Working my way through these wheel pants.
My wife and I flew up to Mackinac Island. When we got to a MOA Flight Following said it was active so we turned west to go around it. Then FF said, the fighters are busting their MOA and "advised" me to turn 20 degrees further west! That was a little exciting. Never saw the fighters but made for a fun story.

My Zizzo bikes fold up and we can fit 2 behind the seats in my 9A so we were able to hop out of the plane and head to town. No cars on Mackinac Island so having the bikes makes it a nice trip. It is a 4 hour drive and a 30 min boat ride to get to the island or 1:25 min flight. Smooth on the way up, really bumpy on the way back but a great trip we couldnt have done without our plane.
Just a little sightseeing in the PNW on Thursday.

Mt. Olympus (7972') poking up through the clouds:
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Tatoosh Island and the lighthouse, just offshore of Cape Flattery, at the far northwest corner of Washington State:

Dungeness Spit in the Strait of Juan de Fuca:

And I'm the proud owner of an electric dual motor joystick tug built by DanH. A well thought out design and a nice build. I’m very pleased with it. Thanks Dan, appreciate it!

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My wife and I flew up to Mackinac Island. When we got to a MOA Flight Following said it was active so we turned west to go around it. Then FF said, the fighters are busting their MOA and "advised" me to turn 20 degrees further west! That was a little exciting. Never saw the fighters but made for a fun story.

My Zizzo bikes fold up and we can fit 2 behind the seats in my 9A so we were able to hop out of the plane and head to town. No cars on Mackinac Island so having the bikes makes it a nice trip. It is a 4 hour drive and a 30 min boat ride to get to the island or 1:25 min flight. Smooth on the way up, really bumpy on the way back but a great trip we couldnt have done without our plane. View attachment 63943View attachment 63944View attachment 63945
Rocky! You are the best!!
My wife and I flew up to Mackinac Island. When we got to a MOA Flight Following said it was active so we turned west to go around it. Then FF said, the fighters are busting their MOA and "advised" me to turn 20 degrees further west! That was a little exciting. Never saw the fighters but made for a fun story.

My Zizzo bikes fold up and we can fit 2 behind the seats in my 9A so we were able to hop out of the plane and head to town. No cars on Mackinac Island so having the bikes makes it a nice trip. It is a 4 hour drive and a 30 min boat ride to get to the island or 1:25 min flight. Smooth on the way up, really bumpy on the way back but a great trip we couldnt have done without our plane. View attachment 63943View attachment 63944View attachment 63945
What size Zizzo bikes do you have?
Flew from Allentown PA back to W96. As usual, Patuxent NAS was making its own weather!

Just a bit of rain but solid VMC the whole time.


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Spent several hours in the air nothing newsworthy. Dry lake beds are still wet. They don't test rocket engines on the weekends.

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What size Zizzo bikes do you have?
We have the Urbano model. They are not a mountain trail bike but they are nice bikes to get you around town or on some easy trails. They weigh about 24 pounds so you can’t take much more than the bikes but they do fit and are easily assembled. I do take the front tire off when I travel with both bikes to make it easier and would like a quick release but I carry a wrench anyway . One of the other models has skinner tires and quick release and is a better road bike.
High altitude trials to determine the service ceiling for the final registration/certification process…
FL210, normal aspirated and fixed pitch prop (sensi GA), density altitude 22365ft.
Eventually the IAS creeped up to 100KIAS up there.
I am pretty happy with the results.


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We bounced (literally... but if you flew out of there you'd know why!) out of NZCS at a relaxed hour and climbed to 8,000 feet on a fairly direct route to Fox Glacier... a small "blink, and you've missed it" village on the West Coast of the South Island. It takes a good 5 hours to drive there from home however the RV-6 ate up the distance and 50 minutes later we touched down on the sealed, but one-way sloping strip. The walk to "town" was arduous... it took at least 5 minutes... and after much deliberation we decided to take a seat at one of several cafe's that litter the main drag. In fact that's about all there is in Fox Glacier... half a dozen cafe's and bars, a bunch of motels and a selection of helicopter flightseeing offices. Its one of those places where - when you take your foot off the gas as you hit the city limits... by the time you've slowed down to 50 km/hr you're out the other side and need to accelerate again. Almost.

The Blueberry Muffin was tasty. The wife reported the coffee was good. A cup of black tea is a cup of black tea so nothing exciting to report about that. And then it was time to walk back to the airfield and head off.

We flew down the coast to Haast at 1100', did the most remarkably smooth landing on the gravel strip there and stopped to refuel. The next leg was another 50 minute "scenic tour" home via the Landsbourough River, Haast Pass, over Makaroa, through The Neck, Tarras and home for a total of 2.0 hours.


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