
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
We had good Wx in N.TX on Saturday, and the area was clobbered with airplane traffic. Seven RVs or so were either in the air, about to fly or just back when I showed to pick up some tools for the house. Radio traffic non-stop.

Yeah, I guess I?ll fly a little since I?m here <g>.

90* Xwind at 9kts made for a fun landing - on one wheel and hold it. Good practice!

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Dry Tortugas

Made the flight from Orlando to the Dry Tortugas National Park before eating a picnic at X06 Arcadia on the way home. Don't forget to call FSS to close your DVFR flight plan as they will have the world looking for you, at least thats what my friends tell me will happen. cough cough.



My wife?s evening jaunt

SC lake view and Aiken, Newberry touch and goes before she took a turn back across the lake to the grass strip in Gilbert.
Thank you to Jeanette for keeping our RV-7 flying while I’m at work.




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We went on a Covid getaway trip to Idaho! Next week is AZ, NM, UT to bring Supplies to Crownpoint NM, a small Navajo Chapter that has been hit hard financially due to Covid. We are taking 250 reusable Masks with HEPA filters, and 12-24 Qts of Hand Sanitizer. Will be flying from Washington, Idaho, Page AZ, Crownpoint NM, Gallup NM, Sedona AZ, Grand Canyon, Hurricane Utah and then returning to Washington. Should have a good video when it is all said and done.

Got my collection of three projects, lots of head scratching, RV engineering and Eighteen years young aeronautical machine I call “The X” out of its hiding place (my garage) for an evening jaunt to escape the confines of my garage, home chores, CV19 shelter in place etc. I also though Mama would appreciate a Moms day ride and a temporary respite from the humdrum.

After a nice taxi out and warm up we departed, climbing to an ear-splitting height of 500’ AGL (1500 MSL) and peered out the canopy at the green landscape, lakes full of fisherman’s and skiers crafts whizzing about, all at a leisurely 2000RPM (4.8gph) 125KTS. We returned to our humble abode, admired our new plants from a birds eye view and barely touched the blades of grass at our home drome, another successful patrol in the books...

Trusty steed back at the barn.

Despite what’s going on In the world around us, we need to be thankful we live in a place with these freedoms...:)
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No Pics but...

We flew up to Big Bear for breakfast on Saturday. The airport office was closed but we walked to Thelma's for take out. Love those Southwest Breakfast sandwiches! Didn't bother with fuel as it was too expensive at over $4-something/gallon!

Sunday we flew to IYK for fuel (thanks Axel!) and paid a more reasonable $1.19/gallon. Got to file IFR to VFR on top to get out of the basin then picked up a "pop-up" on the way back in. All in all a good time with some "actual" and a couple of approaches.

Took a lap arounbd Mt. Adams and Mt. St. Hellen

Went for an AM sight seeing tour of Mt. Adams and Mt. St. Helen's, then a low approach at PDX on the way back to KMMV.


My brother has been furloughed indefinitely, instead of waiting around he decided to get back into trucking. He'd found the right truck for $6000, only problem was he needed a ride to go pick it up several states away. And he needed to do it on Monday. A little planning proved it could be done, leave for the 634 nm round trip at 7am and I could be back just in time for work at 2:30pm.

Staring at the sun and making good time at 15,500, we picked up the IFR on the descent to pop through a 500' layer and landed 5 minutes early.




First time my brother's been in the front seat of one of these!


I was super impressed with my brother's internet buying skills, he just needed the truck to make it back home where he could make some needed repairs but actually was good enough to put to work as is. We had more than a little fun checking it over.




That's the "I'm gonna buy it, you can head home now grin."
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I snagged lunch for the ride home, low and bumpy.



Flew right over Mizzou-Rah on the way home.


Gorgeous Cedar Creek strip just east of Columbia, Mo.


Stopped for $3.00 gas at KVER, restroom and a coke.



Bad decision on the coke, I was wearing part of it and had to force chug it after hitting some nasty turbulence by the front.


I made it back in time to wipe some bugs and make my 2:30 shift on time. I'm almost done with my 8 hour shift and my brother still has 4-5 more hours driving.
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