
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Here’s Scott D w/his newly completed 14A warming up for a Saturday morning flight out of Aero Valley (52F).

I went for a hop and had to go around on short final due to a large truck pulling a trailer with earth moving equipment that didn’t yield. There’s a pretty well known video from our field of a plane hitting a car a decade back. A grab...​
Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 11.21.33 AM.png
I was watching the truck/trailer on my base turn, wondering if he was going to stop, and when he didn’t I went around. No biggie, got to fly some more. I stopped by and visited with him on my way out, and he said he had already been chewed out by four people. I got him to laugh. Told him if I’m not scanning my environment it’s on me just as much as him.​
Here's two signs - the pavement also has STOP painted in white.​
The brain sees what it wants to see ;^)​
He’s checked out on small airports now, I think <g>. Fun morning.​

The guy getting equipment delivered on the trailer manages some King Airs. He texted me about it and I sent him, "The kind of situational awareness you want in a contract pilot flying your client's King Airs." You never know, might turn into something.🤞
ABC: Always Be Closing. :ROFLMAO:
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I was working on my gear tower mod yesterday, drilling pilot holes for the screws that hold down the removable plate. I was holding two pieces together, telling myself to be mindful of where my hand was. Well, for one hole I must have gotten distracted because I put the bit all the way through my left middle finger tip. I’ll spare you the pics. Thankfully I didn’t hit anything important.

Also, I had a near mid air collision in a crowded tower controlled pattern when the plane sequenced behind me veered towards the runway on the downwind, flew too fast for spacing, and failed to keep visual contact with me. When I rolled out on base (in a high wing), I immediately noticed the plane 100’ above me and about 300’ to my right. It veered and passed right behind me. Tower never said anything. I’m calling them today to report it.

I’m just thankful to be alive and to have a relatively minor finger injury. Both incidents could have been much worse.
  • Wow
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