Made a hot round trip from Midland to Houston and back yesterday to sign the papers on a shiny new ride for my wife. She'll pick it up in a couple days. You can't do that without an airplane! :D

17,000 on the way down there with 30 knots on the tail, 10,000 on the way back with about 15 on the nose, 5.2 hours roundtrip.
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Flyout to Gulf Shores, AL . . . no, wait . . . Gatlinburg-Pigeon Forge, TN

A group of us from Moontown (3M5) planned a flyout Saturday down to Gulf Shores, AL (KJKA) for some seafood at LuLu’s. Problem was, the weather turned crappy in south Alabama. What to do? Why - fly north instead to Gatlinburg-Pigeon Forge (KGKT) at the foot of the Smokies of course!

4 RV’s with 7 folks wheels up from Moontown at 0900 for the approximately 1 hour flight to KGKT. Beautiful weather and scenery on the way up, particularly as we got up into the Knoxville area and the mountains. Landed and took our place on the ramp at KGKT.


Lunch at Holston’s Kitchen in Sevierville was the plan. Got one of the courtesy cars and managed to get all 7 of us to the restaurant by making 2 trips. Great lunch at Holston’s - recommended!

Back at the airport after lunch, we toured the Tennessee Museum of Aviation which is right on the field (large hangar in the background of the photo above). This is a really nice little museum and well worth your time if you find yourself in the Gatlinburg-Pigeon Forge area. Lots of aviation artifacts and aircraft including two P-47’s which fly periodically.




Had to get a group picture of the motley crew on the ramp, then it was time to go.


The weather was still great for the flight back. Quite a bit of haze, but that is what the Smokies are all about right?


All in all, a fun outing on a beautiful Saturday!
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Made a hot round trip from Midland to Houston and back yesterday to sign the papers on a shiny new ride for my wife. She'll pick it up in a couple days. You can't do that without an airplane! :D

17,000 on the way down there with 30 knots on the tail, 10,000 on the way back with about 15 on the nose, 5.2 hours roundtrip.

I like the way you are using your RV Greg.
Finally finished up the condition inspection (5 weeks), my lil' dude helped me grease wheel bearings and inspect the landing gear portion of the inspection.


Flew a .9 to grab some EAA breakfast at K34 followed by making the kiddos slightly woozy flying circles around the future grass strip contemplating approach/departure/runway locations.

I returned from Europe on Saturday and assessed that jetlag and fatigue was inconsistent with an IMSAFE check, so I visited the hangar to clean the dust and wildfire soot off the RV-6 and put it on the battery tender.

Safety first!

- mark
Finished rigging the elevators; control stops are trimmed appropriately. Next up, rigging the rudder.

Also, my A&P neighbor wandered over and complimented my workmanship, nice to know. :)
It was a tumultuous weekend for me. At 0230 EST Saturday, Pearl Harbor Day and coincidentally my father's birthday... it was also the actual birth day of my first grandson. Joseph Rodney Haines has landed safely; he and mother Naomi (the rosy riveter that helped me put the top aft skin on my RV-8) are doing well. After not much sleep and the usual Saturday morning breakfast with the PTK gang, I paid a visit to Naomi and Joey at the hospital before heading over to Windsor to get an hour of instruction in the CH2A Chipmunk; if you're interested, check out the video on my YouTube channel. When I got home Saturday afternoon, it was definitely Beer O'Clock; rested and basked in the glory of the day. Sunday we visited with Joey... and through all this I did manage to get some work done on the RV-8 this weekend. The bottom cowl hinges were dialed in and the cowl hung on its own for the first time. Now working on the Skybolt flanges along the top edge of the bottom cowl. So... yeah... good weekend.
(BTW I've been to the Tennessee Museum of Aviation; very cool place.)


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Operation Good Cheer

I joined about 250 of my close personal friends flying Christmas gifts for foster care kids all over Michigan for Operation Good Cheer. My flight was from the PTK base to Holland MI, (KBIV).
We were blessed with good weather, and a whole bunch of controllers with a huge amount of professionalism and patience 😎
Hi Dennis
Great event, good for you, often thought of participating but figured the RV capacity was small... Need to re-think it?....
A group of us from Moontown (3M5) planned a flyout Saturday down to Gulf Shores, AL (KJKA) for some seafood at LuLu?s. Problem was, the weather turned crappy in south Alabama. What to do? Why - fly north instead to Gatlinburg-Pigeon Forge (KGKT) at the foot of the Smokies of course!

4 RV?s with 7 folks wheels up from Moontown at 0900 for the approximately 1 hour flight to KGKT. Beautiful weather and scenery on the way up, particularly as we got up into the Knoxville area and the mountains. Landed and took our place on the ramp at KGKT.


Sure... make the nose draggers park in the back row.