
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
...getting it started.

PS: My RV-6 is apart for annual. New landing lights!!!!

Coffee and doughnuts at Haskell, 4 RV's, 3 Chipmunks, 1 Hyperbipe (very cool aircraft), old bell helicopter, and a mix of certified aircraft, good morning. The flew figuring how the SL30 works in ILS/Localizer mode using the standby function, and figured out where the 375 would go in the panel if I upgrade. Non RV related but finished covering the Champ project and ready for primer.
Productive day all around :D
Testing my IFR equipment

Just finished installing my IFR equipment this past week, cranked out a new W&B yesterday, gained a few pounds (me and the plane). Sent off my application to remove the VFR Only operating condition. Time to put my pilot hat back on as I only managed 8 flights for 8 hours since I started the upgrade in early December. Went out and played a bit, finished off a 1.6 hour flight with a simulated LPV approach to missed and a couple of turns around the hold on the published missed. Tower was departing a Lockheed Electra as soon as I crossed overhead on the missed so I was restricted to a 500' minimum (approach is 250' min). Great flight, felt so good to be back out there. Rewarded myself with an unnoticeable landing and pulling if front of my hangar just in time to watch a medivac helicopter land on the neighboring apron.

This coming week I start getting some dual IFR time, need to get 10 hours before writing my exam on May 10.
Flew several deliberate runway overshoots turning final to shoot video for a loss of control presentation at Sun 'n Fun, including the Expanded Envelope Exercises. (Tuesday at 11 at the AOPA site).

I knew when I started up that I'd be low priority, so wasn't too upset that I had a 15 minute ground hold. Once in the air, though, all the other traffic was gone and I got whatever I asked for.

One of the videos was **perfect**.
Left SoCal this morning to fly up to Northern California.. Sacramento today, Redding tomorrow. Home on Monday.

Beautiful day to fly; the best I can remember in recent days. Very clear, and perfectly smooth at 8500'
Inventorying the wing kit!


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I put some epoxy and micro balloons on the top of the forward skin where it meets the canopy. While my fuel servo is in Tulsa getting rebuilt and my airplane is sitting in my hangar.:( I did change the oil too, the airplane has 9.5 hours on it now.

But, I did get in some 172 time. :)
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Replaced nose gear leg per SB

RV12 with only 130hrs. I bought it at 60 hours. I haven’t “robustness tested” the nose gear yet (the mains is another story :))

During preflight yesterday noticed what ‘may’ be a developing crack. Well, ‘may’ was good enough for me to change plans and knock out the Service Bulletin. Luckily, I already had the part as they’re back ordered to kingdom come with Van’s.

Today, I’ll do the Engine Mount standoff Service Bulletin since I already have the cowl off and engine hoist out. That’ll be a quick one to complete. And then the 12 will have all SBs complete. ...until the next one :)


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RV12 with only 130hrs. I bought it at 60 hours. I haven’t “robustness tested” the nose gear yet (the mains is another story :))

During preflight yesterday noticed what ‘may’ be a developing crack. Well, ‘may’ was good enough for me to change plans and knock out the Service Bulletin. Luckily, I already had the part as they’re back ordered to kingdom come with Van’s.

Today, I’ll do the Engine Mount standoff Service Bulletin since I already have the cowl off and engine hoist out. That’ll be a quick one to complete. And then the 12 will have all SBs complete. ...until the next one :)

OHHHH, it won't be quick.......something else will show it's ugly face.:D
Page AZ & Grand Canyon

Flew my newly minted RV-10 on it's first cross country pleasure trip to Page AZ. Flew in Thursday, almost got myself killed with stupid pilot mistakes (multiple). Realized afterwards that the cockpit camera was on the whole time. Here's a YouTube video for those who wish to learn from someone else's stupidity! (It is embarrassing to admit, but hopefully, someone will learn from it.)

Friday was raining all day. Saturday, flew 3 hours over some of the most beautiful terrain I've ever seen. Attached are some pics and a video for those interested. Today, flying the Grand Canyon (bucket list item).


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With some tips and advice from some RV locals, and a couple of EAA videos, I successfully treated a mushy right pedal and bled the brake system correctly, also installing new pads. Things I learned:

  • The Rapco brake rivet tool is a genius piece of equipment, but it's also possible to booger up one of your pressure plates with it - the hole for the rivet is definitely no longer round. I am going to replace the plate and those damned things are expensive. :(
  • Cheap pump-oilers from Amazon will, in fact, blow the nozzle right off under pressure, spewing brake fluid everywhere. This was lots of fun to clean up. AutoZone had a better one that worked out for me.
  • Big thanks to the local mech who was in the shop yesterday and shot some compressed air into the caliper for me so I could get the puck out to replace the O-ring. Did not have my air compressor at the hangar and thought I was completely hosed for that. (pun only partially intended.)

I get immense satisfaction from successfully performing some maintenance task that I previously didn't know how to do. Everything takes twice as long as I plan, and I make mistakes, but I'm learning.
Out and about around the CHD and FFZ area. Here comes summer!


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Flew my newly minted RV-10 on it's first cross country pleasure trip to Page AZ. Flew in Thursday, almost got myself killed with stupid pilot mistakes (multiple). Realized afterwards that the cockpit camera was on the whole time. Here's a YouTube video for those who wish to learn from someone else's stupidity! (It is embarrassing to admit, but hopefully, someone will learn from it.)

