
Active Member
Hi everyone

On the wing plan it shows that for the wing skin rivet pattern we should refer to SK-31,32,33,34,35,36 and 37.

Any idea what SK stands for and where we can find these drawing or diagrams?

I?m probably missing something here

Thanks in advance
In the assembly manual

When I built my -4, there was an assembly manual that contained foldout pages which had the rivet layouts for the wings as well as other items. i'm not sure if these are on the digital versions now or not. The SK may have a technical meaning, I just figured it was for "Skin".
Thank you Bill

I have noticed a couple fold out pages labeled SK in the preview plans, but these are only for the empennage and fuselage. I have emailed Vans and await their response.

All the best
Hi everyone

On the wing plan it shows that for the wing skin rivet pattern we should refer to SK-31,32,33,34,35,36 and 37.

Any idea what SK stands for and where we can find these drawing or diagrams?

I?m probably missing something here

Thanks in advance

SKetch. There are small drawings or SKetches in the construction manual that have the prefix SK.
Without actually going out and finding our RV-3 plans, I think the SK is “Sketch”, and you’ll find them in the plans and instructions....

But I could be remembering that wrong.
Sharp as a tack...

Man, all these years and I thought it stood for "Standard Kit"
Learn something every day...:)

FYI - the SK drawings are located in with the written instructions, not as a part of the large sheet plans.

Got a response from the guys at Vans that has sorted it out:

?The SK drawings were supplemental ?sketches? where Van may have needed to give a bit more information that the original plans had. Today the SK drawings are obsolete and only a few remain, however the written manual still makes note of them. ?

I would therefor assume that the rivet spacing SK drawings became obsolete when pre drilled skins were released for the 4. Anyway thanks for all the help guys.
Can it be true?

I would therefore assume that the rivet spacing SK drawings became obsolete when pre drilled skins were released for the 4. Anyway thanks for all the help guys.

As a Jurassic RV4 builder who remembers drilling (and dimpling) alot of holes I am for once, speechless...:)
Say it isn't so...

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Where I come from

it stands for Silent Key - which I hope not to become until I've finished this airplane.

Some days it feels like it's a dead heat.

You guys are making me feel bad😂

Only wing skins are predrilled, all ribs and understructure isn?t. This also only applies to the wing, fuselage and empennage are still completely HOLE FREE 😄

Please don?t throw me out the builders club
Hey Ryan you will always be a member of the builders club, your 4 will have those subtle little variations that all the 3's, 4's and early 6's have. It will show how you as the builder have interpreted Van's sketches and basic plans, you will have a flying machine upon which you will have lined out, spaced and drilled all the holes and solved the numerous issues as they become apparent, Your 4 will be unique and you built it. Build on...:)


Thank you Russell

We are really enjoying the challenge of the build and enjoying all the scratch your head moments that come with it! It?s gojng to be well worth owning the best flying 2 seat RV when it?s all done
Had the same question.

See DWG 19 for rivet sizes.

One important thing (countersinking or dimpling spar holes):
Me: "I don't understand the rivet size (length) call outs.

Using a -3.5 to rivet .025 skin to 0.040 spar flange is OK. (0.025 + 0.040 + 1.5 x 3/32) x 16 = 3.29

But using a -4 to rivet .025 skin to .025 or .032 ribs. Why??"

Vans: "The difference between these is the way the components are prepped to accept the rivets in question. The skin to rib attachments would have both the rib and the skin dimpled where the skin to spar would have the skin dimpled and the spar countersunk. Some builders will choose to dimple the spar which would require a longer rivet be used. The illustration below may help you understand the difference.

In the end if a rivet does not seem to be correct it is easy to place one in a hole and measure the protruding tail to confirm if it is either correct or if you should make adjustments."


Hi everyone

On the wing plan it shows that for the wing skin rivet pattern we should refer to SK-31,32,33,34,35,36 and 37.

Any idea what SK stands for and where we can find these drawing or diagrams?

I?m probably missing something here

Thanks in advance