Well Known Member
What did you do with your RV this weekend? (9/14/19)

I thought that it may be fun to hear what others did this weekend. Feel free to add your weekend building, flying, or tinkering adventure.

As for me, my wife and I took our RV-9A from Carlsbad to Santa Monica. We had lunch there, and then flew back to Carlsbad.

Beautiful day for flying, we went from 85 degrees in Carlsbad to 73 degrees in Santa Monica. Upon landing in Santa Monica, we joined another RV in transient parking.

My wife enjoyed the flight, and looks forward to next weekend, when we'll be flying to the San Francisco Bay Area to see her parents. She prefers 1.5 hour legs, so we'll stop for lunch on our way to and from.
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I flew to Minden on Friday afternoon and met a friend and we went to the Reno air races. Unfortunately, a cold front approaching the west coast came faster than originally forecast, so I had to leave Sunday AM for home, or I was not going to make it home for the better part of a week.

My wife and I flew from LGB to VGT on Friday. The purpose? Why to take in the Eric Clapton concert Friday night! We stayed the night then flew to Big Bear for breakfast the next morning. Fun times!


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Tampa to Denver, IFR. What a fantastic machine.

Hard to beat an RV.

"What a fantastic machine" really says it best. I find that the RV just does whatever I ask it to do, and makes it fun in the process.
Hard to beat an RV.

"What a fantastic machine" really says it best. I find that the RV just does whatever I ask it to do, and makes it fun in the process.

Yes hard to beat an RV and they are a fantastic machine, not too sure I'd go IFR though in any single! Still each to their own:)
Saturday morning I woke to low overcast, which didn't clear until after noon.

Scratched the plan to go to the AOPA fly-in.

So, I pushed the plane outside and set the new industrial shelving and started reorganizing my hangar. Sunday was more of the same.

The hangar looks a lot better. Still some work to do but I have gained a lot of floor space!
Austin to Sedona NM for lunch after hiking the airport loop for 2hrs, then on to Vegas.

Hiked some pretty crazy stuff at Red Rock Canyon.

1.5hr flying tour with 4 RVs around Hoover dam, Grand Canyon, Lake Mead, Valley of fire, Red Rock Canyon (from the air this time).


A full Dam tour of Hoover dam, from the inside :).

An evening of hangar flying and fun with friends, including Jeremiah Weed.

A full day of flying back from Vegas to Austin to include some nice solid IMC in rain in the high desert.

Just your standard RV stuff. Back to W-O-R-K on Monday.
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Local flight (CYQF Red Deer, AB) over the city on Friday and then down to High River (CEN4) for their rescheduled fly-in breakfast. Skirted Calgary's class C on the way down, did an easy transition through on the way home. Great weekend for flying, wonder how many more of those we're going to get this year.

T82 to Denton, Texas. Gave RV rides to grandchildren, 4, 7 and 8 year olds, everyone said wow after take off. My son got to fly the RV and he was impressed. My wife, Judie flew home, everyone got to fly and the weather was perfect.
Took my daughter up to Long Beach for the the Taste of Japan Festival. Visited family for the weekend.
Friday & Sunday

On Friday did the Golden Ray flyover with Butch Harrell. Then on Sunday, met Butch over Winder GA KWDR and we flew up to Knoxville TN KDKX for lunch. Gary Sobek, another former Cableite KCCB, flew over from NC25 and had lunch with us at the Stock & Barrel. All of us were back at our home airports before 6pm. Love the RV.
Great question!!!

I flew my son Dan to visit his grandmother.

I started out in Richmond, VA. Dan was in Allentown, PA, and his grandmother was in Virginia Beach, VA.

Sounds like a job for an RV!

This weekend reminded me that my O-320 RV-9A is an incredibly efficient traveling machine. I flew W96 (VA) to KXLL (PA) to KORF (Norfolk, VA) to KXLL to W96 on a grand total of 48 gallons of gas. That's at least 844 NM, so figure at least 17.6 nmpg.

