
Well Known Member
I did not see a previous thread so.......

I was fully planning on working on my master bath renovation project but, the wife needed her glasses at work and we were out of dishwasher tabs. Pie and I loaded up to deliver the glasses and stop by Wal-mart for dishwasher tabs. On the way out of Wal-mart I saw several familiar cars at Burger King for the 3ish coffee break. The hangar talkers usually meet at BK in the afternoon and Pie was able to score a couple "sympathy" dollars to buy a soda.
A little hangar talk along with mid 50's led to "I probably better stir the oil" and a .5 flight with Pie, calm winds and a greased on wheelie to finish it off.


Sounds like a nice time!

Not much RV flying for me this weekend; too busy with work. However, I did manage to pick my friend Tony up (in my car) from the San Diego airport. From there, we went up to Carlsbad and had lunch, and then drove up to the airport for a quick RV walk around, and flight. Down to San Diego, through the VFR corridor, and then reversed course back to Carlsbad. Tony's first time in an RV. He loved it.
Flew my RV6A from Frederick, MD to Sky Acres 44N, for lunch, then a tour of the Hudson down by West Point, to the Tappan Zee then home. Nice day. My friend with freshly minted ASEL rating maybe got a little stick time also. :)

Lunch at Sky Acres was in a nice restaurant on the field, complete with a welcome fireplace. The runway has a slope, and with calm winds, folks were doing downhill takeoffs and uphill landings. Makes for an interesting time in the pattern.
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Those pics of Pie make me smile. Such a sweetie.

I got up for about an hour and a half, took a close look at the flooding downstream of the Pickwick Dam and generally just burned some gas and stirred the oil. When you get a nice day this time of the year, you gotta go fly!
We have a ?Pie? too - Addie-Pie, usually referred to as just ?Pie?. She is one of three of my granddaughters. I will make at least one of the three of them, and maybe my one grandson a pilot. Pie?s younger sister, AMELIA is an aggressive fireball who can?t get enough of..... me! She?s a shoe-in. Anyway, your ?Pie? looks happy and confident sitting there in the right seat. I love to see pilot parents including their kids in their love of flying. It?s the only way we can insure the continuation of this avocation that we sometimes take for granted. I wish the best for you and your ?Pie?.
Flew up to Santa Monica on Sunday to deliver some repaired wing tips. Got those installed, and we were interrupted by a pre-TFR fly in of the Marine One (sans POTUS) and the backup helicopter, along with 3 Ospreys. It took forever for them to open up the field again for arrivals/departures. I was idling in the run up area for 30 minutes!

I flew from there over to Compton via the Special flight rules corridor over LAX. Met with another RV pilot and we did a quick flight in formation out over the Pacific. I departed back home from there.

Today I flew my daughter up to visit Grandma on her 84th birthday. I flew into Cable Airport and it was quite busy on this beautiful day. We had Pastrami for lunch at "The Hat" in Upland (yum!).
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So on Friday I went up on a silly flight. I was just intending on going up for a quick 20-30 minute aerobatic ride. I checked the weather and the winds aloft. I noticed the winds up high were howling, a 60 knot westerly wind. It seems like most of time on cross country, I?m facing a significant headwind instead of riding an enormous tailwind.

I decided to change the mission?s objective from getting the blood flowing with aerobatics to capitalizing on the tailwind just to say I did it. It ended up being a 17 minute flight up to 13.5 for a few minutes and back down. Silly, I know, but I still had fun!

Level flight with a tailwind. Nice!

Level flight into the headwind just to see if I could get it stopped. It wasn?t until I got back down and looked at the picture more carefully, that I realized I was actually going backwards! I was facing west in this picture, but tracking East.

This one is in a descent. It?s the fastest ground speed I?ve ever seen. Yes, I am aware of the Vne and true airspeed limits.

Some you VAF old timers may remember my son looking like this:

Sunday was a big day for him. He earned his Glider Private Pilot certificate! We are so proud of him!

Please pass on my congratulations to Max. I absolutely remember him as the cool kid in the picture. He was always my favorite person to see when I visited FFC. He has grown up to be a very impressive young man, and already quite an accomplished pilot.

Congratulations to your son.

That sure likes like where I took my check ride a long time ago!

Of course, having a World Champion Glider Pilot nearby helped I'm guessing.;)

Quick 3 ship run for petrol to Lago Vista on a beautiful day! Only bad thing was no pics of the photo ship!
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So on Friday I went up on a silly flight. I was just intending on going up for a quick 20-30 minute aerobatic ride. I checked the weather and the winds aloft. I noticed the winds up high were howling, a 60 knot westerly wind. It seems like most of time on cross country, I?m facing a significant headwind instead of riding an enormous tailwind.

I decided to change the mission?s objective from getting the blood flowing with aerobatics to capitalizing on the tailwind just to say I did it. It ended up being a 17 minute flight up to 13.5 for a few minutes and back down. Silly, I know, but I still had fun!

Level flight with a tailwind. Nice!

Level flight into the headwind just to see if I could get it stopped. It wasn?t until I got back down and looked at the picture more carefully, that I realized I was actually going backwards! I was facing west in this picture, but tracking East.

This one is in a descent. It?s the fastest ground speed I?ve ever seen. Yes, I am aware of the Vne and true airspeed limits.

Some you VAF old timers may remember my son looking like this:

Sunday was a big day for him. He earned his Glider Private Pilot certificate! We are so proud of him!


I ran into you at Chilhowee Glider port this past summer while hanging out at my tiny house. Since talking to you, I have gotten my airplane back from paint and looks awesome. Thinking of maybe getting my glider rating this summer. Hope to cross paths again someday. kenny

Please pass on my congratulations to Max. I absolutely remember him as the cool kid in the picture. He was always my favorite person to see when I visited FFC. He has grown up to be a very impressive young man, and already quite an accomplished pilot.


I sure did Keith. Max appreciates your kind words very much. And he absolutely remembers you as the cool adult that would ?play? with and interact with him. You always paid so much attention to him and he remembers that vividly. We miss seeing you around FFC! I hope you?re doing well.

I ran into you at Chilhowee Glider port this past summer while hanging out at my tiny house. Since talking to you, I have gotten my airplane back from paint and looks awesome. Thinking of maybe getting my glider rating this summer. Hope to cross paths again someday. kenny

Hi Kenny,

I sure do remember you. Max is still planning on continuing with gliders, so we?ll see you there this summer for sure.

Congratulations on getting your airplane painted. Got pic? Come on by FFC sometime. are a lucky Man/Dad.
Congrats to your Son.

Yes, I am very aware how lucky I am and thankful to have a son to share our common passion. Thanks to the RV; it has allowed us to enjoy many, many aviation adventures for over a decade. I?m looking forward to the day when he takes off solo in the RV-8. :)
We started the weekend early

Sandy and I decided to start Valentines Day early. We flew to Sedona to on Feb 13, had lunch at the Mesa Grill at the airport, then hiked the full "airport loop trail".


Sandy and I had hiked part of the airport loop trail before as an our and back. We were told the trail is about 3.5 to 4 miles. Then the waitress at Messa Grill said it was closer to 4.5 miles. What we did not understand is there was close to a mile to the trail head. My fitbit said we walked more than 17,000 steps and just over 8 miles for the day.




Valentine dinner a day early at Elote, one of our favorite restaurants. They don't advertise and don't take reservations. I stood in line from about 4:20 to 4:50 to put our name on the "will return later" list for 6:30. Folks arriving at 6:30 were told to expect 1 hr 45 minute wait. We left about 8:00 and they were telling arrivals to expect an hour wait.



Roy, Sandy, and Chef Jeff

To be continued:
Valentine's day and Saturday

Valentines day we flew to Payson AZ for lunch. We both had second breakfast for our mid-day meal. Somehow an orchard pie came home with us. :)

From Payson we stopped at Grapevine (88AZ) to check out the Arizona Pilots Association fly-in. There were two planes at Grapevine who were camping for the weekend. We decided to return on Sat for the lunch potluck BBQ and likely to camp Sat night. It was an easy 45 minute flight back to Ajo (P01).

Saturday, 2/15 we decided that it was too cold for us to camp. We did fly back to Grapevine where a total of about 30 planes gathered. Nice lunch.


We stopped at Eloy for fuel on the way back to Ajo.

The Payson and Grapevine stops were "survey trips". When we told folks at Grapevine that it was too cold for us to camp, someone suggested getting a Mr. Heater Little Buddy heater. We ordered a Little Buddy on Sunday.

During our trip to Arizona to train with Budd Davisson (Pitts S2A) in Scottsdale, we drove up to Sedona and dined at the Mesa Grill. Look forward to flying in someday.
On President's Day I got up early for a morning flight north to Cambridge MD:

Enroute I joined on a good friend in his beautiful newly-restored J-3 "Cub":

After breakfast at KCGE we flew to St Mary's airport (near Pax River) and then around the SFRA to Frederick MD for lunch:

Next up was the very-scenic Luray Caverns back in Virginia:

After one more visit to 2W6 I was treated to a beautiful sunset enroute KPVG:
Until coming here three years ago, I lived my entire life in Maryland. For those of you who don't know, as East Coast Representative for Van's I was based at 2W6. Thanks for the pictures that stir up many happy memories of flying in that area. So many of them are of the folks to whom I gave demo flights and our now part of the Van's Aircraft family.