
Well Known Member
Took plan to paint shop.
Son followed me there in rented 172.
Rv9a burned 11 gals getting here, son’s rental burned 26 gals.
Rv9a was at 4.5 gph, c172 was at about 12gph


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Left it home in the hangar and drove six hours to Cincinnati. :( We were looking forward to a 90 minute trip to Batavia, check out the Sporty's store and museum, arrive fresh and ready for my son's wedding rehearsal dinner last night.

It was not to be. WX forecast for Sunday that not even {the IFR ticket I don't have} would have made the trip possible. No IFR approach into the home strip regardless. The WV and OH interstate system is not as pleasant as the skies at 8500'.

Next time!

ETA: and, boy, did the drive home confirm the wisdom of that decision.
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Took plan to paint shop.
Son followed me there in rented 172.
Rv9a burned 11 gals getting here, son’s rental burned 26 gals.
Rv9a was at 4.5 gph, c172 was at about 12gph

When leaned properly, fuel burn is directly proportional to HP. In this instance, I would believe that the C-172 was run at full rich or close to it.

When leaned properly, fuel burn is directly proportional to HP. In this instance, I would believe that the C-172 was run at full rich or close to it.

On the way out full rich at 7500'. On the way back (with me in it) leaned aggressively. Still burned a heck of a lot of gas for two people (22 gals). I realized the limitations of the 172 for cross countries. And what "total performance" really means.
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Bath Time

I took advantage of the ever present Seattle rain to give the old girl a much needed bath. It had been a while.

Flew the RV-4 to Hemet (KHMT) to grab breakfast, and enjoy a nice day.

Noticeably quiet skies today, since there's a large Presidential TFR in the Los Angeles area.


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Surveyed an off airport landing site. Plenty of good surface and clearance. Take off might be a challenge without a traffic observer :)


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Ordered some stuff from aircraft spruce, but placed it on "will call" on purpose, so I had an excuse to go fly there (Harrisburg, PA). 45 minutes each way, plus 10 minutes in the FBO's crew car.


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Add another one to the 7A tally...

Long time listener, first time caller.
My 7A project was officially transformed into an airplane.
Wouldn't have happened without 1: supportive wife(thanks G), 2: AWESOME build mentor(thanks Charlie), 3: this amazing site(thanks Doug).
Can't wait to see how she flies!


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Hi, my name’s Andy and I’m an RV pilot. I’m ashamed but it’s been over a month since I’ve kicked the tires and lit the fires. Nothing but lame excuses…..

My oldest daughter has been studying the PPL in an elective study hall at her high school and asked if we could fly last week and gave me a great excuse for this weekend. Both of us had all loose ends tied up by Sun Eve and it was a blistering 4-6 knots of wind and above 40* temps.
She wanted to work on landings, I made her work on Airspeed/Altitude/Trim. Most of her flying is going places so her XC and level flight is great, it’s a different set of skills to start with. She thinks she’s bad at it, but she’ll also beat most instrument students (and a fair amount of instrument pilots) at heading/altitude/radio but she’s still pretty bad at taxiing. Hard for the kiddos to reach the rudder pedals.
Just a pic off the wing overflying a friends airport on our flight, notice the AOA. We were doing level flight at 110 KIAS and had just moved to 90 KIAS. Shortly after it was level at 70 KIAS. Followed by full power climb at 70 KIAS and an accelerating level off. Then a couple nonstandard clean low power stalls just to show how non-eventful they can be.
Spent less than $30 in fuel for the hour.


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I flew my new to me 10 from Portland to NWR in TX. I asked Michael (screen name Mycool) to fly with me the first leg from Portland to Paso Robles CA. What a great choice for a CFII, I would highly Reccomend Michael for any CFII work you need, what a fun flight. Mt Shasta was on our course, I am amazed with the Advanced panel, its interpretation and accuracy of terrain. Of course we had to buzz the San Fran area while I was on the west coast. I dropped Michael off and headed back to TX. My fuel stop was Sedona, what a cool airport with a intimidating approach. I was able to get a nice tail wind for the final leg, made it back to TX without any issues.


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I recently was able to get a hangar much closer to home so the RV becomes more useful for shorter trips. Yesterday my daughter and I took the RV on a 20 minute hop that avoided surface traffic for her third session of dual in gliders.


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Built a new rudder...

Finally got around to building a replacement rudder. It goes together much quicker the 7th or 8th time around :)


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Long time listener, first time caller.
My 7A project was officially transformed into an airplane.
Wouldn't have happened without 1: supportive wife(thanks G), 2: AWESOME build mentor(thanks Charlie), 3: this amazing site(thanks Doug).
Can't wait to see how she flies!

welcome! I love the invasion stripes