Great mileage isn't enough, of course. Speed is obviously another part of the awesomeness equation. RVs are fast, especially for the horsepower. I probably averaged 153 KTAS.

And of course the straight line thing is also a very big deal, at least here in the Mid-Atlantic. The trip from W96 to KXLL is maybe 70 nm shorter by air than the driving route, since you can go straight across the Chesapeake Bay. You get the same type of windfall flying to any number of other places in the Mid-Atlantic. Cape Cod and Ocracoke Island, for example, are ridiculously more convenient by small plane.

Then there are the intangibles. When I fly, billions of dollars of equipment and hundreds of highly trained smart people help ensure that I don't hit anything. On I-95, I'm barreling along next to a guy who hasn't slept in 7 days who is texting while shouting at his wife. Meanwhile, motorcycles are racing each other on the shoulders (seen that) or passing me while doing wheelies (seen that).

And then there's the scenery. I got to dodge some weather and chop up some clouds along the way. Terrific fun:


Dan expressed high satisfaction:

I flew to St. Louis (KSET) to do my multi-engine checkride! Then did a few laps of TnGs at KSTL! (also posted this pic to FB RV-10 Group)

Flew to Knoxville Downtown Island airport to meet two RV friends for lunch. I stopped to get $3.85 gallon AvGas before lunch.

They should have some airplane photos.



I didn?t do anything with MY RV this weekend, but because of the RV and the relationships I?ve forged over the years, I got to go to the Reno Air Races with a bunch of airplane people that I met because of the RV and watch other RVs make the turns around the pylons.

Also, while almost 2000 miles away, I supervised a Young Eagles event for 41 kids that I organized, but unfortunately couldn?t be there for due to Reno, that were flown by a bunch of my RV buddies from the Falcon RV Squadron at FFC and a few other local pilots. Thank you Falcon RV Squadron!
I rebuilt both carbs on my RV-12 over the weekend for Annual Condition Insp. Tonight a friend and I will synch them together for smooth operation. Test fly tomorrow morning...
Pendleton, OR, Mather/Sacramento , Flagstaff and home to Santa Fe, NM. Second loop through the PNW this summer.

An amazing machine, indeed. :)
I installed a new Aero Classic oil cooler to replace the factory Niagra and then test flew it. Amazing, I got my oil temps down by 10 to 15 degrees, exactly what I was looking for.
CLL and back

Very hot in SE TX, summer continues!

Saturday takeoff at Sunrise for 40 minute flight to CLL, bkfast with A&M student son, back home around 10 am before the temps hit hi 90s! By car, over 4 hours with good traffic!


Made a Liquor run to Oregon then took my bride from Eastern Washington to Orcas Island for Oysters and a short walk. Then Back home for some skydiving!
I?m having a great time reading what everyone did with their RV this weekend! :) What a great, active group of pilots.
Our Oklahoma City EAA Chapter, with 6 airplanes (3 of which were RVs) gave 51 Young Eagles flights to kids at Guthrie, Oklahoma. Many of the kids have never been in an airplane. One of my kids was celebrating her 10th birthday with her first airplane ride.
Launched into MVFR, stayed local, did a little acro, then did multiple very slow passes down the runway at 6" (+2'/- 6") high in an effort to regain my landing touch. Based on my final landing, I think I wasted my time.
On Friday I watched My aircraft go through a prebuy inspection, then I took the soon to be owner flying Friday evening and Saturday morning! Awesome in that my first build is going to a great couple that is nearly identical to my wife and I but sad to let her go. On the bright side my -10 should hopefully be running this year if not flying.
Wandered around Colorado

Looking for colors. Not yet...

The view from the top of La Veta pass.


