Well Known Member
In regard to selling an experimental aircraft...
Should the builder's log/manual be included?

(No, I'm not selling my plane yet; just getting my will prepared.)
Builders Log and Manual

As a fourth owner, the manual is invaluable in seeing the mindset and context of the builder of the plane when I need to repair it. The build log can be helpful in this regard if it's very detailed, but otherwise is more a nostalgia thing. I have the "build log" of my plane, built in 1996, and it's neat seeing fading 35mm pictures of the builder with the plane in his garage, next to some sort of early 90's car. It's not helpful from a detail standpoint, but I like looking at them just to know someone put a lot of work into the plane I am still flying, long after they are dead.

You mention a will, so I am guessing the thought is "I would like my family to have something to remember all the time and love I spent on building an airplane", with pictures and comments of the plane. If it's not detailed enough to help the next owner, I would just keep it. If it's super detailed, and would help the next owner, I would copy it or scan it, and keep the original.

The manual (I assume you mean build plans etc) in my opinion should definitely go with the plane. They can buy new plans from Van's, but those are always the latest, and may not include "margin notes" you made while building that would help them out". Same thing though, if they are sentimental, get them duplicated and send those.

Legally, I don't think you need to send either one with the plane, just the AROW docs basically.

Well, I for one thinks it is of value to have the build log and any other thing from when it was built. I bought a finished RV-6A and the seller was really clueless. As he said the build and maintenance logs were lost.
But, he gave me a big tote of papers etc. Well all the logs were in the box to my delight. Sales price reflected lost logs etc.
I very much believe they bring value to the sale.
build log!

--- Depending on the new owners engineering experience, and mechanical prowess,
it could provide countless hours entertainment, possibly interrupted by some moments
of sheer terror! You shouldn't deprive them of that experience. Thanks, Allan:rolleyes::rolleyes:
As the recipient of a nicely worked on project, I'd add that the manual or instructions should include as much detail as possible. In particular, the next builder will want to know WHAT COMES NEXT.
Have you been checking the little boxes in the manual? Probably none of us work in a purely linear manner, so give the next guy a break so he can jump into the construction right where you left off, instead of having to read every step and then go over to the kit to see if it's been done.
Yes, build log and photos and information about any options you've already purchased, but a big "Start HERE!" written in the instructions would be priceless.
Probably none of us work in a purely linear manner, so give the next guy a break so he can jump into the construction right where you left off, instead of having to read every step and then go over to the kit to see if it's been done.
Yes, build log and photos and information about any options you've already purchased, but a big "Start HERE!" written in the instructions would be priceless.

You still have to check the build manual even if you receive the QB kits from VANS just to verify the QB was completed correctly.
My kit was purchased partially built and I'm grateful to have any part of its history. He's been nice enough to leave the online build log up for my reference as well. I'd consider the manual and printed plans as part of the kit and definitely included.
I have never been in this situation, but I would think that if I was buying a complete plane I would definitely want the build logs and construction manual. Every one of these is slightly different and if I am trying to figure out a repair or upgrade, a good log may really save me a lot of work or mistakes.

I did not get the build log with my RV-6A but I did get something I consider more valuable. I got a box full of receipts for everything purchased for the build. It went through 4 owners before it was completed and even the last owner did not know why the oil temp ran high. He installed a second oil cooler. Looking at the build receipts, I saw the engine build parts list and it included oil squirters. That's why it ran hot so the receipts are a very nice thing to have.