulations, Doug! Now, don't do what I did (fly VFR for 9 years)-- Keep it current! :cool:
Congrats Doug!!!!!

I wish I could say I remember my checkride like it was yesterday!! But that was 40 years ago! I agree with all the other posts. Practice and fly often. Shoot approaches even when it's VFR. Don't just frame that certificate and put it on the wall. Use it! Way to go!
Congratulations Doug! Hope to do this some day.

What did you find worked for your IFR knowledge test prep? What OnLine Courses if any, DVD, IPad IFR App, Books worked to learn?

Recommendations appreciated.

With today's growing glass cockpits how do the multimedia knowledge prep courses sold prepare us RV pilots as we move from traditional instruments to glass?

I had to look up DME arc to appreciate your task and that got me thinking about IFR and searching the web.

Thanks again for the inspiration.

Congratulations Doug, Thank you for the motivation you and your site provide us all.

Nice Work!!

Great job Doug. The IFR ticket is the toughest. I got to IFR tickets in 58 days. Fixed and rotary wing. I had to laugh about the DME arc. When I took my check ride this it the thing that bothered me the most. NAILED IT. The rest was easy.

Glad you got it. Great accomplishment. Sure wish the FAA would update written to include only current information. I think there is a lot of wasted study time on out dated material.

Again, nice work!!
Big Time Congrats DR. It's quite an accomplishment.

Got mine 40 years ago and haven't used it in 30. :(
Wish I would have kept up. I don't think I could re-learn all them digits now. :D

I'm still glad I have it as my -6 has bare minimum IMC equipment (PFD) for inadvertent wandering. ( I didn't want to spend the big bucks to go full IFR and keep current)