
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
....getting it started. Some RV folks went to the STOL competition at KGLE, but it was rainy and I think they drove.
$100 Meatloaf?

Wasn't on the weekend - cold and snowy here. Tuesday I moved my transponder antenna out from hidden between the exhaust pipes to under my wing. Thursday I combined a test flight with a $100 hamburger run - actually a C$60 meatloaf run - to a great restaurant southeast of me. Flying Monkey Cafe at the Beiseker, AB airport (CFV2). Short 25 minute flight, good airport, good food, good times.
With somewhat marginal weather, I decided to stay close. So, I got the RV out of the hangar and flew it down to Montgomery Field (MYF), home of Marv Golden Pilot Supplies. I needed some oil, and I figured that Marv's business probably was pretty slow right about now... so why not head down there and support him a bit?

After getting the oil, I supported a local donut shop :D and then headed back home. Total flying was 40 minutes or so, but still, it was great to get the RV out.

More rain coming, I hear...
Yesterday was instrument flying practice, hand flying rather than using the autopilot. Still spending too much time at one time fussing with the avionics and not flying the airplane. I'm within instrument standards, not really within CFII standards and nowhere near ATP standards -- even though the book says they're the same.

Really need to get the manifold pressure lag taken care of... it increasing workload a lot!
Moxie and Kate!

I got an early start on the weekend Thursday afternoon. Moxie and I did a river scouting mission. She is to the point she thinks she is Puppy-in-Command...


Scored a nice shot of the Mississippi south of St Paul on the loop around.....


Saturday brought Kate home from Iowa State for spring break and Corona-mandated online classes. We headed out for lunch and social distancing to the nice terminal building at KUBE. Kate was EXCITED to be back in the air!


Said terminal building has Kate's favorite automated back massage machine - getting her to leave can be a challenge.... Social distance mission accomplished, the only people we talked to were on the radio........


Bonus shot from last weekend when I went to South Bend to check up on mom. Western Wisconsin is beautiful just after sunrise....


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Today I flew from my home base to get some gas about 35 miles away. Came back and stopped at a local 2000' runway airport. First try I was too fast, at about the 1000' point I was still airborne. I poured on the gas and got the heck out of there. Came around for another try, under better airspeed and altitude control and greased her on. :cool:

Today reminded me of this YouTube video
I was in Maryland this week. My friend there has a new to him -10. First oil change done at 50 hours gave an oil analysis that was, different. Blackstone mentioned all their historical data for this particular model of engine was based on 30 hours average oil time, so the thought was let's target 30 hours for the next couple of oil changes to have a better chance at comparing something. The plane is headed to Vic's shop week after next for a condition inspection, and needed some oil time to get very near the magic 30 hour mark while in Georgia. I asked if I could rack up some time doing a good deed, and was told "Of course!"

Jumped on Pilots 'N Paws and found a trip that fit the bill: Kitties in NC needed to go to New England. Did some quick coordination via text and launched out Saturday morning. Picked up some lucky cats and headed north. One was a bit noisy so I brought him out of the crate to get a view. Not sure if it helped or not.


Alls well that ends well, the cats got to their new home, and by changing altitudes, I got tailwinds on all three legs!

The folks in New England asked if it was possible to send some crates back south, and with the coming trip to Georgia, I agreed to haul cargo. So now, I know how many crates can fit into a -10 with only the pilot riding along.

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Saturday was one of those rare days. I wish we had a deice truck. :)

I drove 65 miles to Rock Springs WY to get gas. Siberia!

It should last me for couple days playing after work :D


That looks so BRRRR!!! You need to head farther south, man! BTW, do people ask you if you just started flying (because your plane is unpainted). We get that question all the time. Curious what your response is.
Have fun weekend flying, and be sure to button up!!
- Capt Sandy
Cat and Dog ears

Have you ever taken your headset off in flight?
Cats and dogs have sensitive ears, why do only the humans have hearing protection? Just an observation, and question, maybe a vet or hearing specialist could comment..
Norcal to Baja


Heading south across the Mexico–United States border.


Flying over the warm waters of the Gulf of California.


San Felipe (port of entry with friendly customs agents). Mexican military inspected my plane for contraband.


San Felipe to Loreto.


The drive from Loreto to San Ignacio for whale watching. I received a $200 gringo shakedown near the town of El Azufre. After 15 minutes of negotiation, the fine was dropped.


Roadside shrine. Driving along Hwy 1, Gulf of California from Loreto to San Ignacio.


Whale Watching - San Ignacio Lagoon


A clumsy but spirited baby grey whale approached our panga.


45 ft female grey whale.
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I sound up giving rides to a bunch of girlscouts, a firefighter, and some parents.
Totally unplanned.
One of the neighbor's kids put up two fire stations on our little airport, complete with fire extinguishers (halitron) and crash axes for a merit badge, thus all the scouts.

I ended up giving something like seven or eight rides. All to very appreciative passengers.
north west of the Northwest

I've been a long-time lurker, but this is my first attempt at posting a story. A rare (for March) huge ridge of high pressure over the Yukon and South-east Alaska gave me the opportunity to do some local site seeing this weekend. And beautiful it was. Super clear skies and almost no wind or turbulence. The air was smooth as glass. Very quiet radios, hardly any traffic.

Pulling her out of the hangar:

Fueled up and ready to go:

South-eastbound approaching Atlin Lake:

Southern end of Atlin Lake:

Southbound approaching Llewellyn Glacier:

Southbound towards "Devil's Paw" mountain, just to the left of the nose:

More southbound over the mountains:

More southbound over the mountains:

14Mar20 Local 400 Mile Flight to Mt Denali

Flew to Denali again for some photos. The peak was covered in clouds, however the lower mountains were absolutely stunning.

