Well Known Member
What did you do with your RV this weekend (10/5 - 10/6/2019)

I really enjoy these threads, so here we go...!

After a bit of ignition system troubleshooting during the week, it was time to enjoy the now fixed airplane. I flew over to Ramona, Ca (RNM) where they were having an ?Air Fair.?

Pretty nice showing of RV?s in for the get together .. seven varying RV models flying in formation over the airport, Bruce Hill giving Young Eagle rides in his RV-9A, a few RV-6?s in the main display area, along with my and one other RV-9A, plus Plummit?s RV-10 in transient parking, along with a RV-6A, and perhaps others. RV?s were well represented.

Several antique airplanes were being shown, a T-6 was giving rides, several light sport aircraft were parked in the show area, along with a glider, a few T-34?s, and lots more that I?m missing.

In the back area were several exhibitors, ranging from the Boy Scouts to CalFire, the local EAA chapter, and many others.

Lastly, there was a bit of a car show area as well, with mostly classic cars.

The highlight of my day was running into the aviation insurance broker for my day job, who was there with her 13 year old son who had never been in a small plane. I fixed that. :D We went for a short ride around the local area, which he loved. Now he wants to learn to fly.

My youngest was the first to express an interest in learning how to fly. We did a couple lessons, and then other things got in the way. Last night, I got a text asking if we could spend some time together today, when he came home from College Park for the weekend. This morning, he suggested flying to lunch. So I dropped all my plans, and we flew to LNS, and had pizza. Climbing out on the return flight, he said, "Can I do some turns and stuff when we get back to the Eastern Shore?" I immediately said, "Your airplane" and we took the long way home, all the way to short final. That was fun.
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Finished GDL82 install. Flew flight to verify it worked. Got confirmation all good. Collected my $500 rebate. Went up to turn some of that rebate into fuel then into Horsepower. Put on almost 2 hours flying around enjoying smooth air never getting more than 50 miles from my home airport
I departed CRQ for the 20 NM trip, and as it turns out departed behind a Diamond DA40 Star, and a C172. I don?t really know much about the DA40, especially about its performance. Anyhow, the three of us departed back to back, I was #3. I was impressed that I passed the C172 about 500? above him about a minute after takeoff. Then about three minutes later, I passed the Diamond DA40. It?s fun passing people, mostly because I think that they don?t expect the RV to be such a performer.
There?s wayyyy more out there

But walking back toward the airport, I noticed a lot of traffic going into the Tioga Mobile Station on Highway 120, just up from the airport. There was a place up there called The Whoa Nellie Deli.

The wait was longer than expected but worth every bite.

Glad you discovered a gem that is dear to us climbing bums when we emerge from the Sierra. And, equally glad you did NOT find the multiple hidden hot springs out there. LOL :cool:

BTW - love the paint scheme.
Ramona air fair

Bruce Hill's beautiful -9A


A nice pedal plane:



Formation work:

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1st Sunday at Santa Paula

This morning we flew to Santa Paula for their 1st Sunday (of the month) event.
We transitioned the LAX Special flight rules corridor at 4500 feet:


It was a little cool as we arrived early and tied down:


One of my favorite airplanes, the venerable Cessna Skywagon was undergoing Annual at CP aviation:

I gave 3 Young Eagles rides at the Ramona Air Fair for EAA Chapter 14.


After they wound down the YE flights, I gave my friend Jim, a rusty pilot, a ride down and around San Diego. Gorgeous day to go fly! He was very impressed by the RV-9A and how it handles.

It was also good meeting Josh for the first time and seeing Al, Marc and Rita there, too.
My weekend started earlier this week.


After finishing the firewall forward portion of my condition inspection I took a buddy of mine with me to Columbus GA (54 nm) to deliver some Whelen LED beacons to be installed on our Bonanza. The airplane is there for an annual inspection. This happened to coincide with the shop's annual open house/bbq. Awesome people and food. The technicians at Columbus Aero Services are quite good. They're all very honest, hard working, and reasonable mechanics. Three of them are IA's.


