Which EFB?

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Now that I'm going to buy an Ipad the ultimate question is which EFB. Vote for your favorite. I may have not listed all available, these are the ones that I'm considering.
If I had Garmin avionics I would use Garmin Pilot, and if I was a CFI probably WingX (it's free for CFI's), but I have been using Foreflight for years and it just works very well. I had the pro version when I was doing more IFR flying, now I have the standard version without the geo-referenced plates. I also like their logbook feature, and their online flight-planning tool. Lastly, it works with my Stratux ADS-B box.

I bought a used iPad Air 2 with 4G and 64 gig of ram off of Ebay. I use it primarily for my EFB. Though, having the Kindle app and a chess game on it is handy for down time.

I don't have a sim card installed, so no cellular bill. But, having the 4G capability gives me geolocated charts in Foreflight without fussing with an external GPS antenna. It always works. Its never not had a good GPS signal since I've had it.

You don't have enough choices in your poll.

I use FltPlan Go on an Ipad Air2, it's free, and works for me.
Guess you are restricting your poll to iPad software......but Avare is free and works great on Android.

Avare and Stratux on Nexus 7 (2013).

But if I was using Apple it would probably be running iFly (not in your poll).
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How about "None"?

With the Skyview, I have not not found a need for a notebook in in the cockpit.
There should be more choices, for example, SkyCharts Pro. And the poll should allow for multiple selections - I use two.

You don't have enough choices in your poll.

I use FltPlan Go on an Ipad Air2, it's free, and works for me.

Agree with that. I use FltPlan GO on a Nexus 9. Free, works great and sure worth a try. I use SkyVector.com and fltplan.com for online planning, fltplan.com easily downloads to FltPlan GO which uploads to Dynon via WiFi.
iFly by Adventure Pilot -- I have tried them all

I do use WingX for backup on the iPad. I have found they all do the same thing, but some are easier to use, than others.
WingX Pro was what an airplane partner used, so I did that five years ago when I bought my first iPad (local knowledge should I need it). Then, they went to the "free everything for CFI's" and I never looked back. Plus, I get to choose a Hornet as my displayed plane now, so I am bound by nostalgia to stick with it. :)
Guess you are restricting your poll to iPad software......but Avare is free and works great on Android.

Avare and Stratux on Nexus 7 (2013).

But if I was using Apple it would probably be running iFly (not in your poll).

Same here. AVARE. Been using it since not very long after its initial public release.. Great stuff.