
Well Known Member
Hey everyone!

For my day job, I'm a classroom instructor for Garmin Aviation Product Support. It's that time of year again when we start thinking ahead to our training for Oshkosh. I just thought I'd reach out and see which topics you'd like us to cover for avionics installation and maintenance for homebuilts. Our sessions run about 45 minutes each and ideally we do 2 per day (Mon-Sat) at the show. I can't wait to get back to the training tent and try to talk over those tenacious Aeroshell T-6s again... :D Seriously!

Topics we've previously covered include avionics tools, Garmin documentation, G3X system components & architecture, GPS navigator (GTN) & transponder interface, autopilot tuning, and CAN bus wiring. What else would you like to know about planning, installing, wiring, configuration, and testing/troubleshooting? Please let me know in this thread. I'm in the idea-gathering phase right now and could use your brainstorming power. If you have ideas for training on G3X operation, please let me know that as well, and I'll forward them over to our pilot training crew.

Thank you all!
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How about a class on the different ways to use a G3X/GTN combination for flight planning (transfer of flight plans between devices), navigation (both autopilot and hand flying), and approach. This seems to be a common issue for people on VAF as there have been a number of questions posted, so having a class with a complete discussion of the topic and the chance to ask questions would be appreciated.

Thanks for asking
Another vote for training on how to use the G3X system, - for example, a VFR and IFR flight from input of flight plan, enroute functions and features, approach and landing, and for IFR, combined with a GTN or other certified navigator.
After five years with G3X Touch in my RV-9A, including remedial re-wiring, and after observing questions asked on this site and others, here's my list:
* Screen allocation in flight: how many windows do you optimally display on how many screens during what phases of flight? Seems that lotsa folks only use full screen windows, not realizing that the sides of full screen displays contain little if any useful information. My two screens are allocated, left to right across both screens: engine, flight instruments, "MFD" window, "MFD" window, flight instruments, engine instruments. Amazing capability when there are two pilots on board;
* Failure modes, interconnects and allocation of circuit breakers: how many customers really know what they've got, and what the failure modes are of their system? What avionics do you put on how many circuit breakers? And are installations documented in any usable fashion for future maintainers / owners?
* "Hidden" discretes: I'd love to implement the discrete that toggles the GTN650 between VHF nav and GPS nav, for example, but you kind of have to know that you can. Also, toggle synthetic vision on/off, if that's available.
* Smart use of parameter bar: on my two screen system, both screens show next waypoint information. The PFD screen shows GPS altitude, just in case there is a static system problem that affects the ADHRS and the G5, minimum safe altitude, something else. The MFD shows the GTN NAV frequencies which is real handy because it also shows the ILS runway IDs, density altitude and things less used. You get the idea -- what are the smart ways to display what parameters? I also have customized the Default Nav screen on the GTN650, but its distance to destination can be horribly misleading if you fly past a waypoint.

To summarize, and hopefully not offensively: it's not enough to put a bunch of cool features out there and hope that the customers will find them and figure out how to use them. Features that customers can't find, can't learn and can't use are at best useless, at worst a distraction during flight. VNAV comes to mind. Part of a product offering is making those cool features -- and G3X has a *ton* of them -- accessible to the user. Frankly, the Garmin documentation is industry standard, which is to say, terrible.

There's lots more ideas where these came from!

Be safe, be well!

Mixed Cockpit

I have a Garmin 175 connected to Dynon HDX displays. Also have an Aera 660 and G5 for battery only operations. Also Garmin ASDB in and out.

I’d appreciate a session demonstrating the interactions of these systems (especially the 175 and HDX hardware) with each other and ForeFlight.

Demonstrate flying a “simulated flight”, particularly from enroute descent through Vectors to Final, LPV coupled approach, and Missed Approach.

Maybe I’m the only pilot who has a mixed panel, but I like it!

I have a Garmin 175 connected to Dynon HDX displays. Also have an Aera 660 and G5 for battery only operations. Also Garmin ASDB in and out.