Flew four legs. 1. Took my chute to Thomaston for repacking. 2. Left there to practice some aerobatics and went to Berry Hill to have lunch with a high school friend of mine that is also employed by the major airline based in Atlanta. He lives only a few minutes from the airport. He has a Bellanca Viking that he normally keeps there. We went to a relatively new mom & pop bbq joint in town that was very very good. Like I said, he and I went to HS together. He ended up taking lessons from the instructor I was using and also got his PPL. Later we went our separate ways, he to U of Florida and me to Embry-Riddle. He had a 21 year career in the Navy and me a 20 year career in the AF. And then we end up at the same air line living only 22 nm from each other. How cool is that! 3. He dropped me off back at the airport and I flew back to Thomaston to pick up my chute. 4. Flew back to Falcon Field and mixed it up in the pattern with various airplanes.


Gave a ride to another scout's dad that I have become friends with over the years. My son Max became an Eagle Scout last month and his son is on his way to becoming an Eagle scout very soon. The boys hung out in the hangar while the dads flew :)

Sunday (today)

Flew my son up to Chilhowee TN (92A), 112 nm north of FFC for his glider lessons. Filed IFR and took off in a 900' ceiling. Fortunately the gliderport was VFR. In addition to becoming an Eagle Scout last month, he also got to solo a glider for the first time last month. It was a big month for him. He turns 16 in February and the goal is for him to complete his Private Pilot-Glider check ride on his birthday and solo a powered aircraft the next day.

Tomorrow (Monday)

I plan on doing the tires and brakes. I've got all new tires, tubes, and brake linings to install. If the weather allows in the afternoon, a friend of mine is going to give me a ride in his Extra 300L in preparation for the next contest. A very very generous offer one of which I am very excited and appreciative of!

Its been a great few days with fantastic utilization of my RV! Sure is fun!
John Harmon

Flew my Cub into L45. Bakersfield muni today to have lunch at the Rocket Cafe. Great food and atmosphere. John Harmon was there and he kindly talked to me for about an hour. Talented man. A wealth of history on the RV aircraft. He has built many RV?s along with the Rockets. Also did many of the weldmets for early RV?s. Was one of the Bakersfield bunch who along with Alan Toole and others really started the RV ball rolling. Found out that one of the first 3?s was built for Pappy Boyington. It was also really light.

It would be nice to do a long interview with him and chronicle the early RV story and some of his thoughts.

Bob Grigsby
Flying low and slow until 3B is finished
Hope to be able to jump through hoops to post pics
My RV-8 is in the avionics shop getting ADS-B out installed, so I'm grounded for now. :(
4 day weekend

It was a long weekend here for most states in Australia, so my wife Anne-Marie and I took the Friday as an extra day and flew down to Kangaroo Island in South Australia;

Wedderburn to Kangaroo Island

Kangaroo Island

Kangaroo Island, Goolwa, Victor Harbor and Aldinga (Adelaide Bi-Planes)

Goolwa to Wedderburn


[ed. FYI: Links not visible to non-users of FB (like me). v/r,dr]
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Thursday: Took the RV 7 for a short, warm up the oil ride, and then performed oil change.

Friday: Flew from Eastern Washington to Elko NV, Page AZ, and Santa Fe NM with my wife. Flying over Bryce Canyon with the fall folliage, over Lake Powell, and through Monument Valley along the way.

Saturday: Flew up to Grants New Mexico and read about Arrows Across America where arrow were placed on the ground for pilots to navigate across America delivering Mail. Drove up to the top of Mount Taylor NM (one of the Sacred Navajo Mountains) with my wife and Daughter. We left NM at 5pm and were able to over fly Canyonlands as the Sun was setting which was quite spectacular. The remaining 5 hour flight to Eastern Washington was at night, smooth and a bit chilly (1 degree Celsius). Arrived home and went Skydiving Sunday!
Total flight time 16hrs.