
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Saturday before it got too hot here in N.TX:

All bridled up - wide lens gives the RV batwings:

Let’s go fly before the sun moves away from those clouds:

The marina - lotta haze on that horizon:

Mt. Garbage:

The dam:

Gophers (If I kill the golfers they’ll lock me up and throw away the key!):

Tooling around Lake Lewisville:

Newish bridge:

The data:

.5 logged. Mental gyros recalibrated.
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Oshkosh practice

Did some 90 kt flying and slow flight. Visibility today was marginal. Then let the AP take me back to base for some T&G


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Fuel flow test

Fuel flow test this weekend before 1st engine start. Results… 64 gal/hour. Two ounces unusable. It’ll run, hopefully


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Took the Bishop of a remote region of a third world country for a flight in the RV-9A. He is in an ethnic minority. We did a half hour flight and he had his cell phone camera taking it all in, loving it.

This evening over supper, our Bible study group heard of the horrendous persecution they're enduring at the hands of the military, all of whom are in the ethnic majority -- including villages being bombed and razed, along with widespread murder. The persecution is more ethnic than religious.

Before the flight, he asked if we should pray for safety. I told him absolutely not, that we should instead pray with gratitude that we were able to fly.

Plan is to head north towards Oshkosh tomorrow morning after the clouds clear out a bit -- I don't fly IFR over ceilings less than a thousand -- and I didn't get enough done this afternoon and evening, so I might just skip church for once.
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On Friday flew to Westport for lunch with 'ArlingtonRV' in our two RV-8s.

At Westport:


On Saturday stopped at Chehalis for lunch and flew back via Willapa Bay, Westport, and Hoquiam. Shot this pic of 'ArlingtonRV' with that big Washington State mountain in the background on the way back:

Flew a bit of acro over south Orange County. Lovely day of flying with a great view of the coastline, Catalina and San Clemente islands, etc.

My immelmans were hideous. Truly. Like it was difficult to believe I had flown Advanced level IAC competition. Ugh. If my defense, the RV is quite different from the Pitts.

I was experimenting to see how oil pressure and fuel flow would hold up during basic aerobatic figures (loop, roll, loop/roll combinations like half Cuban/split s/barrel roll, spins, and hammerheads). My aircraft does not have inverted fuel or oil.

I saw the oil pressure flash red on the G3X once or twice but a later look at the data log didn’t reveal anything out of spec.



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Made a new friend. His name is "Snorkie"

Also started the messy task of sealing up all the nooks and crannies on the baffles


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Worked on getting the camper RV ready to go to Osh and worked on a bunch of the 12’s center section aft of the center channel.


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I flew chase in my RV-10 for a brand new Super 8, with a Show Planes cowl, with the flip over canopy, and fast back conversion. I mounted a GoPro camera to the wing tie down point of the left wing. This thing is a beast !!! He could have run off and left me, if he tried, but the first flight was a conservative trip around the pattern and then a quick check for leaks, etc under the cowl. We did find one leak of oil at one return line from one cylinder head. Next step is an all out "Go For It". This thing is going to be very fast, for sure. Here are links to the flight. Enjoy:).......
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We've got a heatwave of sorts in SoCal (80F on the ground), so went for a trip "around the block" knowing it was 90F at 3500' to put some more hours on the PlaneKool system. Was nice with 42F air blowing out of the eyeball vents.

1st Dynamic Balance

0.14 IPS as delivered from Hartzell
Add 12 grams at 1 hole
0.02 IPS final


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Moved out of my temporary rental hangar space and into my new hangar finally! My hangar partner (7A) and I used the epoxy coating system from AmorPoxy on the floor; power wash, acid etch, primer and then top coat. It was a 5 day process but very happy with results. Both planes fit nicely in our 34x44 hangar.
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I also did a little flying around SoCal with my RV this weekend. I flew for work Friday - Sunday, but was fortunate enough to get home today by around 2 PM. So, I headed home and figured later in the day when it cooled off some, I'd take the RV up. I had a flight near sunset in mind...

I arrived at the airport a bit before 7 PM, pre-flighted, and got the airplane out of the hangar.


After takeoff, I headed south towards the US/Mexico border. Not much air traffic out that way (relatively speaking) so it was nice to see the scenery and geography without many airplanes around.


San Diego Brown field (KSDM) in front of my wing, and Tijuana airport (MMTJ) off my wingtip, and naturally, downtown Tijuana beyond that. Sometimes pilots confuse KSDM and MMTJ, because they're about 2 miles apart, and have the same general runway alignment.


After passing Brown Field, I headed straight for the coast, and then began my flight back to the north along the coast. As I passed Mission Bay, I could see the marine layer trying to come to the coast, a bit.


Even more to the North, near Torrey Pines, the marine layer became even more widespread, as the sun began to set.


Touched down back at the home airport 51 minutes later, with my "mental gyros recalibrated"
Ohio Trip

I know these are useless without pictures but I am bad about remembering to take them.

I have recently added Vintage Harley to my hobbies. Riden them all my life but now old enough to enjoy the ones from my past.
This weekend was a National AMCA meet with show and swap meet.
Flew up to Wauseon Ohio outside of Toledo Friday to enjoy a couple of days walking the swap meet.
With fuel, hotel and rental car I have about $1200 in $250 worth of parts I bought while there.

Had to stop in Jacksonville to wait out our typical afternoon thunderstorms.
Great airplanes. Sorry I missed OSH again this year.
0.14 IPS as delivered from Hartzell
Add 12 grams at 1 hole
0.02 IPS final


Nice prop!

I noticed the air dams in front of Cyl's #1 and #2 are large and don't appear to have been cut down, as many have. Any CHT or oil cooling issues with the large air dams?
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I made my two youngest grandchildren new Young Eagles on Friday. Then the next day, my son and I took all four of my grandkids to the US Airforce National Museum. Aviation immersion……..




Paint looks great

Scott I’m jealous. Still waiting on my first grandkids. Good reasons to keep flying!

I really like the new paint job - that red and white really pops.
Nice prop!

I noticed the air dams in front of Cyl's #1 and #2 are large and don't appear to have been cut down, as many have. Any CHT or oil cooling issues with the large air dams?

I love that prop

The air dams are stock size.
An example from a flight last week 25x25 at 4500’ . OAT 65F. TAS 205+mph. FF 10 GPM. CHT 290 +/- 10. OT 185. Probably C+ on baffle sealing. The CHT has never been above 380 even on long climbs at 1800 pounds at 80F OAT.
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I love that prop

The air dams are stock size.
An example from a flight last week 25x25 at 4500’ . OAT 65F. TAS 205+mph. FF 10 GPM. CHT 290 +/- 10. OT 185. Probably C+ on baffle sealing. The CHT has never been above 380 even on long climbs at 80F OAT.

Thanks for the reply. I'm surprised by the low CHTs given the OAT and the power setting (~80% power).
Benua's hangar open house

Popped over to Dan and Sun Benua's place on Sunset airstrip for their hangar open house. It was great to catch up with all the old gang including Dan, Brent, Rion, Van, Jerry, Stan and others I don't see as much since I moved over to the coast. It's only 50 mi away now, but still. This photo features Dan's RV-3. They sold their -6A a while back, still fly the -10, and are currently building an -8. Dang.


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