I’d appreciate a session demonstrating the interactions of these systems (especially the 175 and HDX hardware) with each other and ForeFlight.

Demonstrate flying a “simulated flight”, particularly from enroute descent through Vectors to Final, LPV coupled approach, and Missed Approach.

Maybe I’m the only pilot who has a mixed panel, but I like it!


You’re not the only one with a mixed panel - by far. In the past Garmin has tailored their training for all Garmin panels. It would be excellent to see them acknowledge other installations such as their navigators with DYNON EFIS’. Given that they have one of the few IFR navigators on the market, this combination is pretty common I would guess.

Add my vote to yours for this type of training!
Yes...Auto pilot tuning!

Feel free to drop by KATW the week before and use my airplane a presentation test-case, to sort out the gains.

FD works great but I have yet to sort out the VS gains to keep it on the LVP GS...I usually end up hand flying.
I would love to see a short course on how to use Garmin Pilot with the G3X. Perhaps this seems silly - but either I’m a moron and cannot figure it out, or the software is so buggy that it doesnt work. I have been struggling with the Garmin Pilot/G3X interoperability since June, and it doesnt seem like its gotten any better.

One of the things that drove me to switch from Foreflight is the feature by which your flight logs would wirelessly transfer from the G3X to Garmin Pilot - basically filling in your logbook automatically AND providing all the engine data. I cant get this to work for the life of me.
Tradespace Workshop, pls


Thanks very much for asking in advance - I'd appreciate a workshop on the tradeoffs between some few configurations, i.e. basic VFR and simple IFR.

1) VFR with ADSB, single comm radio.
Your simplest configuration (single display, single comm) with options for early upgrades (dual displays, dual comms, GPS navigator...)

Your perspective on the pros and cons of integrated nav/comm/gps vice separate components would be helpful.

I've tried online configurations; your team's provided detailed quotes; but I've not found a way to comprehend comparisons other than price.

If you know another way to get to tradeoffs, I'd very much appreciate that instead.

Thank you all for the ideas! Please keep them coming. I've sent my pilot training colleague a link to this thread, so he's watching as well. We will definitely cover autopilot tuning again this year.

You’re not the only one with a mixed panel - by far. In the past Garmin has tailored their training for all Garmin panels. It would be excellent to see them acknowledge other installations such as their navigators with DYNON EFIS’. Given that they have one of the few IFR navigators on the market, this combination is pretty common I would guess.

While I agree that this would be an interesting topic and relevant to a lot of EAB owners, I can't train on a competitor's product. Dynon would have to be the source for this kind of training to teach you how their EFIS interacts with an IFR navigator, whether it's Garmin or Avidyne. This might also be a great forum topic for someone who is not affiliated with either company. We do offer training on how to use our navigators, so hopefully that will help get you started.
++1 on how to use G3X and GNX375 for IFR flights. Trying to figure out how to make Foreflight work with these as well. Looks promising...
I have 700 hours behind my g3x+650xi panel flying in all kinds of airspaces and conditions. Here are the areas I struggle with.

- Interactions between GP and G3X. I'm looking for a deeper dive, things like which engine parameters get logged on the card vs in GP, how the gp logbook works, how to set up detailed performance profiles in GP, does GP use the climb/decent profiles in calculating times, can we set up stepped flight profiles to optimize winds aloft. When do times start/stop on the g3x logbook.

- Tactical in-flight weather in g3x w/adsb (or sxm if it meaningfully better). Not just avoiding precip via nexrad, but also looking at ways to use the data to tweak the flight, i.e. winds aloft, etc.

- Detailed autopilot tuning. I think we sorted out the basics but many planes I've been in still have been unable to sort out a stable climb/decent without some porpoising. I feel that everyone has roll sorted out, it's pitch that's trouble :)

- troubleshooting deep dive. How to track down a flakey can bus. Are there electrical tools to check how good the bus is? Poor solder joints, etc?

I'm sure I'll remember more. Thanks for asking!!