Got a head start on the “Fly Utah” challenge!

Hit up 7 airstrips on Christmas Eve. This is over Flaming Gorge, coming into Dutch John strip.


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My plane found a new set of Lord engine mounts, and Sceet ducting under the Christmas tree, so we spent the day in the hangar together installing them.
Torrential rain, and winds blowing about 40 made it a good day to spend inside.


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Thanks for asking, DR!

Yesterday morning, we left SoCal (L18) to go to Northern CA (CCR). A very delightful flight up at 10,500' in smooth air. Pretty quiet on the frequencies, and landed by 11 AM.

Hung out with the in-laws for the night, and then this morning visited some more, and then made our way to the airport. We planned to leave before it got too late because there was a storm system moving in. It looked like it would be pretty easy to stay under the clouds, and 30 minutes into the flight or so, to climb on up to a more normal cruise altitude. But, figured why not get out while the getting is good? So we departed in 2 1/2 mile visibility (misty conditions, I guess you'd call it) and 6000' OVC skies. Special VFR out of the Class D and within a few hundred feet of our climb, the visibility became 10 miles or so. Thought about filing IFR, at least for the climb, but really wasn't necessary. Started at 5500' and then when the clouds allowed, 7500'. Then next 9500' and when we got close to LA, climbed to 11,500' to get on top of the Class B.

Nice to arrive back home with good weather, and warm temperatures. A nice change from northern California.

4.7 hours in the RV vs. 14 hours in a car, and really not comfortably possible with just one overnight. Another successful trip made possible by the RV!


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Picked up a new engine

I picked up a new engine on the 23rd that I'll begin installing in the coming weeks. It was a nice Christmas present. I really like the billet aluminum covers. Tim Hess did a beautiful job.


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RV-12 Christmas Presents

Well, I got it a...
2021 Vans Aircraft Calendar
A New Autopilot
Aera 760, and GDL 50
...a $4,000 Christmas for my little (non-flying) Friend !!
Catalina KAVX Airport Loop Trail

Not on Christmas day but took Grandma and the kids to Catalina KAVX for the Airport Loop Trail hike. Had a great time and enjoyed the views being from the flatland of Florida.

Here is the time lapse video of the flight home going around the south end of the island, over LAX, and a taxi back at Santa Monica KSMO before parking the plane at Whiteman KWHP.


Right base to 22 KAVX.


Near the approach end of 04 KAVX.

Flyout to “Throwed Rolls” the day after Christmas

It was a beautiful day for flying in the Southeast on Saturday. Four of us from Moontown (3M5) decided that lunch at Lambert’s Cafe in Sikeston, MO sounded good. About a 200 Nm flight from 3M5 to the Sikeston airport (KSIK).

Four RVs with five folks aboard launched from Moontown at 0900.


Numbers 2, 3, and 4 await launch on RW 27 at Moontown (3M5)​

Pretty fierce headwind component (25 kts) flying Northwest that only got worse the higher we went. Decided to keep it low at 4500 ft. Smooth flying and great, clear views all the way.

We arrived at Sikeston after a 1-½ hour flight and lined up on the ramp at KSIK


On the ramp at KSIK​

Shortly after we arrived, the Lambert’s van came to pick us up. For those of you that don’t know about Lambert’s Cafe they have a well known “secret” that if you fly in, they will come to the airport, pick you up, take you into the restaurant the “back way”, and seat you immediately (ahead of folks who drove in).


Lambert’s Cafe - Sikeston, MO​

The driver took us in through the exit door and straight to a table.
Great food with a good selection. Of course you also get to test your outfielding skills when they throw hot rolls at you across the dining room!


Five satisfied RVers after lunch​

Lunch over with, we loaded back into the Lambert’s van and headed back to the airport. When we got there, several other folks had flown in and were awaiting transport to the restaurant.


Ramp beginning to fill up​

We planned to cash in the headwind from the morning for a tailwind on the way back. Climbed to 7500 ft for the return trip and we were not disappointed - saw over 200 kt ground speeds!


N48DE on the return trip​

All in all a great flyout on a wonderful flying day. Lambert’s is highly recommended and I might mention they also have a location in Foley, AL (near Gulf Shores, AL) where they will also pick you up from either the Foley airport (5R4) or the Gulf Shores airport (Jack Edwards KJKA).
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On Christmas Day I finished all disconnecting duties and, with the assistance of my brother-in-law Dave, I removed the engine and set it in its rolling table foam nest. After cleaning up the shop, I finished the year-end post for my blogspot blog (see previous notices and the link in my signature). Still hoping to fly in 2021, but for now, stick a fork in me... I'm done for this year.

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I was able to turn a 6-7 hour drive in to 1+45 hour flight for Xmas, just had to battle some sporty crosswinds.

I cried in my eggnog, after learning I'm grounded with a defective crankshaft.:mad:

Sorry to hear that but that made me laugh haha.

I hope you get fixed soon and can enjoy spring time flying.
Around Denton's class D

Around Denton, TX airspace Sunday afternoon.

Looks like either Beavis's head or a bad Michigan.


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