
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
What did you do with your RV this Weekend (5/30/2020 - 5/31/2020)?

....getting it started.
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There's a time for all good things to come to an end.

Time to stop the building; time to start the flying!

I received my airworthiness certificate yesterday, a great way to kick off the weekend. Our local DAR, Richard Ortenheim (Skyview Aviation, KTCY), had to drive over since the field was low IFR that morning. We pre-prepped all the paperwork via email prior to the inspection. The inspection went well; no significant issues were found -- and all jam nuts were tight!


I requested and received a large Phase 1 test area (in magenta below) south and east of SF Bay Area, which conveniently includes Harris Ranch, a popular and delicious fly-in steak place in the Central Valley (you can drive in, too). Don't know when in the program I'll make it down there, but it's a good option to have!


Just need to finish up some transition training and wait for fog-free weather.

Thanks to everyone here on VAF that made this build possible; this is an invaluable resource and you are a wonderful community.
wiring wing stuff and such

I wired my stall warning system and completed the ailerons. Now found out I got all left main ribs for the flaps. Call Vans Monday.
There's a time for all good things to come to an end.

Time to stop the building; time to start the flying!

I received my airworthiness certificate yesterday, a great way to kick off the weekend.


Most excellent Bill! I looked over your testing ?box? that?s a pretty country down there. When you are done head my way. We don?t have marine layers :)
There was a wee bit of formating in central TX this weekend. I’m sure the pictures will be along shortly.
Flying For Breakfast-Covid 19 Style

I went on a short flight to CVH to give some business to the restaurant on the field. Although in that county you can dine at the restaurant, I decided to social distance and eat out at the plane. It was nice to get away for a bit.

Roundtrip to Florida (again)

Didn't get any decent pics this time around, but it was time to go pick up the 172 from Jesse Saints place after the new panel install. My uncle and I departed Friday afternoon and overnighted in New Orleans, landing at an almost completely deserted KMSY. Signature did us a solid good deed there, handling everything as requested and giving us a courtesy car overnight because "ain't nobody else here and we won't need it" - and indeed he was right, the whole airport was deserted.

Ate way too much good food at Kenner Seafood Market just around the corner, and flew out in the morning for X35. Got the 172 and did several local area test flights, watched the SpaceX launch (unfortunately on the iPad rather than close enough to see it in person) and then launched back for KMSY again for the evening - for more good seafood and Signature continued their outstanding service for us again. Fought thunderstorms the whole way and snuck into KMSY right between two major cells, and then fought thunderstorms all the way back home Sunday morning. Headed out for Lago Vista KRYW for cheap fuel but the pumps were down, so we hopped to Georgetown KGTU and topped off there, and then headed for San Angelo KSJT to drop off the 172 with our local shop for annual, then home.
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Pnp flight

Hi all,

We flew our first Pilots N Paws (PnP) flight this weekend. We went from KFLY down to Sundance airport (KHSD) on the outskirts of Oklahoma City to pick up some kitties. The momma and kittens had been living in an oil field, which is scheduled to get sprayed with poison to get rid of weeds. So a local rescue operation managed to catch the momma and two of the kittens.

We flew down to Sundance (quite a nice airport by the way!), ate a quick lunch, picked up the cats, and flew back. We were going to deliver them directly to the rescue operation in Denver at KBJC. However, the weather did not cooperate, so we landed back at KFLY, and drove the kitties halfway up to Denver, meeting one of the volunteers halfway.

Here is a photo of the momma and the kittens asleep in the back just after we landed.

And here is a photo of the kittens just after they woke up.

The rescue organization really had their act together. They gave me a complete list with contact information, and the leader followed us on Flight Aware, to give updates to the people on both end on the ground. All in all we logged about 6 hours, for a very worthwhile and fun day.

Now all I have to do is find a softsided crate I can get into the back that will fit. The one I was using was about an inch too wide, so I had to half collapse it to get it into the baggage area.


May 31, 2020 weekend

We traveled from Sparta Michigan 8D4, to KLOM Wings field Philadelphia. Decent weather all the way, nice tail wind. 2 hours and 40 minutes exactly, wheels off to landing. Traveled the route below Lake Erie 529 nm at 9500’. Averaged about 168k TAS but with the tail wind pushing the ground speed up to better than 200k. Burned 23.9 gallons total. Included some photos but still working on inserting then directly from Google.

