Well Known Member
Last weekends trip to Flagstaff and back had me landing at the home airport with about 18 gallons of fuel. Today I really had nowhere to go, so I decided to fly down to Brown Field (KSDM) to get some gas, and fly over a friends house.

I took off and headed south along the coast and through the VFR corridor over San Diego Int'l, and downtown San Diego. Today was the first fairly clear day that I've flown on in the last several weeks (fires/smoke). It was nice to see it pretty clear again.

After fueling up at Brown Field, I text messaged my friend and told her that I'd be over her house in a few minutes. One of the many nice things about ForeFlight is that you can enter an address and it will plot that address on the map. From there, I was able to send that to my AFS panel, and fly directly over her house. I did a few orbits over my friends house, and then headed north via the inland route; through the Class D of Ramona at 3500', and then a straight line to Fallbrook, where I put the airplane back in the hangar, and gave it a dry wash.

I only flew 1 hour, but had a great time. My friend was so excited to see me overhead and she sent me a still picture and video of my flyover (RV's are really small from 1,000' AGL!) which was fun. Nice to make her day... She has a morning show on the radio, so I am sure that the RV will get some airtime on Monday morning. :cool:

What have you done with your RV/RV build this weekend?? Extra credit for pictures!


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watch for elk

As I'm still grounded by a broken collarbone I spent part of the weekend just hanging out at the airport. At one point I noticed a few planes going around for no apparent reason, and I looked out and saw this -- no wonder!

This is at Seaside, OR Municipal (56S) where, due to a number of circumstances, we can't fence off our airport. So the abundant wildlife is simply a fact of life here, including this herd that wanders onto the airport occasionally. Fortunately they mostly stick to the grass areas along the sides, and they're not much spooked by airplanes so they don't tend to bolt out in front, but it's important to be vigilant flying in here (as with many many rural airports). During the daytime they're hard to miss; at night, I always make one or two low passes to clear the runway and environs.

Yes, it's scary from a safety standpoint. But still, pretty cool.


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Oh my! And I thought our deer problem on the airport was bad.

As I'm still grounded by a broken collarbone I spent part of the weekend just hanging out at the airport. At one point I noticed a few planes going around for no apparent reason, and I looked out and saw this -- no wonder!

This is at Seaside, OR Municipal (56S) where, due to a number of circumstances, we can't fence off our airport. So the abundant wildlife is simply a fact of life here, including this herd that wanders onto the airport occasionally. Fortunately they mostly stick to the grass areas along the sides, and they're not much spooked by airplanes so they don't tend to bolt out in front, but it's important to be vigilant flying in here (as with many many rural airports). During the daytime they're hard to miss; at night, I always make one or two low passes to clear the runway and environs.

Yes, it's scary from a safety standpoint. But still, pretty cool.
Under the wire fly-in

Saturday morning at Under the wire fly-in.
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Nice looking decal on the tail of the yellow -8!!!!!! I think I've seen that somewhere before.
Airspeed Calibration

Airspeed calibration testing over the Tennessee R. valley off the Cumberland Plateau. Smaller rectangle, slower speed, bigger rectangle, higher speeds. Hard to stay in smooth stable air in my area at higher speeds.


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This is at Seaside, OR Municipal (56S) where, due to a number of circumstances, we can't fence off our airport. So the abundant wildlife is simply a fact of life here, including this herd that wanders onto the airport occasionally. Fortunately they mostly stick to the grass areas along the sides, and they're not much spooked by airplanes so they don't tend to bolt out in front, but it's important to be vigilant flying in here (as with many many rural airports). During the daytime they're hard to miss; at night, I always make one or two low passes to clear the runway and environs.

The second one from the right...isn't that Anne?
First Annual "Pilot Rodeo" at KRNP

This past weekend was the first annual "Pilot Rodeo" at KRNP in Owosso, Michigan. We have some local guys who have a Just Aircraft SuperSTOL, a couple Stinson's, a few Cessna 170's 180's that call themselves the Great Michigan Bush Co. but I weaseled my way into the collective with a 350' landing once*.

This weekend was the Pilot Rodeo at KRNP which included the spot landing contest, bomb drop (bean bags), and STOL demo from some of the better suited and capable aircraft. I didn't technically win the spot landing (lots of controversy on the rules and scoring.... There was a point system, wasn't based on straight closest to the spot) but I did come in with the best overall spot landing with 6'4" from the chalk line. I think all the bush plane guys were a bit upset about an "RV toy" beating out their big bush tires.. Here is a pic of my first attempt (getting it dialed in) at 25' from the chalk line. Dragging it in with power to a tailwheel low wheel landing and roll it up on the mains to make it stick.

The bomb drop was actually something I could do with the RV. My canopy has air vents right in the bubble and with some paracord tied to the bags, all that was needed was to let go of the string at the right time. With very little downward visability though, I was not even close to the targets...

*My only proof of the 350' landing: Watch at 5:35 and again at 11:35 for the RV action :cool:


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The bomb drop was actually something I could do with the RV. My canopy has air vents right in the bubble and with some paracord tied to the bags, all that was needed was to let go of the string at the right time. With very little downward visability though, I was not even close to the targets...

We used to participate in these contests years ago. The safest place to stand during the bomb drop was the target...:D
Great job Justin! You should have asked them if they wanted to do a top speed contest. :D

This past weekend was the first annual "Pilot Rodeo" at KRNP in Owosso, Michigan. We have some local guys who have a Just Aircraft SuperSTOL, a couple Stinson's, a few Cessna 170's 180's that call themselves the Great Michigan Bush Co. but I weaseled my way into the collective with a 350' landing once*.

This weekend was the Pilot Rodeo at KRNP which included the spot landing contest, bomb drop (bean bags), and STOL demo from some of the better suited and capable aircraft. I didn't technically win the spot landing (lots of controversy on the rules and scoring.... There was a point system, wasn't based on straight closest to the spot) but I did come in with the best overall spot landing with 6'4" from the chalk line. I think all the bush plane guys were a bit upset about an "RV toy" beating out their big bush tires.. Here is a pic of my first attempt (getting it dialed in) at 25' from the chalk line. Dragging it in with power to a tailwheel low wheel landing and roll it up on the mains to make it stick.

The bomb drop was actually something I could do with the RV. My canopy has air vents right in the bubble and with some paracord tied to the bags, all that was needed was to let go of the string at the right time. With very little downward visability though, I was not even close to the targets...

*My only proof of the 350' landing: Watch at 5:35 and again at 11:35 for the RV action :cool: