
Well Known Member
When ordering a 9 wing kit, what else should be ordered at the same time so as to save on freight? Of course I don't want to spend alot of money for an item that costs very little in freight and won't be needed for 3 or more months down the road.
Vans will ship the long lengths of aluminum angle used in the fuselage kit with the wing kit since the wing spar box is so long. Just be sure to identify it during inventory and store it for later.
I don't remember what kit, but be sure to get the wing root fairings. When you first fit the wings and set angles, make sure you fit and drill these at the same time as it will save putting the wings on again later just for fitting the fairings.

My 2 cents

I might hold up on the pro seal order as it is a date sensitive product and it will be a bit before you need goo. Nothing more is really needed from Van's but you are going to be buying some tools you never thought of and that will save you time and headaches. One last thing to start considering is your wiring method as you might possibly need to drill wing ribs shortly to run wiring in the wings down the road (per Van's service bulletin).
2-Fuel Caps

You may want to think about the Delux Fuel Caps. They cost $100.00 each (none key lock) but IMHO they are well worth it. I just received mine and I was very impressed. My wife also thought they are worth the $$$. I think that Vans will also give you credit for the standard caps that you will not be getting so now the value is even better :D
I might hold up on the pro seal order as it is a date sensitive product and it will be a bit before you need goo. Nothing more is really needed from Van's but you are going to be buying some tools you never thought of and that will save you time and headaches. One last thing to start considering is your wiring method as you might possibly need to drill wing ribs shortly to run wiring in the wings down the road (per Van's service bulletin).

I agree. I have a brand new un-opend can that was out dated by the time I got to needing it :( but I have no idea how quickly you build. Figure on about 3 to 4 months of usable shelf life buy the time you get the can.
Tank test kit

When you order the proseal for the tanks (now or later), I'd also get the tank test kit. It is a balloon, pipe cap and fill valve. Really good feeling to wake up the next morning and see the tank didn't leak. Success makes working with the goop a bit less of an aggrevation.

If you'd like a cross reference inventory of what raw stock is used to make which part in the fuse, drop me a line at wiederaj 'at' yahoo 'dot' com.
I bought half sheets(4x4) of .032 and .024 aluminum sheets along with a variety of sizes if angle. Ended up using almost all of it on a variety of brackets, mounting plates or just re-doing things I screwed up. van's prices on aluminum is really cheap compared to going to a metal store and buying it!

I wouldn't worry too much on the proseal, you can keep in frig and it will last a long time. My tanks don't leak and I used "expired" proseal. Heck, it was almost expired when it arrived from Van's.

When ordering up your wings, now is a good time to consider wiring, wiring conduit, lights, etc. If you are going to get them from Van's anyway, include them in your order.

If you are going to buy a autopilot, better be making up your mind on which one because you will want to mount the brackets for it while the skins are off. Same applies to the Pitot tube as well.

Couple hundred of MK-319BS blind rivets. If you do a lot of work solo you need them.
Vlad, that statement almost makes it sound like you used those rivets extensively on your bottom wing skins. True? I've heard some say that theoretically you could pop-rivet the entire bottom wing skins on with those but never knew anyone actually did it. Of course, a couple hundred wouldn't be nearly enough for an entire wing skin, let alone two.

Just curious, where'd you use them and how are they holding up?
Vlad, that statement almost makes it sound like you used those rivets extensively on your bottom wing skins. True? I've heard some say that theoretically you could pop-rivet the entire bottom wing skins on with those but never knew anyone actually did it. Of course, a couple hundred wouldn't be nearly enough for an entire wing skin, let alone two.

Just curious, where'd you use them and how are they holding up?

Kurt there are not many of them and you are right they are all on the bottom. Couple dozen mostly in the corners where my short hands could not reach or I was scared to smiley it :) So far so good after 300+ hours no smoking.