James and Anastasia are currently packing with their family for a relocation to warmer climates (SW USA). Bluenose should be out of the shop momentarily (update in message below).

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Out of Business?

Sorry to put you as a middle man Doug, but does this mean Aircolors is out of business in OH? Will they reopen in the SW?
Not out of business, just relocating shortly. James says their hanger heating bill is 1,500 a month and they are 30 min north of Dayton (hard to get dedicated / long term help). I talked with them a few days back and that is the plan (before it gets too cold). They were talking maybe Phoenix.
(update in message below)

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Air Colors

Perhaps it is a good thing that Air Colors is not operating. Yes, I do believe they have had labor issues, but more importantly they have serious management issues. I had my aircraft painted this summer and it took 10 weeks to finish. The Wright Patterson Air Force Base flying club had their aircraft at air colors for 18 weeks when I got mine back and they had not even started it. James (air colors owner) told me it was a money issue and the Air Force had not sent the funds to him. This is a complete fabrication. I discussed the issue with the flying club manager and he told me it was paid in full. If you want to ask him, get on the the Wright Patterson Air Force Base website and look up Aero Club and I am sure he will email you a response. Their modus operondi is to recieve as many aircraft as possible, take your downpayment and then prioritize in the paintshop the most profitable jobs. If your aircraft is a lower profit then it sits in a hidden in a hangar at the urbana airport. They play this shell game, in addition to telling the customer excuses (the paint did not arrive, labor issues, exhaust fan issues, their sick, ect ect ect). Bottom line is that they simply are not truthful. Mike, I sent you a letter telling you some of this and I knew something like this would happen. If Air Colors starts again in another state, I would recommend you don't bring your aircraft to them based on my experience. Mike, you got away with an airplane that was prepped, but not complete and did not pay anything but gas and time ( half glass full). I highly recommend you not get suckered into waiting for them to get a new shop and letting them complete the job. I think you will find more of the same. Excuses...
Agree with you.... It's probably best they are out of business. We were getting very mixed signals when I'd leave messages. After the latest round of phone tag I chose to pull their ads, pick up the plane and terminate our business arrangement - I've been burned by a paint shop before, unfortunately.

Grady at GLOCustom.com will finish the plane on our home field - he has a good reputation.


rvman008 said:
Perhaps it is a good thing that Air Colors is not operating. Yes, I do believe they have had labor issues, but more importantly they have serious management issues. [snip]....