
Well Known Member
Seeing another thread about insurance, it made my think about my insurance that was recently renewed. I was wondering what everyone else is paying. I think mine was a little high for my situation.

What do you pay?

Me: CFI,II,MEI, ATP, 2type ratings, 13000 TT, 1500SE, 200 tail dragger.

RV-4 160hp, hull value $60k

$1100 a year for insurance.
Well, I don't have all those fancy letters but...

PP SEL SES WITH 500 plus tw time, 1200 hrs TT, (300 just last year!)

RV 7, 80k hull

$1257-ish, as I recall. Under 13 for sure.

:cool: CJ
Sounds close to me, I think the liability is about 600-800 of the insurance and the Hull movement/non-movement is the rest. I was really surprised that my insurance has a $0 deductible, I couldn't imagine a 70K corvette with a $0 deductible for less than my aircraft premium. My flight times are less, but I gained 150+ hours in type and I added 20K+ (65-85) in insured value and insurance stayed about the same $1200/yr.
I just renewed mine with Gallagher for year 2 for 1431. Standard policy for 80k RV7. I have 400 hrs TW and 110 hrs in type. It came down from 1700 last year when I did the first flight. The main concern of the companies bidding on my coverage is my 1800' grass strip.

RV-6A, 950 hrs in her, about 1200 total hours, ASEL only. Based on 2100' grass strip at home. For years all I carried was liability and it's always been $300-400. Last year added 50k hull and it went to $900.

What's your time in type (RV-4)? Some underwriters will accept any TD RV time; some insist on actual model. 200 hrs in a -4 should get you way past being uprated, but 200 in a C-140 might not get you any credit with the underwriter.

Having said that, my liability coverage has been $300-400, depending on the stock market, for a couple of decades. I don't have a lot of total hours (~1100), but I only have about 40 in nosedraggers. Rest is Luscombe 8A (~90), Thorp T-18 (~60), Swift (~200), and RV-4 for the balance. IIRC, when I bought my 1st -4, the underwriter was happy with my Luscombe, Thorp & Swift time & didn't uprate me.
Just re-upped with AJ Gallagher. ~240 hours in RV's. PP-SEL with <400 hours TT. 90K hull, 1M liability was $1064. Way down from where it started 2 years ago! I had a bunch of FAA Wings credits this year, not sure it that makes a big dent in the bill.
Here's an odd data point:

RV-6A, $45k hull, $1M/$100k liability

Named Pilot 1 CFII/Commercial 3000 total 135 RV
Named Pilot 2 ATP 11000 total 15 RV
Named Pilot 3 Student 16 total 6 RV

$1150 premium per year.
A good rule of thumb is 300-400 for liability and 1% for hull,maybe a bit more for Taildragger. My RV-12 65k hull and 1m liability is $905 for the second year. Best thing was only 1 hr transition training required as the 12 is a pussy cat.
$1167- $110k hull, 1,000,000 liability. 600 hours tt, 350 tail wheel (over 50 in Pitts S2C which really helped getting numbers down). Over 100 hours in past year. First year was $1650 with same limits but less than 5 hours in a RV-4. What a difference a year makes.
Standard policy coverage and 50k hull. My first year insured on my -4 with 5 hours transition training and tailwheel endorsement at the same time with roughly 50 hours as a PPL, was $1800. After my first year of flying my -4 and logging 56 hours in same, it dropped to $950.
Most standard liability coverage is $1,000,000. Mine is too.

Standard coverage is limited to $100K per passenger. That's where most of the risk is, so that's a very substantial limitation. $1M "smooth" (no sub limits) is much more expensive and in fact hard to find for EAB aircraft.
Just got my policy for the 10. They required 10hrs time in type before first flight.
$1485/ year

$125k hull
1mil liability

I only have 220hrs
Instrument/high performance/complex ratings
It should go down significantly after the first year of flying
I think it's a pretty good deal.
Just got my policy for the 10. They required 10hrs time in type before first flight.
$1485/ year

$125k hull
1mil liability

I only have 220hrs
Instrument/high performance/complex ratings
It should go down significantly after the first year of flying
I think it's a pretty good deal.

Wow! Do I understand 220 total hours, NO RV-10 time (except 10 hours dual)? That is a great deal. Prices must have dropped a lot. Frankly I doubt you'll see much if any further reduction unless, as I said, the market has changed significantly.

Is your -10 pretty much "bare bones" when it comes to avionics? Or a high time engine? I ask because the hull value seems a bit low to me.
comparison randomly

With ratings and experience like that, I would expect to pay under $900. I do, and it is written through AOPA. If you do their online safety courses once per 6 months, they have a clause not to penalize after an accident.
The one mil is limited to 100K per seat as is common. Hull is 75K listed value.
I have had two claims paid fully... one for engine failure crash and one fire damage. FAA did not blame and insurance did not penalize. They seem generally WAY better to work with than auto policy companies.
With ratings and experience like that, I would expect to pay under $900.

The previous poster says this is for an RV-10. Three passenger seats instead of one, generally higher hull value than the two seat RV's. I have never seen a -10 fully insured for under $900.
Clarification: my coverage is for a nine. If I misunderstood... I apologize.
I only skimmed the first half dozen replies to the OP....
RV-9A $90k hull, paid $1450 for the first year.

Just got my renewal for $1025 for the second year upped hull to $100k

I'm IFR/HP/Complex, about 800 TT, about 160 in RV's

I don't want to talk about it :(

I had a claim last year and with all the rework I've increased hull value. So.... they increased premium.

Cost of flying I suppose. Hopefully next year will readjust down near what I was paying.
Wow! Do I understand 220 total hours, NO RV-10 time (except 10 hours dual)? That is a great deal. Prices must have dropped a lot. Frankly I doubt you'll see much if any further reduction unless, as I said, the market has changed significantly.

Is your -10 pretty much "bare bones" when it comes to avionics? Or a high time engine? I ask because the hull value seems a bit low to me.

Yes, 220 hours total and just my 10 hours of transition training. Our plane is fully loaded, new barrett engine etc... I need to up the hull value to 150k before we fly. Even though I don't have that into it, it's what it would cost to replace it.my agent said my rate would probably drop significantly next year. I'm expecting to have it be around 1200. My instrument rating is what helps a lot.
Yes, 220 hours total and just my 10 hours of transition training. Our plane is fully loaded, new barrett engine etc... I need to up the hull value to 150k before we fly. Even though I don't have that into it, it's what it would cost to replace it.my agent said my rate would probably drop significantly next year. I'm expecting to have it be around 1200. My instrument rating is what helps a lot.

Who is insuring your plane? That number sounds awfully low... but at some point I will be in the market... I was expecting to be paying upwards of $2k the first year.