Paul Tuttle

Well Known Member
In light of recent events and the threads associated with items found during inspections. I'm wondering if it may be a good idea to consolidate any discrepancies of concern we find into one common safety thread instead of several of them? Perhaps one already exists? The problem as I see it, is some of the headings we put on our threads my not get some peoples attention and an important bit of information may get missed. I guess I'm thinking of things that one usually doesn't consider like Kevin Horton's recent discovery for example. or cracks developing in unusual areas etc. Kind of a "RED ALERT" thread or something.

I would certainly look at it every time someone posted on it.

As a result of other threads I was compelled to do some unscheduled inspections and found some things that needed attention.

The more informed we are the safer we likely are, I figure.
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