So we landed in Salida, and went for lunch. We are all really lucky.
Last Monday was time to relocate my Rv from CT to FL. Filed fir from khfd to ksfq to get thru some layers in nyc area. Easy approach into sufolk co VA. Some low overcast thru NC, fuel stop at st Augustine FL, easy build ups to get around, home to stuart. A nice welcome home from the the tower folks.
Back home at the Rv hotel things have been totally redone. The old house has been removed and a custom home built. More to come later.
An indoor Pickleball court has been finished 5 minutes from the house. If you are into the fastest growing sport then you need to fly in play and spend a night. More to come later.
Great thread, keep flying those Young Eagles, don?t neglect your RV, keep them flying, Turbo Out.
RV flying last weekend

Flew from Y14 to KPQN (Pipestone MN) and gave 5 kids rides as part of the EAA Young Eagles program. Always enjoyable!
Up just before sunrise Saturday morning, went to the hangar and almost finished the GDL-82 install on my -6A. Then did some -10 transition training for a friend just before noon. Flew to Reno (in a tube) so I could watch a friend go around the pylons in his -8 Sunday morning. What a great community we have!
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I had a real mess going on with my day job and couldn't drop everything and run early in the week for Reno, but I saddled up early Saturday morning out of west Texas, wheels up at 6am IFR non-stop to Carson City NV and was in the grandstands in time for the second Sport heat 3C coming down the chute at about 11 am local. The flight west into Carson was great at 14,000' smooth and cool, watching the sun come up over New Mexico.

Couple of great days at the races seeing old friends and watching some amazing things come out of the Sport pits, then back home again on Monday morning. Departed IFR at 15,000' out of Carson City at 7:30 local and landed back home in west Texas at 4pm, beating the cold front that was moving into Reno by maybe an hour and avoiding the thunderbumpers in New Mexico by about the same margin - and sneaking through the POTUS TFR over Albuquerque before it went hot.

Oh yeah - I crossed 500 hours on my airplane on the way home too, since first flight in February of 2016. I'm still a lowtimer on here, but I'm making progress!

6.7 hours nonstop from 73XS into KCXP on Saturday burning 46 gallons, and 6.8 hours nonstop on the way back burning 47. I beat Southwest Airlines for that trip on both time and price on a 1000-nm true cross-country, and enjoyed it a lot more in the bargain. Love this magic carpet!

Here's a shot from cruise mid-way back home, my tracks are on flightaware since I was IFR. These long flights are kind of interesting, I started on NORCAL Approach, then Salt Lake Center, then LA center, then Denver center, then Albuquerque, and finally Ft Worth center before dropping down into Midland approach.

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I flew from Atlanta to the AOPA fly in at Tullahoma TN. Toured the Jack Daniels distillery. Very interesting! Also spent a few minutes visiting one on one with Jack Pelton. That is about impossible to do at Oshkosh.

John Morgan
Flew Up The Northern California Coast

I hadn?t been flying for a month. I?ve been knee deep in remodeling my kitchen so every weekend has been booked solid. I?m finally seeing light at the end of the tunnel so I decided that after work on Friday I?d see if I still remembered how to pilot my RV.

Initially I thought I?d hop over the hill to Watsonville for dinner. On my way there I decided instead to continue up the coast to Half Moon Bay since the marine layer was nowhere to be seen.


I walked over to Barbara?s Fish Trap and enjoyed a plate of fish and chips. It was a beautiful day!

I visited with some friends, hopped in the plane, jumped over the hill, and headed home. I got to fly near the Apple Spaceship.

The evening lighting was wonderful over SJC!

I remember reminding myself to not take this for granted. I?m so lucky to be able to do things like this! ?Normal? people don?t get to do things like this.

Keep pounding those rivets and become an abnormal person like me and the other RVers out there!
I didn?t do anything with MY RV this weekend, but because of the RV and the relationships I?ve forged over the years, I got to go to the Reno Air Races with a bunch of airplane people that I met because of the RV and watch other RVs make the turns around the pylons.

Also, while almost 2000 miles away, I supervised a Young Eagles event for 41 kids that I organized, but unfortunately couldn?t be there for due to Reno, that were flown by a bunch of my RV buddies from the Falcon RV Squadron at FFC and a few other local pilots. Thank you Falcon RV Squadron!

C?mon Jerry, you really need to share the picture of your BBQ parfait with the group.

Had a blast with my first 7 Young Eagles and parents!