Photos in no particular order. http://
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Saturday, I flew my wife and newborn son (6 weeks old, is that some kind of record?) down to see my brother in law before he deployed today. Sunday, I flew my two older boys down to a local airport that's right across from a beach for a swim and DQ treat. really good RV weekend!


linking picture from wife's Facebook post, not sure if that's going to work? Typical dad, didn't get any pictures Sunday.
Geoff- how do they kittens do with the noise level? Can't wait to help out with this kind of stuff.
My daughter and I picked up a puppy in Missouri and delivered it to my Sister in Law in Louisiana. My daughter was excited enough about the flight she was willing to learn about aviation weather and help plan it.


She offered to buy me a coffee and herself a Latte' from the local coffee shop for the flight.


As predicted the weather at our first stop was well below minimums and lagging behind the time it was supposed to improve.


We'd anticipated the weather improving behind schedule and timed it just right, the fog was breaking up as we started the approach.


The Puppy was picked up and we were on our way, my daughter was in her element.



The little fella eventually crawled out of his box and sat on my lap for a while then snuggled in between the seats.


We popped through a broken layer and were on the ground in no time.


Downtown Shreveport on a right base for RWY 32, the Red River was full.


Dragon Launch

Went Wednesday and got skunked. Returned Saturday and saw history being made. Was greeted with this nice shot back at the airport.


We were treated to good food, local sights and good company for the afternoon and evening.





The next day we met my dad and brothers in south eastern Ks for a family history trip. I eventually found the 1 and only tie down a 1K7.


We loaded up and went to lunch.


I was a little surprised when a Turbine Robison landed next to the restaurant, I chatted with the pilot who flew in for the best steaks he's ever found.


A local historian paired us up with a local rancher Frank to show us around.


My Great Grandma was born and raised in the area, My Great Great Grandpa converted/moved into an old mill on a small river. The old converted mill was again added on to and fixed up by another family in the early 1900's into what stands today. It's know locally as the gingerbread house. The owner was quite "tight" and a local supply store had some unclaimed roof tiles for a house in Sante Fe that he picked up for free. He framed the roof to make the roof tiles work.




The Cistern pump.


Story goes the man who built the gingerbread house also built 1 stone corner post every Sunday morning, they were scattered around for miles and thousands of acres.



My Great Grandma's school.


An uncharted airstrip of a local homebuilder that has recently passed away.


Cemetary and headstones of my Great Great Grandpa.

Frank was an excellent guide and filled us in on lots of local info. He makes his own belt buckles out of bull horns with his brand on them.



Just a few shed deer antlers he's picked up while rounding up cows.


A Horse Hands measuring stick used by a horse buyer for the US Calvary.


We finished off the next day Boating/Bowfishing with my brothers.





A 22 min flight home this morning finished off our long weekend, man this RV lets us pack a lot of stuff into the weekend!
Sunday, Butch in his 6A and I flew from Perry GA KPXE to Kirbyville TX T12 to visit with our RV7 buddy we met at last year?s Petit-Jean flyin, Frank Foreman.

He has a nice hangar. Big enough to fit all 3 of our RVs in it.

Of course, after our 4 hour flying time, Frank provided us with some adult beverage - Shiner Bock.

From GA to TX (part 2)

On Monday the 3 of us pulled out our RVs and flew up to Vaca Moo TA37 to visit Carlos?s ?new? Airpark. Butch?s 6 and my 7, both A models handled the turf quite well.

Carlos & his girl friend LuLu were great hosts. Gave us a tour and cooked up a great lunch of burgers & spicy dogs.

On our way back to Kirbyville we stopped and filled up with the cheapest gas we?ve seen in a long time $2.63/gal at Cherokee County KJSO.

Butch & I departed on Tuesday morning to beat the threatening hurricane and were home for dinner. Another great RV adventure.
Took a friend up for their first RV flight on saturday, had a good time and made a stop for breakfast. Did the same with my daughter on sunday.



RV 7a Wash to NM and return, Covid supply drop.

We flew down May 15 from Eastern Washington to Crownpoint NM/Page AZ to drop of reusable masks for seniors and Hand sanitizer to Lechee AZ, and Crownpoint AZ where my wife is from. Then returned through Grand Junction Co, Moab, Utah, Low approach into SLC Class B (cause we could), and returned to Prosser (S40).