Flew above Mt Spur after crossing Cook Inlet. Here is one of the photos of one of the glaciers that is part of the view on the way to Denali

Last time I flew up this way, flew to the East side and headed west as I flew past. This time flew to the west and headed east. After a photo run turned south and headed home, here is one of the parting shots of Mt Denali and Mt Foraker.

Great day for flying: Smooth and cold. -10c at 17,500ft.

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
Mike, Andy thanks for report from remote garrisons! Incredible weather in your part of the world. Please keep posting!
Have you ever taken your headset off in flight?
Cats and dogs have sensitive ears, why do only the humans have hearing protection? Just an observation, and question, maybe a vet or hearing specialist could comment..

You're a young aviator, aren't you? :) Status Quo when I started flying was no headset, no hearing protection. Hand mic and a speaker.

But, to answer your question, yes, I have removed headsets in flight. In my RV-6A, I would not want to fly more than 20 minutes, even if I could (no mic, no speaker). The RV-10, I could do one long flight.

One off rescue flights for dogs and cats, I don't worry about it, risk vs. reward and all that. If I had my own animal flying with me all the time, I might consider Mutt Muffs and such.
More Denali Photos

Andy, those are some fantastic photos!!

More photos from my Saturday Flight. My RV-6 does not have a working heater, going to fix that on the next condition inspection this month.

For this flight Army surplus canvas mukluks with felt liners and warm winter gear was the ticket, Oh, and the heated seat covers I made a couple of winters ago. With the sun providing warmth it was quite comfortable despite the outside temp of -10c. Didn't wear gloves until on the ground.

One of the photos I'm going to post has some ice crystals forming on the canopy....Total of 479 photos taken.

Route Flown Time Etc. Garmin Aera 660 Screenshot:

Mt Redoubt foreground, Mt Iliamna in the background. Just crossed Cook Inlet at the East/West Forelands, climbing through 11,500 for 17,500.

Mountain left of cowling is Mt Spur. Over flew it on the way to North. This route puts me to the west of Denali and Foraker. To the west of this route where I'm at is part of the Lake Clark Wilderness Area.
Mt Spur & Lake Clark Wilderness area:

Mt Hayes part of the Mt Spur chain of mountains is the peak to the right.

Level at 17,500 and outside temp.

What Mt Denali & Foraker look like zoomed from the south west side.

Denali, The Great One:

Mt Foraker from the South East.

Mt Denali and the head of the Ruth Glacier

Ruth Glacier

Hope you enjoyed these. Fantastic day of smooth air to be able to get this close without any turbulence! The clouds were stable: not moving on both peaks.

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
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Ice Crystals More Rocks and Ice Photos

Ice Crystal Photo

Lots of Sun, Rocks, Snow & Ice


The next three are the same peak, just a different zoom power used:



Glaciers are Rivers of Ice


A little Haze for the flight home:

A final look at Mt Foraker

The three photos of the same peak, shows what the camera sees , real life has so many more different things to see, RV's allow you to explore those views.

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
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Teslin Lake

Beautiful photos, too, Mike!

I had taken March break off well before I'd heard of COVID and was hoping to take the kids towards your neck of the woods, skiing in Alyeska. Instead I guess I'll just spend the time at home, flying as much as I can!

I'm not really much of a photographer. By far most of my photos turn out kinda blurry like this one taken this afternoon over Teslin Lake. (Maybe it's because the RV flies too fast? :D) This is my favorite time of the year to fly in this area. So many inviting looking frozen lakes lakes to land on.

You're a young aviator, aren't you? :) Status Quo when I started flying was no headset, no hearing protection. Hand mic and a speaker.

But, to answer your question, yes, I have removed headsets in flight. In my RV-6A, I would not want to fly more than 20 minutes, even if I could (no mic, no speaker). The RV-10, I could do one long flight.

Yes, a lot of yelling going on back then. Beautiful shots, just stunning.
To Andy Muir: (south bound over the mountains pic) I see an open gap on your top cowl what does that do, give heat to the canopy? Nice pics
Have you ever taken your headset off in flight?
Cats and dogs have sensitive ears, why do only the humans have hearing protection? Just an observation, and question, maybe a vet or hearing specialist could comment..

I'd like to see a video of someone trying to put some sort of headset on a cat. The cat most definitely would win that battle.
To Andy Muir: (south bound over the mountains pic) I see an open gap on your top cowl what does that do, give heat to the canopy? Nice pics

That dark line isn't really a gap it's just a poorly fitting access panel for getting to the ends of the hinge pins that attach the upper cowl.
Looks so familiar. I flew CH-47s out of Fairbanks in the early 70s. Beautiful pictures. We always wore mukluks, but they were not surplus! Great memories
Looks so familiar. I flew CH-47s out of Fairbanks in the early 70s. Beautiful pictures. We always wore mukluks, but they were not surplus! Great memories
Alaska photos

Amazing photos! Was it challenging to take when the sun on the left side of the plane? Maybe my hubby will talk me in to doing this trek one day...
That looks so BRRRR!!! You need to head farther south, man! BTW, do people ask you if you just started flying (because your plane is unpainted). We get that question all the time. Curious what your response is.
Have fun weekend flying, and be sure to button up!!
- Capt Sandy

I actually like it here Sandy. Remote, cool enough not to freeze and keep moving. Regarding bare aluminum - when people in the know see my plane the questions more like, are you going to paint this thing? or when you gonna paint? Mine surely doesn’t look new :D