
Well Known Member
Until I learn how to use the NEW VAF photo hosting with multiple photos where I want them, I will do it the OLD way using Postimage.cc. I uploaded two images but was having difficulty getting the correct image with text before and after the way I wanted.

Two of my Georgia RV friends planned lunch on Saturday near me. We did NOT coordinate an arrival time BUT using FlightRadar24, I was able to follow their ground track and estimate their time of arrive. Departure on my part was a little early but two standard rate 360 turns had he in the pattern right behind them.


Slowing down was not giving me the desired arrival time.


Having been to the Pik N Pig before, I knew all about the place but not sure what they were doing for COVID-19.


Landing right behind one another, we parked in the grass next to each other.

I sat at the outside shaded table while my friends and others were in line to order food.


Our table was not far from the normal patio but because of COVID-19, everything was spread out to keep with the Government's Social Distancing.


We had about a 20-minute wait for food but with the number of people there, that was not a long time. I enjoyed the food so much, I almost forgot to take a photo.


Our table was not that far from our airplanes. 4 additional airplanes arrive after the photo was taken.


After eating lunch, my friends Keith, Butch, and myself departed one right after the other for our flights home. I only had a short 20-minute flight home.


2,100 RPM and 22 inches is a slow speed for an RV but fuel burn is less than 6 GPH.


Overhead approach, wheel landing, taxi to hangar, hit hangar door open on remote control, and taxi up under door shutting down. Turn airplane around and push into hangar tail first.

Great friends, great airplanes, and good food. Cannot think of a better way to start the weekend.
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U had it EZ. Butch & I got stuck halfway home in Saluda County SC (6J4). Waited it out for about 3 hours. Didn’t get home to KPXE til 8:30, sunset. Definitely a FUN day. Gotta love the RV.

I spent my RV weekend (Saturday) climbing in and out of the thing, lying on the floor peering into the tunnel inspection cover and wondering why the fuel pump wouldn't prime and pump fuel. It had sat idle for 5 years during the build. Had I installed it backwards, hooked the wires up backwards? Had the previous builder reversed the check/bypass valve assembly? Was there a blockage in the lines? Was the Andair valve not moving with the handle? The pump made noise like it was pushing fuel and no longer cavitating, but nothing came out the hose FWF. The Red Cube showed intermittent readings in the 30-40 GPH range yet no fuel was moving. Crazy.

Why had I not verified this system before I closed up the tunnel and installed the center stack avionics?!?! I considered seppuku. Too messy and undoubtedly painful - and would reduce the resale value of the kit to have my intestines all over the inside.

Inspiration: on the fifteenth try to get the pump to work, blow firmly on the tank vent and put a little pressure behind that 10 gallons of fuel to get it past the filter and to the pump. Holy smokes! instant prime, 44 GPH and 28 PSI. Triumph! I will not die by my own hand today. Instead I will go to the big city and buy a hydraulic tubing bender so I can fix the control stick banging into the instrument panel issue tomorrow.

Not Pik-N-Pig, which I love, but still a good RV weekend if you ask me :D
Took advantage of the not-as-oppressive summer weekend here in northern Texas to finish the vertical stabilizer:

Fought off a heat stroke in the hangar to finish the SB 14-01-31. It was a preemptive decision on my never flown 7. Now on to mounting the wings!
I am getting comfortable back in the cockpit after the months in the paint shop. First set some waypoints and practiced the finer points of VNAV descents with multiple WPT's, linking into an LP approach with same, a fun low pass then a quick ASI calibration triangle and a sweeeeet landing.

I have worked on my landings as of late so I don't embarrass my new paint. :D

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Collected a little flight test data ...

... anyone for some time to climb numbers? Hard to have too much data.


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Camped with the Children of the Corn. Strip looks like a banana, but the good part is mostly straight.


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Fly LEDs and Com issue

This week/weekend I installed a FlyLED Six Pack into my RV-6A. I will do a complete write up once I can dedicate some time to it. The difference is incredible!

I have also been fighting a com issue. We determined the antennae had come loose so took it apart and put it back together again. Seemed to work much better, but then was told I was now intermittent during the flight back from lunch. Debug will continue...

I learned how to do aileron rolls recently, so have been having fun practicing those!


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Lil' Dude and I REALLY enjoyed spending some time with the Children of the corn. Interesting strip and really good practice, on the shorter side and shaped like a "nanner" that works like a charm. Thanks to Ron and Kathy for hosting and Jesse and all the others for the cookin!



Dang that corn is tall!




Generally airplanes in the trees is not a good thing.


Of course Dan was right and I was way off after verifying my numbers, much closer to his estimate. 30.4 lbs according to my bathroom scale which is on the light side of the google estimates....

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Corn Strip approach

Dan H,
Thanks for posting a photo of the corn field strip approach! Flew in Friday for a couple hours. They are such great hosts.
Thanks Ron and Kathy if you are out there!
Flew to KOSH earlier on Friday just to say we were there. 5 planes on the ramp.

Flew into a private strip in NW Georgia with a buddy. Hog Jowl is the name of the strip. Beautiful strip with good approaches. Owned by really nice people.

It was pretty rough for an RV with 5x5's, although I didn't lose any fillings.
Flew up To KOSH

Even though Airventure was canceled we flew up to visit some friends on Friday and back on Sunday.
Flew up over Lake Michigan along the Chicago coast for the first time. It was amazing as was seeing the grounds at EAA empty.

A short flight just for fun

Made a short local flight just for fun. Included some lazy turns and a little pattern work.