It had been two weeks since I last few (or even saw) my RV. Work flying, and I was sick... Today offered a pretty narrow window to fly, with four days of rain coming in, so I decided to head to the airport and go fly.

Always makes me happy to open the hangar and have this view


My plan was to fly from home (L18) to Corona (AJO) and see what was going on there, and maybe find some food. Halfway there, it was pretty obvious that the weather was moving in quicker than I thought, because there were lower clouds and visibility than I expected. Actually, just to the north of L18, there were already low clouds that I saw while on the downwind departing the area.

Even with the lower weather than I expected, I had a nice and fun flight over to AJO. Did a full-stop and taxied along the parallel taxiway with no specific plan in mind. The airport was pretty quiet, with not many airplanes out. I did see an RV-8 refueling, so that was nice. The east side ramp was basically empty, so it was pretty clear not many people were out today. So, I just taxied back to the runway and flew back home. The weather was worse coming back than it was going. Low visibility, and more low clouds.

Took a slightly longer route back home to avoid some of the highest terrain along the route, which was already obscured in clouds.

Came back to the hangar with a smile on my face and realigned mental gyros, so I think my morning accomplished what it was that I set out to do. I definitely didn't beat the rain home though...

Unfortunately, this is the closest I've gotten to my -7 since I picked up COVID this week :- (