Put me down as someone who learned from your experience. Thank you for sharing, your video did a great job of capturing the terror of entering unexpected IMC without a plan. Perhaps the IFR equipment and rating allowed you to get deeper into this than a VFR pilot would. I'm training for my IFR rating now, this lesson is so valuable, an important reminder that flying IFR and being behind the plane can be a disaster waiting to happen. Thanks for not letting the embarrassment stop you from posting this.
Clay Lacy

Rita and I took a short breakfast run to KCMA this morning. When we returned, our hangar-neighbor arrived to take his friend flying, and he was gracious enough to grace our RV for a couple of pics:


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Since I'm retired :)D) I try whenever possible to avoid the crowded skies associated with increased collision risk we encounter on a beautiful week-end as such around here.
Went RC flying instead, almost equal fun ;)
Flew my newly minted RV-10 on it's first cross country pleasure trip to Page AZ. Flew in Thursday, almost got myself killed with stupid pilot mistakes (multiple). Realized afterwards that the cockpit camera was on the whole time. Here's a YouTube video for those who wish to learn from someone else's stupidity! (It is embarrassing to admit, but hopefully, someone will learn from it.)

Friday was raining all day. Saturday, flew 3 hours over some of the most beautiful terrain I've ever seen. Attached are some pics and a video for those interested. Today, flying the Grand Canyon (bucket list item).
Really great videos. I think I liked the first one the best. Thanks for sharing that.
Beach flight

A little playing at the beach


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La Veta pass and Southern Colorado visit

Friday I flew in local area as there was a storm blowing in. Today was gorgeous along the Front Range, so we went over La Veta pass, and did a touch and go at Monte Vista airport (KMVI) and Leech (1V8), thus adding them to my list of airports in Colorado I have flown to.

Here is a shot of Blanca, which is a famous 14er on the south end of the Sangre de Cristo mountain range.


Blue skies
Flew my newly minted RV-10 on it's first cross country pleasure trip to Page AZ. Flew in Thursday, almost got myself killed with stupid pilot mistakes (multiple). Realized afterwards that the cockpit camera was on the whole time. Here's a YouTube video for those who wish to learn from someone else's stupidity! (It is embarrassing to admit, but hopefully, someone will learn from it.)

Friday was raining all day. Saturday, flew 3 hours over some of the most beautiful terrain I've ever seen. Attached are some pics and a video for those interested. Today, flying the Grand Canyon (bucket list item).

Lots of lessons learned in that video, are you going to add pitot heat to your checklist now?
Flew my newly minted RV-10 on it's first cross country pleasure trip to Page AZ. Flew in Thursday, almost got myself killed with stupid pilot mistakes (multiple). Realized afterwards that the cockpit camera was on the whole time. Here's a YouTube video for those who wish to learn from someone else's stupidity! (It is embarrassing to admit, but hopefully, someone will learn from it.)

Thank you so much for posting! No one is proud of boneheaded decisions, but having the courage to share makes the entire flying community the saying goes, “you won’t live long enough to make all the mistakes yourself”

Glad this ended well....make sure you to the “Photographer’s tour” at Antelope Canyon... well worth the few extra dollars and it is one of the few instances where a camera can capture colours better than you eye.

Safe travels home,
Did the light box kit as well. Broke up a lockdown weekend!


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Practiced several overhead breaks with flaps down and full slip ......

at 7600 feet heading due West. Assumed the runway was 6000 and modulated things so that I was a couple hundred feet up once I was headed due West again.

Took a few trials to shake off the rust.
Continued chipping away between monumental distractions. Finished initial prep work during the weekend and got the first coat of primer on the windscreen molding this morning.

Randy, thanks for showing your video on what can happen so fast, it was one of the best videos I've seen that was showed in real time. We are all glad you made it down OK and will give us all something to remember.
Randy...Holy Moly! What a ride! I was on the edge of my seat. Great job! I am not an IFR pilot and was beside myself with tension. Learned a lot and also cemented the fact that I will get my IFR ticket straight away!

Thank you for the video Sir.
Flew my newly minted RV-10 on it's first cross country pleasure trip to Page AZ. Flew in Thursday, almost got myself killed with stupid pilot mistakes (multiple). Realized afterwards that the cockpit camera was on the whole time. Here's a YouTube video for those who wish to learn from someone else's stupidity! (It is embarrassing to admit, but hopefully, someone will learn from it.)

There might be 100 hours of hard-won IFR experience baked into that short video. Shows why it's so advantageous to get your IFR ticket and to be familiar with your airplane, equipment and procedures.

The good news is you'll probably never make any of those mistakes again. I flew turbo Mooneys IFR in the flight levels for 25 years and after a few flights' experience it became second nature to engage the FIKI and the pitot heat as soon as I entered the clouds. Better safe than sorry.

You'll also gain confidence as you acquire more XC and IMC experience in your gorgeous 10.

Thanks for sharing. That was one of the best post-flight analysis videos I've ever seen.
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Took a long weekend to go skydiving in CA. Left Prosser Wa (S40)flew to Tehachapi CA at 15.5K. Left for Brown Field (just north of the border near Tiajuana. Crappy weather set in with a large opening of blue sky over the field but it went IFR and Controllers would not let us leave. Stayed at a friends in Point Loma and return next morning and flew to Eloy Arizona for more crappy weather, to windy and overcast to jump, so we spend some time in the wind tunnel. Left the next morning for Page AZ, then Mesquite Nevada. Finally got a couple jumps in and then flew home to Prosser. Roughly 2k miles round trip. Oil Changed on Sunday. Back to work.
Grand Canyon Aerial Tour

Since I lived to see another day after the trip out, on Sunday I got fly the Grand Canyon. All I can say is WOW!!! Here are some pics of the day and a video of the flyover. If you haven't had a chance to do this, you should put it on your list. :)


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Thanks for the pics / video of the Canyon. I will have to one up you and wear my VAF hat when it is my turn. :)