
Well Known Member
With a new year upon us, and high hopes to follow through with those new year resolutions in 2010. I was wondering if anyone was setting an RV resolution for 2010? How many of you hope to be in the air? Finished with a specific sub kit? Sell it?

For starters I hope to just have my wing kit get delivered. I ordered it back in August. Partain says sometime after Christmas, so we will see. This time next year, I would love to be well in to my fuse.

Finishing fiberglass, wiring and getting ready to start painting - We hope to be flying off our 40 in a few months...
Mine will fly in 2010.

I was told once that if you set a goal that is easily attainable, is it really a goal?
Improve Airport!

My new year's revolution is to fly more. In order to accomplish this, I have decided to dig deeply into my retirement fund and pave my runway.
This is certainly not an easy task when the number of property owners totals ONE!
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Get er done

I will go on record that I plan on getting her up (at least once ) before the snow hits at the end of 2010.

It just takes time and lots of money. :eek:
IFR Cert and start another 9A

I am currently working on a way to upgrade my panel so I can get my IFR ticket this year. That is my number 1 goal :)

Number 2 is to start building the 9A tail kit that arrived via the Fed-Ex sleigh the other day. :D This one will be a sloooow build and is being designed with an IFR mission in mind.

My immediate goal is to go flying today ;) as it is beautiful in Colorado this morning, although a little cold at 11 degrees.
Get 'er to the airport.

I'm not going to jinx it. What I do want is to be ready to move to the airport. I still have the canopy, wiring, FWF, and fiberglass to do. Finishing all that in a year with a day job is going to be tough.

Then there's aerobatics/tailwheel training and RV transition training..
This is the year or else

24 Golf and Brantel stole my thunder....finish fiberglass and wiring and paint..hope to fly in the Spring after 8 years building..!
2010 goals...

I am going to focus on logging more PIC cross-country time and continue my IR training. Before I got distracted with the idea of building, this was my next goal. With merit increases and bonuses expected to be significantly lower at the company this year - the start of the build will have to wait. I'm even considering picking up an old Tiger, Cheetah or Cherokee 180 to get my IR and then offload it to fund the -9A in 2011.

But hey, I know my goal is to keep flying! So there's that. :D
Get shop/garage ready, buy all needed tools, get wife 100% onboard, and start flying lessons. Tall orders for 2010, but if there is a will there is a way.
Gonna burn some midnight oil

Try real hard to resist the urge to surf this site and spend the time in the shop working on 2 Pappa Mike instead. I spend way too much time here.:rolleyes: My wife has even told me to quit farting around on the VAF site and finish "that dam plane" :eek:
Finish Phase 1 test flying
Fit leg fairings and wheel pants
Fit cowl lip seals
Finish other little details
Have fun and go places

Jim Sharkey
RV-6 Phase 1
Upgrade the panel (430W already on order) and get my instrument ticket. Should start on that by April.

Bob Kelly
I'd really really like to build a 12.

But, before that, wife says the kitchen must be replaced before it finally falls apart, the windows really really should be replaced, the house repainted, some trim redone the house paid off. I need to survive another trip to New Zealand, thats where I rented a plane and instructor and flew down the coast to Ragland), and since I'm taking over another medical floor, endless hours of taking over activities.

Then the kicker. Before I build, I probably should get the PPL.

Thats what I want to do the next year. It might take two or three of them.

Meanwhile wife and I are in negotiations over where we go to retire. She wants peace and quiet and no aeroplanes flying overhead. I want to be in the country with space, a stretch of lawn about 2000 feet long.. We both want to walk everywhere. It would be cool if we could actually agree on something this next year, or two, or three...

I read the article about the first single engine plane that flew to Japan. I'd love to design one that could fly safely to New Zealand. On autopilot... I dont think the 12 would do that, but perhaps the 13 ?
I was just at a family party last night and asked this very question.

My answer was:
1) Survive and get a clean bill of health after the most shocking surprise of 2009
2) Watch my baby girl have another great year
3) Get my -8 flying


I'm with you. Wings on order, should be here in February. Hope you and the family had a great Christmas with the new baby.
My resolution

I hope to get my 8A to airport by mid March for final assembly and its inspection. I have finished painting the fuselage, wings and tail parts. I only have to complete my airbox and paint the engine cowling, spinner and wing intersection pieces. The gear legs and wheel pants will be finished after she flies. From the time I received the quick build kit till now has been 14 months.

Allan Stern RV 6A My Girl
RV 8A almost done
2010 goals

Ordering the ECI kit today! Would like to get it built and installed along with everything else except the panel. Panel is 2011!
I don't think it's possible that 14MX will be flying this year. But I hope to have 156PK painted. And I'd like to make some RV gatherings, too (*sigh* I'm already missing the one in Laughlin because I precommitted to a local fly-in at Sedona). I'm not sure if I will find time but I also want to go for my IFR rating and attend a formation clinic. I will definitely attend both the events at Valle airport; they are too important to our EAA chapter to miss. I'm not sure if I will make Oshkosh but if I get a deal like last year I'll definitely go and this time in an RV instead of a Maule. I'm hopeful about attending Copperstate and LOE this year but no telling. Notice that this isn't really a list of resolutions, just intentions.
To convert 40569 to N569JC. I've got two weeks off in Jan and am hopeing to get all the finish-up items completed.

First flight in Jan! That's the goal! :D
oh yea!

-Hope to get my FFI card and get to FWF in the other 6A
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