
Well Known Member

I've been asked of late ... What can the RV6A really do for cross country performance?

Well I made a trip to my sisters (KC09 morris, IL to KVTA Newark, OH).

The link has the pictures from the flight. Made the trip buring 9 gph total start up to shutdown.

When ever I enter rain, weather, or turbulence ... I always reduce my speed so that the true air speed is less than 156KTS. Once clear of the weather (smooth air) I set my RPM back to where it was before entering the rain, weather, or turbulence and relean.

Spot Tracking http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?&glId=0WLH00YpzJJ46hBEqZi0il6d4ASQCvA1q
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Thanks for the link - it's very encouraging for those of us -6A builders dragging their tails (well, not really :) on getting to flying status!

BTW, I didn't see fuel flow listed on either EFIS - do you recall what you were burning per hour at that speed/altitude?
Thanks for the link - it's very encouraging for those of us -6A builders dragging their tails (well, not really :) on getting to flying status!

BTW, I didn't see fuel flow listed on either EFIS - do you recall what you were burning per hour at that speed/altitude?

Your welcome ... we don't have fuel flow sensor ... so our gph are basied on fueling after landing.

Very nice performance! Both GRT and Dynon slip-skid balls showed off to the left. If they are accurate you might go even faster with a little left rudder trim. Bill
Very nice performance! Both GRT and Dynon slip-skid balls showed off to the left. If they are accurate you might go even faster with a little left rudder trim. Bill

Yes, we've finaly fixed that today, a little sanding on our rudder trim tab. But no speed increase was seen when you would rest your foot on the rudder pedal, so I don't expect to see any now that we have the ball centered.