
Chief Obfuscation Officer
A) I would like to get to know both of them better ;)

B) Both were pictured on eBay's home page today...

True story

I went to a FAA safety meeting a few months ago. The speaker used to fly blimps and was a CFI.

If memory serves correctly...He asked if anyone was interested in a nice plane for sale (a Cirrus I think) because AJ had one for sale. It seems that she also asked him to be her instructor and he told her no, it was too dangerous. She asked why and his reply - He would be too distracted.

He told another story and it went something like this...He asked for direct to runway/airport (close enough for the story) in the blimp once and the controller told him no. He then requested the full procedure ILS. The controller changed his mind. Can you imagine locking up a runway for 45 minutes. LMAO when he told the story.
Y'all do know she flies "little airplanes"... or used to before she started adopting kids.

I've heard it said about flying jets that if you can just get the engines running, the flying part comes pretty easy. Wonder is the same could be said of a date with her...
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Morgan Freeman is also a pilot. On a stop over from an RV-4 ferry flight from CA to VA. I intentionally stopped in Clarksdale, MS - the birthplace of the blues to go to Morgan Freeman's club - Ground Zero. Anyway, I met an interesting character who runs the airport and gave me some of the inside scoop on things in Clarksdale. Apparently Morgan is a terrific guy, easy to get a long with for the most part and he has a few aircraft based out of Fletcher Field in Clarksdale. Nothing super fancy except one jet - I believe a Citation. Morgan apparently flies them all. He even has a lease back on a few smaller piston singles for flight instruction.
How about what they don't have in common?

a) maintenance costs
b) certifications needed for inspection authorization
c) with one "out-of-control" might be dangerous, with the other it might be fun (you decide which is which) :)
How about what they don't have in common?

a) maintenance costs

You've got to be kidding. I flat out guarantee you that they both have maintenance cost.

You don't suppose this is what ran SmokeyRay off from flying F16's do you?

I agree. The difference is the "level" of maintenance costs.

The -4 is cheaper, and will never tell your dirty secrets if you leave her. You can also sell her legally and have a little money in your pocket.
Morgan Freeman is also a pilot.
At Airventure last year, Chad Jensen (cjensen on VAF) and I were walking out of hangar B and ran into him. He was getting a private tour from the EAA and was whisked away in a tinted SUV.
Brad's fault

This thread is truly Brad's fault. Since he definately has an eye for beauty, do you supposed he can answer who was the leading lady in this Bond classic? Real name - not screen name please. Let's keep it rated G.


Can I phone a friend? Poll the audience? How about I ask a 5th grader?

By the looks of that photo... it was probably before my time. :)
Your friend called

Can I phone a friend? Poll the audience? How about I ask a 5th grader?

By the looks of that photo... it was probably before my time. :)

The 5th grader in the audience called - The name is Bond, James Bond. Movie is Goldfinger. I still don't want to put the actress' screen name up here but all these lovely ladies are pilots (at least in the movie).
I'll do it


He says... showing his age.

Oops, sorry that was the name of a Bond movie not an actress.
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Honor Blackman?

P.S. screen name in code;) Puss E. Galore.

Am I right? I phoned a friend called the internet.

He says... showing his age.

Oops, sorry that was the name of a Bond movie not an actress.

You guys are not smarter than a 5th grader.

I thought every red blooded man has watched all the old James Bond Classics at least a 1/2 dozen times growing up.

Move was Goldfinger and Honor Blackman played a female villian Pussy Galore. The ladies pictured were the pilots of Miss Galore's Fying Circus. One of the settings is Blue Grass Field in Lexington, KY.


Brad - This is way photos looked in the "good old days" and here is Miss Blackman.

BTW - This doesn't have a thing to do with AJ and a RV4 - just a fun thread that transtioned on to the beautiful people that are pilots. Just having fun.

BTW - Has anyone ever noticed that airplanes were always involved the Bond movies? Any of them that didn't feature a GA single engine plane?
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All smart women pilots wear Bose!!!

I saw the Bond movie in highschool when it was new. Honor Blackman and the Lady Pilots did inspire me.

I went to a FAA safety meeting a few months ago. The speaker used to fly blimps and was a CFI.

If memory serves correctly...He asked if anyone was interested in a nice plane for sale (a Cirrus I think) because AJ had one for sale. It seems that she also asked him to be her instructor and he told her no, it was too dangerous. She asked why and his reply - He would be too distracted.

He told another story and it went something like this...He asked for direct to runway/airport (close enough for the story) in the blimp once and the controller told him no. He then requested the full procedure ILS. The controller changed his mind. Can you imagine locking up a runway for 45 minutes. LMAO when he told the story.

A friend of one of our instructors taught Angelina to fly in her Cirrus out of SMA (Santa Monica). She had nothing but good things to say about her personality and flying skills. Brad is/was also taking lessons.
think first, engage mouth second - oh well!

*ahem* what to say that won't get me in trouble with Doug . . .

One is.

If the RV-4 and Anjolina(sp?) Jolie were both Pre-punched, they'd sell more!!!

Hey, that can't be any worse than the title of the "Show Us Your Rocket" post.
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All smart women pilots wear Bose!!!

I saw the Bond movie in highschool when it was new. Honor Blackman and the Lady Pilots did inspire me.


Yes, but Roberta, I KNOW you're smart enough to put your headsets on correctly.

Look closely.....Angelina has hers on the wrong way.