Dropped her off to get painted. I now need to cmoe up with something to do with myself till Jan 20th :)


Hung the vertical stab. Was all ready for yesterday to end with me riveting the splice plate on and having it attached by just bolts, only to find edge distance issues with the rivet holes at the end of the forward spar.

So instead I ended the day with an email to the mothership. Pretty sure I can just add another row of rivets here and be OK (I found a post here where someone said they got this exact suggestion), but given the part of the structure we're talking about, I want to hear directly from home base on this one.

Next up: putting those flappy things on the back and getting them connected to the waggly thing in the cockpit.
Got it back from condition inspection on Friday (thanks Vic Syracuse!) and flew it home after a brief stopover at 6A2 to check on the status of my instrument panel upgrade order. On Sunday after church, flew with the bride to Barnstormers Grill at Alexander Memorial - GA2 - formerly Peach State Aerodrome for Sunday lunch buffet. Beautiful fall weekend in the south.
Flew the newly acquired RV-4 from Bishop, TX (07R) to Fredericksburg (T82) to check out the Hanger Hotel and eat breakfast at the diner then on to Uvalde (UVA) topped off and back to Bishop. I was trueing out around 170 kts at around 8,000 ft at 2400 rpm and 21 in burning about 9.5 gph.
Finally cut the two wing spars bolt that were found loose on inspection. The washers were not put on so you could never tighten them to torque specs. I have the RV9A so getting to them was difficult, forming a wrench to fit into the opening was a task. We got the right side off but the left side nut was rounded. Had to use a Dremel with an extension, a few carbide bits, two hours of laying in a difficult position, and finally got the nut off. New bolt, with a washer, and nut tightened and torqued. Huge step out of the way. Finally can get the mechanic back out to approve the changes.
I strategically waited till the wife was at work to sneak the seatbelts into the washing machine after a brief pre-treat, they made a lot of noise but came out nice and clean! They were pretty dry out of the washer but I laid them over a chair to air dry completely. Pretty sure the only dirty spots came from maintenance.



A little inspection/Service bulletin on the wing.


I've grown tired of snagging my shirtsleeves and bag straps on the corners of my seatbacks, I trimmed them off and am currently installing a small strap of .063 to join the 2 angles together.



Lil' dude joined me as usual and went to town cleaning the belly.



Lil'dude also managed to spill the container of tail fairing screws off the bench, he found them all but 1.

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Red One in the right seat

We had the honour and pleasure of being joined by a former RAF Red Arrows lead who flew right seat with Eddie for some formation followed by a nice lunch at the HARS museum.

A thorough gentleman and very generous with his knowledge. His insights were greatly appreciated and will no doubt assist us to enhance our own flying.

A new RV grin was firmly installed!

Whit and I flew the VFR Corridor

This past weekend, I flew my RV-4 from WBW to N43 to Pick up Whit while his RV-4 was down getting new brake lines. He flew me from N43 (in my plane) to breakfast at N40. From there we swapped seats and decided to fly the VFR corridor in NYC. Whit is a 767 FO at United Airlines. He's very used to the view only 4,000 higher on the visual into JFK. We also flew the coastline at 400' in the small area that allows you less than 5 miles away from JFK without talking to anyone. Pretty awesome experience and we've already began to plan a four ship RV-4 formation flight up the corridor in the spring. We will surely share those pictures when the time comes!







That pic over the Hudson is Awesome! Did you take that with a camera or a newer iPhone?

That was on the new iphone11 pro. I would HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who loves cockpit pictures! This one below was a few weeks ago when the leaves were changing in NEPA:

This past weekend, I flew my RV-4 from WBW to N43 to Pick up Whit while his RV-4 was down getting new brake lines. He flew me from N43 (in my plane) to breakfast at N40. From there we swapped seats and decided to fly the VFR corridor in NYC. Whit is a 767 FO at United Airlines. He's very used to the view only 4,000 higher on the visual into JFK. We also flew the coastline at 400' in the small area that allows you less than 5 miles away from JFK without talking to anyone. Pretty awesome experience and we've already began to plan a four ship RV-4 formation flight up the corridor in the spring. We will surely share those pictures when the time comes!








Very cool Devin thanks for sharing! I haven't flown over the Hudson for a month and already missing it. :)
Very cool Devin thanks for sharing! I haven't flown over the Hudson for a month and already missing it. :)

VLAD I've recently moved back to PA from SC and I've heard your name thrown around at a bunch of the airports I've been into recently. Let's get together soon! I am close by and flying ALL the time!
VLAD I've recently moved back to PA from SC and I've heard your name thrown around at a bunch of the airports I've been into recently. Let's get together soon! I am close by and flying ALL the time!

Perfect! My aircraft is 1500 nm away but we have a club Cessna to putt around. :)
This past weekend, I flew my RV-4 from WBW to N43 to Pick up Whit while his RV-4 was down getting new brake lines. He flew me from N43 (in my plane) to breakfast at N40. From there we swapped seats and decided to fly the VFR corridor in NYC. Whit is a 767 FO at United Airlines. He's very used to the view only 4,000 higher on the visual into JFK. We also flew the coastline at 400' in the small area that allows you less than 5 miles away from JFK without talking to anyone. Pretty awesome experience and we've already began to plan a four ship RV-4 formation flight up the corridor in the spring. We will surely share those pictures when the time comes!








That looks like fun!! Maybe one day hahaha
So awesome!

What an incredible view. For those of you who fly this on a regular basis, please don't take if for granted. This is definitely on the must do list.