
Active Member
My family will be traveling to New Braunfels (KBAZ) for my uncles funeral. Cancer got the best of him but now the suffering is over.

Tuesday will be an overnight stay with a late Wednesday departure for heading back home.

I would like recomdations on who to use while at KBAZ and where is the most friendly RV places to tie down. I won't be needing vehicle transportation luckily.
Thanks in advance!
KBAZ has a rep...

due mostly to the airport management, of not being very friendly to the little guys. tower folks are fine, but local airport management ran the only FBO out a few years ago and their rep still appropriately suffers. don't know f anyone is there now to compete with the city. if you do go in there, you can park at the E corner of the field (north of departure end of runway 13) where the restaurant used to be and if you bring your own tiedown ropes I don't think anyone even charges. the city's SS fuel pumps are about 200 yards east of there.

there is a little field called Huber about ten miles south of KBAZ that might be a good alternative. the runway is still a bit ripply but not bad, and their fuel is cheaper than KBAZ too.
I thought about Huber but didn't see any tiedown area so I decided to not land there. Our hotel is very near there actually. The city wants $5.00 to tiedown for one night. I will certainly consider the east end for parking. Thanks for the advice.