
Well Known Member
It?s been bad but this is the worst

There have been many instances during the build where things are out of your hands and all you can do is wait. Things that come to mind for me were waiting for the empennage kit, waiting for the fuse kit ( I miscalculated lead time), waiting for the engine, waiting for the DAR, and waiting for daylight the night before first flight. In retrospect, these were warm-ups. I dropped my plane off for paint Monday and I am climbing the walls. I am anxious, fidgety, and can?t seem to hold a thought. The worst part is that there are two and a half weeks to go.

What has been the worst wait for you?
Waiting for people to stop asking me when I'm gonna paint my plane. :D Now you know why I haven't stopped flying it to paint...
I have to agree. Waiting for paint is the worst. Mine took 6 weeks.

Lately, I've been waiting for my Hatz CB-1 plans (3 weeks) and the weather sucks for flying today. :mad:

I'm so freakin' bored.
Waiting for my engine. I was promised it for early March and finally got it July 29. I had a goal of finishing my plane in less than a year and would have made it if I would have had the engine on time. Really frustrating. Don
bsacks05 said:
Lately, I've been waiting for my Hatz CB-1 plans (3 weeks) and the weather sucks for flying today. :mad:

I'm so freakin' bored.
You don't need no stinkin' plans. Just build it!
I agree, that 3 weeks, 4 days, 7 hours and twenty three minutes in teh paint shop was the worst!! Not that I was couting or anything...;)

I got real good at sailing my R/C 1-meter down at the local pond during that time....

My engine wait was probably close to a year and now it has taken over two months to get the panel/efis and all the other wiring done. I can't blame the guy though. He does it on the side after working 65-80 hours a week at his real job. He does great work though.
Worst WAIT!

1st Flight 20 September 1997.

23 January 1999 with 307.1 hours on the hobbs meter.
Car runs into MY airplane.
23 May 1999 Repairs complete and airplane flys again.
File lawsuit to recover damages. I paid for repairs out of my 401K. 2.5 years later, I collect 100%.

What follows is not waiting related but just BAD STUFF that I have been through.

The above was the WORST thing that happened to me. The two next worst events were in 1989 when my first ex-wife moved out one day when I was at the airport. Came home to the walls and my clothes. My tool box with tools were even gone.

1993-1994 My 2nd ex-wife purchased a baby grand piano. I found out about it when they delivered it. She also took out a $23,000 loan while I was on a business trip in Japan.

Upside of all this.
There are now 2,050 hours on the hobbs meter. The airplane has taken me 15 times across the US, as far north to Ft Yukon Alaska (north of the artic circle) and the Bahamas. British Columbia is the best kept vacation secret and value in North America. The airplane has allowed me to GROW and meet the nicest people that anyone would ever want to know. The RV family is TOPS. The cost to build and operate the airplane is CHEAP compared to the value that I place on all the fantastic people that the airplane has introduced me to.
The 10 years or so during which I didn't fly at all.

Started a new business, paid off home and commercial mortgages, etc. The local rental airplanes were garbage, so the goal was to get back into flying when I could afford my own flying machine. In the mid-90's I finally bought a Cub.

wow gary should get an award for not inflicting severe bodily harm on #1, #2, well **** happens.
i ordered as soon as i was nearing the next stage and everything always came sooner than i thought, so i had to pony up the money sooner than planned. engine early, wing early, fuse early,finish kit sat for a year before i needed it. now im waiting on the avionics and im afraid it will actually take as long as they say....12 weeks for the dynons. buy i have plenty to do so it no problem. i need to build a paint booth and was planning on doing it in the wait but man these baffles are A PITA.

now i wont mention how many replacement parts i had to wait on. some my fault some shippers fault. the replacement parts were the worst because i like to go in order. but i got over that during the fuse construction stage.
Waiting for me do get the plane done. Hay Dan, you will never get that plane painted, if you are like me, you will never put the airplane out of service for painting. That's why I'm going to start painting mine now before putting it on wheels. Have a nice day. I am, I just got back from my morning flight.
Ouch. Taking a man's tools...that is just mean. Gary, I'm really concerned about what your 3rd ex-wife will do...

I sincerely hope your next 2,050 hours on the hobbs are as enjoyable as the first 2,050.

I'm waiting for the student loans to be paid off so I can order my tail kit. I've already got the wifes support, so once college is paid for I'm set!
brianw said:
Ouch. Taking a man's tools...that is just mean. Gary, I'm really concerned about what your 3rd ex-wife will do...

I once knew a man whose divorce decree said that if he remarried and had kids, his first wife gets 'em.